乡村音乐:Love me 爱情的感觉(在线收听

Love me 爱情的感觉 - 奶奶1923年写给爷爷的便条
演唱者:Collin Raye

Collin Raye是美国著名的乡村歌手,同时也是个出身于乡村音乐家庭的音乐人,出道时和弟弟组建了一个演唱组,在八十年代风行一时。这首《Love, Me》是Collin Raye单飞后的作品,曾经雄霸了三周全美乡村单曲榜冠军宝座。现代的乡村音乐往往是融合了乡村、流行、民谣及抒情摇滚等多样曲风的,这首《Love, Me》就是一个很好的代表。歌中的爱情故事相当经典,让人为之动容,想必每个相信爱情的朋友都希望拥有这样的纯洁的坚贞的爱情。

Artist: Collin Raye
Song: Love me

I read a note my grandma wrote back in 1923
Grandpa kept it in his coat and he showed it once to me
He said," Boy you might not understand, but a long long time ago
Grandma"s daddy din like me noone, but I loved your grandma so
We had this crazy plan to meet, and run away together
Get married in the first towm we come to and live forever
But nailed to the tree where we supposed to meet instead
i found this letter and this is what it said

If you get ther before I do, don"t give up on me
I"ll meet you when my chores all through, I don"t know how long I"ll be
But i"m not gonna let you down, Darling wait and see
But between now and then till I see you again
I"ll be loving you..love me

I read those words just hours before my grandma passed aways
In the doorway of a church where me and grandpa stopped to ray
I know I never seen him cry in all my fifteen years
But as he said those words to her
His eyes filled up with tears

If you get ther before I do, don"t give up on me
I"ll meet you when my chores all through, I don"t know how long I"ll be
But i"m not gonna let you down, Darling wait and see
But between now and then till I see you again
I"ll be loving you..love me

And between now and then till I see you again
I"ll be loving you... love me
