音乐咖啡厅:Bonny Bonny 别了家乡Cara Dillon(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Bonny Bonny 别了家乡Cara Dillon

Bonny Bonny
Cara Dillon

Bonny, Bonny was my seat in the red rosy yard
And Bonny was my ship in the town of Ballynagard
Shade and shelter was for me till I began to fail
You all may guess now my distress lies near the Nightingale

Grief and woe that I must go to fight for England's King
I neither know his friend or foe, and war's a cruel thing
The nightingale is near at hand, my time at home is brief
And Carey's streams and mountain land I part with bitter grief

No more I'll walk the golden hills with Nancy by my side
Or dream along the sun bright rills, or view my land with pride
We sail away at dawn of day, the sails are ready set
When old Benmore I see no more, I'll sigh with deep regret

Now all must change and I must range across the ocean wide
Our ship she may in Biscay's Bay lie low beneath the tide
If I should fall by cannon ball, or sink beneath the sea
Good people all, a tear let fall and mourn for mine and me

If God should spare me my greying hair and bring me back again
I'd love far more my Antrim shore, its dark blue hills and rain
Around the fires, my heart's desires, heaven grant till life shall fail
And keep me far from the cruel war and from the Nightingale

  爱尔兰的音乐杂志评论Cara,说她的声音冷静中富有感情,充满了温暖的气息和与生俱来的信仰。这句评价在本首歌中体现最为明显,《邦尼,邦尼》(Bonny Bonny)也因而成为Cara最具代表性的作品之一。无论你身在何处,无论你浮躁或烦闷,只要你踏进Cara为你营造的音乐空间,总有股说不出的温暖感染着你心中最柔软的某部分,诱你在茫茫人海中稍稍驻足……
