60 北爱尔兰首相与布莱尔讨论和平进程问题(在线收听

60 北爱尔兰首相与布莱尔讨论和平进程问题

N. Ireland Official Discusses Peace Process With Blair
Laurie Kassman
12 Jun 2001 23:31 UTC

Northern Ireland First Minister David Trimble has discussed the 1)faltering peace process with British Prime Minister Tony Blair in London. Mr. Trimble has threatened to 2)resign if the Irish Republican Army 3)paramilitaries do not speed up their 4)demilitarization. Mr. Trimble's position was weakened in last week's general election.
Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble says it is time for the British government to step into the peace process and put more pressure on the IRA to 5)fulfill its promises. He said, "The government should be saying to Republicans very clearly and very simply that you have to keep your 6)undertakings. And if there is a consequence from a failing to keep your undertakings and there's a crisis in the institutions, then you will not benefit from that.
Mr. Trimble has threatened to resign on July 1 as head of the power-sharing government in Belfast if the IRA does not speed up its demilitarization before then.
That could throw the peace government into crisis at a time when Mr. Trimble himself faces yet another leadership battle within his own party.
Britain's Secretary for Northern Ireland, John Reid, agrees the demilitarization process needs to be speeded up and says the June deadline set last year for progress on the 7)sensitive issue should be respected. All of us," he said, "have got to listen to what the people in Northern Ireland are saying and to get down and 8)redouble our efforts to make those things are done. If we don't do it together then everyone will fall together."
9)Frustration with the faltering peace process and a growing 10)polarization of Northern Ireland's electorate was clearly reflected in last week's general elections. The balloting resulted in political gains for hard-line positions in both Republican and Loyalist camps.

(1) falter[5fC:ltE(r)] v.支吾, 蹒跚踉跄, 摇摆, (声音)颤抖n.颤抖, 支吾
(2) resign[rI5zaIn]n.辞去(职务)v.辞去, 辞职
(3) paramilitary[pArE5mIlItErI; (?@) -terI]adj.准军事的, 辅助军事的
(4) demilitarization n.非军事化, 解除武装, 废除军备
(5) fulfill[fJl5fIl]vt.履行, 实现, 完成(计划等)
(6) undertaking[QndE5teIkIN]n.事业, 企业, 承诺, 保证, 殡仪业
(7) sensitive[5sensItIv]adj.敏感的, 灵敏的, 感光的
(8) redouble[rI5dQb(E)l]n.再加倍v.加倍, 加强
(9) frustration[frQ`streIFEn]n.挫败, 挫折, 受挫
(10) polarization[ 9pEJlEraI`zeIFEn; -rI`z- ]n.极化(作用),两极化,分化

