CNN 2010-09-09(在线收听

Well, there's a new technology out that makes annoying noises to try to stop people from loitering. But is it targeting teens? You'll hear all about it in today's edition of CNN Student News. You viewers who've been with us since the beginning of the school year: We hope you had a good Labor Day weekend. To you viewers who are just joining us: Welcome to a new year and a new year's worth of news from CNN Student News. I'm Carl Azuz. Let's go ahead and get started.


First Up: Focus on the Economy


U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Eight million Americans lost their jobs in this recession. And even though we've had eight straight months of private sector job growth, the new jobs haven't been coming fast enough. Now, here's the honest truth, the plain truth: there's no silver bullet; there's no quick fix to these problems.


AZUZ: President Obama, spending part of the Labor Day weekend talking about jobs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's part of a White House plan to put a spotlight on the U.S. economy. During yesterday's speech, the president talked about transportation projects: rebuilding roads, building and maintaining railways, working on airport runways. He says that all of that would help create jobs and help the country's economy.


Now creating jobs, definitely a big priority. The government just released the latest unemployment numbers last week. And unemployment is at 9.6 percent. That is up one-tenth of a percent from the previous month, and it's been right around that same range since May.


Congress would have to approve all of the president's proposed transportation projects. And some analysts don't think there's any chance of that happening soon. A recent CNN poll shows almost 60 percent of Americans disapprove of how President Obama is handling the economy. Forty percent give him a thumbs up.

