音乐咖啡厅:Charice Pempengco - I Have Nothing(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Charice Pempengco - I Have Nothing

相关介绍:Charice Pempengco,原名Charmaine Clarice Relucio Pempengco,艺名为Charice。。由kcjojo搜集编译,VC独家。1992年5月10日(竟然和我月同日生!)出生与菲律宾一个清贫的家庭,和弟弟母亲相依为命。从小就对音乐展现出过人的天份,为了支撑家庭的开销,7岁的Charice就开始奔走与各大歌唱比赛,后来Charice回忆当时说那时参加过至少80多个演唱比赛。2005年她报名参加了菲律宾当地一个类似美国偶像的选秀节目“Little Big Star”最后以出色的成绩获得季军,那时她才13。在销声匿迹2年后,07年Charice的比赛视频被一名忠实支持者传到Youtube上,顿时名声大振,短短几天数百万点击率让Charice成为了真真正正的网络红人!


Song:I Have Nothing
Artist:Charice Pempengco

Share my life, take me for what I am
Cause I'll never change all my colours for you
Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do

I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
(Your love I'll remember forever)

Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you, you, you.

You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of you love
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to

Repeat (chorus)
