纯正地道美语 第111期(外教讲解):Daily Life - Dr. P(在线收听

A:   Good afternoon! Did you call for a plumber?

B:   Yes, yes I did.  Please come in!  I’m so glad you came! This old house is falling apart!  Come on into the
bathroom. See, here, there’s water leaking everywhere!

A:   I see. Let me have a look. It seems that your toilet is clogged, and that’s why it won’t flush.  Let me just get
my plunger. No, that’s not working either. I suspect that there’s some sort of foreign object in the pipes that‘s
causing a blockage. That’s what’s making your toilet overflow.

B:  Oh, that must be because of my four-year-old daughter. She is always flushing things down the toilet. You know
how kids are.

A:   Yeah, I have a little one myself.  Anyway, these water pipes are really rusty, so they also should be changed. That
could be causing water to not drain completely; that might lead to more problems in the future. I would also suggest
fixing this faucet that isn’t shutting off properly. I could have it all finished by today if it’s urgent.

B:   That would be great! Is it expensive?

A:   Let’s see... I would say about eight hundred dollars.

B:   What? That’s more than I make in a day and I’m a heart surgeon

fall apart  崩溃, 瓦解, 破裂, 破碎

Everything's falling apart; the whole system needs jacking up.  


leak v漏,渗漏

The roof leaks; it lets the rain comes in.


clog  vt.塞满,阻塞

The pipes were clogged with rubbish.


plunger n. 马桶搋子

suspect v. 怀疑, 猜想

He's a prime suspect in the murder case.


foreign a.外来的

blockage  n.  阻塞;堵塞

overflow  使溢出; 使泛滥

The bath overflowed.


flush v.冲洗,冲刷

The lavatory won't flush.


rusty  a.生锈的;荒疏的

drain  vt. 排出;流掉

The water drained away slowly.


faucet n.水龙头

shut off  切断(水等),关掉,(使)停止运转
