
1.A new associate press G suggests working class Whites are flucking to republican candidates.Whites win an 4 year college

degrees for the GOP canidates by twice the margin of the last two elections.The poll found this group  republican hopeful

by a 58 to 36 margin.

2.The Pakistani immigrant to try to detonate a car bomb in Times Square says American can expect more blood  at the hands

of Muslims. Faisal Shahzad was sentenced to life in prison yesterday.He told the federal judge in New York that the war

with Muslims has just begun.

3.More than two dozens  carring fuel to NATO troops in Afghanistan have gone up in flames. In search one against boy to

Afghanistan.There has been several attacks on NATO camp  in recent days.

4.A Yemeni security official says that a gunman shot and killed the French manager of a Australian oil and gas company.The

attack took place the same day of British  diplomatic  was attacked in the capital
