音乐咖啡厅:Celine Dion - Alone(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Celine Dion - Alone

相关介绍:累积专辑总销量突破两亿张大关,远远将麦当娜、玛丽亚凯莉、惠妮休斯顿、珍娜杰克森抛在后头,历经五年时光、700场次全数售罄、超过三百万人参与《Live In Vegas:A New Day》世纪音乐盛会,席琳一再创下难以打破的记录,拿下不败天后的宝座。双获世界音乐「史上销售最佳女性流行艺人」、「传奇艺人」大奖,以及五座葛莱美奖+二十一座朱诺奖+七座全美音乐奖+七座Billboard奖+两座奥斯卡奖+三座金球奖等后冠加冕、在好莱坞星光大道留下一颗专属星星、入籍MTV「音乐界22位绝佳优嗓」第九顺位,席琳注定用她丰富情感唱腔所凝聚的瑰丽声韵,跨越种族、语言籓篱感动全球乐迷的心。



Artist:Celine Dion

I hear the ticking of the clock

I'm lying here the room's pitch dark

I wonder where you are tonight

No answer on the telephone

And the night goes by so very slow

Oh I hope that it won't end though


Till now I always got by on my own

I never really cared until I met you

And now it chills me to the bone

How do I get you alone

You don't know how long I have wanted

to touch your lips and hold you tight,oh

You don't know how long I have waited

and I was going to tell you tonight

But the secret is still my own

and my love for you is still unknown


Till now I always got by on my own

I never really cared until I met you

And now it chills me to the bone

How do I get you alone

How do I get you alone

How do I get you alone

How do I get you alone

Alone, alone
