

Turn the lights off in this place
And she shines just like a star
And I swear I know her face
I just don't know who you are
Turn the music up in here
I still hear her loud and clear
Like she's right there in my ear
Telling me
that she wants to own me
To control me
Come closer
Come closer

And I just can't pull myself away
Under Her Spell I can't break

I just can't stop

I just can't stop
I just can't stop

I just can't stop

And I just can't break myself no way
But I don't want to escape

I just can't stop
I just can't stop
I just can't stop
I just can't stop
I just can't stop


这个原名Shaffer Chimere Smith,有“R&B神童”之称的美国创作型男歌手于1982年10月18日出生在阿肯色州的一个音乐世家,效仿《黑客帝国》影片里男主角的名字Neo给自己起了一个NE-YO的艺名,2006年2月28日,Ne-Yo发行了首张个人专辑《In My Own Words》。该专辑在美国发行后的第一周共售出30万1千张,以领先第2名17万张的较大优势夺得了当周Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。

在首张专辑发行之前,Ne-Yo的歌声还不为人所知,但作为一名出色的词曲创作人,Ne-Yo这个名字已经响彻整个美国R&B音乐圈。他曾经为Mary J. Blige、Jamie Foxx、Ruben Suddard、Faith Evans和B2K等人创作过不少好歌。2004年他与Mario合作的单曲《Let Me Love You》大获成功,在当年曾连续9周垄断Billboard Hot 100单曲榜。
