新概念英语85年上外美音版第四册 第26课(在线收听

  Lesson 26 Virtue and a fast Gun 美德与快抢手
  William S. Hart was, perhaps, the greatest of all Western stars, for unlike Gary Cooper and John Wayne he appeared in nothing but Westerns. From 1914 to 1924 he was supreme and unchallenged. It was Hart who created the basic formula of the Western film, and devised the protagonist he played in every film he made, the good-bad man, the accidental, noble outlaw, or the honest but framed cowboy, or the sheriff made suspect by vicious gossip; in short, the individual in conflict with himself and his frontier environment.
  Unlike most of his contemporaries in Hollywood, Hart actually 'knew something of the old West. He had lived in it as a child when it was already disappearing, and his hero was firmly rooted in his memories and experiences, and in both the history and the mythology of the vanished frontier. And although no period or place in American history has been more absurdly romanticized, myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena, the conflict between the individual and encroaching civilization.
  Men accustomed to struggling for survival against the elements and Indian were bewildered by politicians, bankers and business-men, and unhorsed by fences, laws and alien taboos. Hart's good-bad man was always an outsider, always one of the disinherited, and if he found it necessary to shoot a sheriff or rob a bank along the way, his early audiences found it easy to understand and forgive, especially when it was Hart who, in the end, overcame the attacking Indians.
  Audiences in the second decade of the twentieth century found it pleasant to escape to a time when life, though hard, was relatively simple. We still do; living in a world in which undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives, we all want a code to live by.
  supreme    a. 首屈一指
  super  超级
  supreme court 最高法院
  supreme people’s court 最高人民法院
  intermediate 中级
  supremacy   n.首屈一指male supremacy 大男子主义male supremacist 大男子主义者
  grey mare 胜过丈夫的妻子second to none 最高的
  India is second to China in population.  second to 仅次于
  protagonist n.主角
  antagonist 反面角色
  leading role 主角
  supporting role 配角
  extra 跑龙套starring 领街
  outlaw    n.亡命徒
  outlaws in the green wood 绿林好汉
  brigand 地匪,流窜犯
  highway man 打劫的
  fake 假的 deliver 给
  framed    a.遭到陷害的
  sheriff     n.司法长官
  vicious     a.恶毒的
  fake 假的
  venomous 恶毒的 heinous 恶毒的
  malicious 邪恶的
  gossipn. 流言蜚语
  rumor 谣言,传闻
  It is rumored that he robbed the bank.
  gossip monger 传谣言的人
  in short  总之
  in brief /in a word 总之
  environment  n 环境
  surrounding 环境
  under the environment 在……情况下
  environment makes man.环境造就人
  vanished     a.消失了的
  absurdlyad 荒诞的
  arena   n.竞技场
  amphitheater 圆形剧场
  political arena 政治舞台
  bullflighting 斗牛
  encroaching    a.渐渐渗入的
  encroach 侵犯
  American culture is encroaching globally.
  penetratin 渗入
  His speeh is penetrating.
  India    n.印第安人
  bewilder vt.使手足无措
  wilder 迷茫 baffle/muddle 迷乱的
  dizzy 昏的 disorient 使……失去方向
  alien    a. 外来的
  alien product 洋货
  alien word 外来词
  alienate v.远离
  taboo    n.戒律
  forbidden words
  disinherit vt.剥求……的继承权
  damn it
  inherit 继承
  inheritance 继承权
  hypocrisy n.伪善
  hypocrite 伪君子
  hypocritical 过于挑剔
  chicanery n.诈骗
  chicane   v.骗(以-ry结尾的名词没有复数 如machinery,pottery,jewelery
  cheat 骗钱财
  deceive one’s feelings
  hoax:play trick(哄小孩)
  anarchy   n.混乱
  monarchy   君主制 chaos   n. 混乱  chaotic adj.混乱
  lawless   adj.非法的 turbulence  n.骚乱
  impending  a.迫近的 approaching 靠近  imminent 迫近的
  immolation n.杀戮  immolate vt. 杀  sacrifice n. 祭祀品
  code n.准则
  William s.Hart
  William:first/given/Christian name
  s.:middle name
  Hart :last name
  Western stars 西部片影星
  for 因为
  unlike 与……不同
  appear in nothing but  仅仅出现于
  nothing but 仅仅
  He is nothing but liar.他是骗子。
  He is anything but liar 他不是骗子
  he is nothing but angry.他很生气
  he is anyghing but angry.他不生气
  Gary Cooper
  Puritan 清教徒
  comedy 喜剧
  It was ……强调句式
  1. vast west
  2. Indians
  3. hero.
  upright 正直
  film maker 制片人
  good-bad man 本质好,偶尔做坏事的人
  tramp 流浪者
  Chinese Amercian 美籍华人(根在前)
  2.noble minded
  out of impulse 一时冲动
  cowherd/comman 牧童
  suspect 嫌疑犯
  He was made Chairman.他被选为主席
  abuse power 滥用权力
  rangy 落魄的人
  minor figure 小人物
  in short
  in conflict with 与……有冲突
  frontier 此处意思是广阔的西部
  outsider 局外人
  contemporary 同时代的人,当代的
  modern 现代的
  know sth. of 略有了解
  the declaration of Indepedence 独立宣言
  Louisiana 路易斯安那
  Mississippi 密西西比河
  ambassador 大使
  hire 租用
  fight across 难以定夺
  gold rush 淘金热
  hero 英雄
  mythology 神话
  although 让步状语从句
  romanticized 此处指作成电影(浪漫化)
  indelible effect 不可磨灭的印象
  join hands=coexist 并存
  solid basis 虚构
  conflict是 arena的同位语
  accustomed to 做后置定语
  意思是used to 习惯于
  unhorsed 放弃戎马生涯
  overcame 击退
  comment 评论
  relatively 相对的
  do=find it pleasan?
