双语有声阅读:Clinton Not Stopping in North Korea 克林顿(在线收听

Clinton Not Stopping in North Korea 克林顿不出访朝鲜

President Clinton will not be stopping in North Korea at the end of his upcoming trip to Asia, a White House spokesman said today.

However, he may still visit the communist country before leaving office in January, White House press secretary Jake Siewert said.

The news came after three days of missile talks between North Korean and U.S. officials in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ended Friday with no agreement on ways to curb North Korea’s missile program — the main stumbling block in talks so far.

白宫新闻秘书Jake Siewert今天宣布,美国总统克林顿在即将进行的亚洲之行中将不访问朝鲜。


