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108 德国敦促以色列灵活解决犹太人定居点问题

Germany Urges Israel to be More Flexible on Settlements
Jonathan Braude
5 Jul 2001 17:17 UTC

German 1)Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has urged Israel to be more 2)flexible on Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The German leader met with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon Thursday.
The meeting in Berlin between Chancellor Schroeder and Mr. Sharon was the diplomatic highlight of the Israeli prime minister's first visit to Europe since coming to office.
Mr. Sharon was quick to show his appreciation for what he called Germany's 3)even-handed position on the Middle East. He especially thanked German Foreign Minister Joshka Fischer for his 4)shuttle diplomacy between Israel and the Palestinians last month in the wake of the bombing of an Israeli 5)discotheque in which 21 young people died.
But although Mr. Sharon thanked the German government for its support, Chancellor Schroeder 6)delivered a carefully worded but unmistakable message in return.
After thanking Prime Minister Sharon for 7)acknowledging Germany's even-handed position, Mr. Schroeder said that was why his country not only gave special 8)recognition to Israel's security needs, but also advised Israel "in all friendship" to show more flexibility in the matter of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Mr. Schoeder's recommendations were based on the report produced by the international commission led by former U.S. Senator George Mitchell.
The Mitchell report says a cease-fire between Israeli and Palestinian forces and a freeze on settlement building should precede serious 9)negotiations to end the crisis.
Mr. Sharon, who started the joint news conference saying he is ready for painful 10)compromises for real peace, declined to comment further on the settlements issue. He said the Israeli government's position is known.
Afterwards the two men traveled to a railway station in the Grunewald forest to lay a 11)wreath in memory of the 50,000 Berlin Jews who were loaded onto trains for World War II Nazi 12)extermination camps.
Prime Minister Sharon travels to Paris next to meet French President Jacques Chirac before retrurning to Israel Friday.

(1) chancellor[5tFB:nsElE(r)]n.长官, 大臣
(2) flexible[5fleksIb(E)l]adj.柔韧性, 易曲的, 灵活的
(3) even-handed[i:v(E)n5hAndId]adj.公平的
(4) shuttle diplomacy n. 穿梭外交
(5) discotheque[5dIskEJtek]n.迪斯科舞厅
(6) deliver[dI5lIvE(r)]vt.递送, 陈述, 释放, 发表(一篇演说等)
(7) acknowledge[Ek5nRlIdV]vt.承认, 答谢, 报偿
(8) recognition[rekE^5nIF(E)n]n.赞誉, 承认, 重视, 公认, 赏识
(9) negotiation[nI^EJFI5eIF(E)n]n.商议, 谈判, 流通
(10) compromise[5kRmprEmaIz]n.妥协, 折衷v.妥协, 折衷, 危及...的安全
(11) wreath[ri:W, ri:T]n.花圈, 花冠, 圈状物
(12) extermination n.消灭, 根绝

