英文歌曲:What My Heart Wants To Say(在线收听

What My Heart Wants To Say

Gareth Gates

you're amazing
so amazing
have I told you
you're my angel
guardian angel
god knows I've been blessed with love
but if I been gone tomorrow
would you know how deep my loves goes
have I ever told you
you're the one
if the words don't come my way
hope its still love
hope it still shows
if the words don't come my way
hope you still know
what my heart wants to say
the words so tender
I surrender
to this feeling
so true
my affirmation
my inspiration
darling I have been blessed with you
if the words don't come my way
hope you still know
I hope it still shows
if the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
what my heart wants to say
but if I be gone tomorrow
would you know how deep my loves goes
if I was gone forever
would you know how much I care
you make me feel like flying
and failing all emotion
that everytime you look at me
you see it in my eyes
if the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
if the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows
if the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
what my heart wants to say
if the words don't come my way
I hope you still know
hope it still shows
if the worst don't come my way
I hope you still know
I hope it still shows
I hope still you know
what my heart wants to say


简 介

一个曾经患有口吃的男孩从歌声中找回自信,并藉由歌声感动全球乐迷,葛瑞盖斯创造了21世纪的歌声奇迹,自从2002年从英国选秀节目'Pop Idol'比赛赢得亚军荣衔后,葛瑞盖斯歌声传情的功力所向披靡。17岁的他便以超龄的纯熟情感重唱正义兄弟合唱团经典歌曲"Unchained Melody"而改写金氏世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻的冠军单曲歌手纪录,并获百事馍乐选为英国地区广告代言人。

2003年首航专辑《What My Heart Wants To Say》进占英国金榜亚军,连创"Unchained Melody"、"Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)"、"Suspicious Minds"等3首英国金榜冠军单曲,以及2002年圣诞假期英国金榜TOP 5标题曲"What My Heart Wants To Say",葛瑞盖斯那份如同初恋少男般的纯情音色温暖了这个爱的世界,他的才华更获得音乐奖项的肯定,以"Unchained Melody"、"Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)"在2003年的全英音乐奖上独占最佳流行单曲项目的两项提名,并同时入围最佳流行艺人,更勇夺2002年'Smash Hits杂志'票选最佳流行新人奖、最佳男艺人、最性感男艺人、最佳拖把奖“*发型”等4项大奖,2003年再度连庄最佳男艺人头衔,并以"Sunshine"拿下最佳单曲殊荣。
