澳洲广播电台商业英语教程 Unit22:投诉与危机处理(在线收听

English For Business
第二十二课:  投诉与危机的处理
Lesson 22:  Complaints and Crises
各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听由澳大利亚澳洲广播电台及维多利亚州多元文化成人教育中心AMES 联合为您制作的《商业英语教程》节目。我是马健媛。
在上一课中,我们学习了如何投诉及向他人报告坏消息。在这一课里我们还将继续学习“投诉与危机的处理”这段对话的其它内容,其中包括如何向他人解释问题的所在和提出解决的办法。另外,我们还要学习一些表达同意或否定他人建议的短语。 在开始学习新的对话内容之前,先让我们一起来复习一下第二十一课的内容,请注意听录音。
Harvey: Yes?
Kate:    Harvey, Lian Lee is on the line for you.
Harvey:    Thanks Kate.  Put her through.   Hello Lian.
Lian:  Harvey, I’m afraid I have some bad news.
Harvey:  What is it Lian?
Lian:  It’s Lok.  He doesn’t want the sale to go ahead.
Harvey: Why not?
Lian:  Well, I don’t know how to tell you this: but it’s the packaging.  The Hale and Hearty colours are not auspicious in our culture.  
Harvey:  Oh, I see.  But these packets are going to be distributed here.  You can keep your own packaging for your market.
Lian:  I’m fine with it, Harvey. It’s Lok.  He’s so superstitious. He hasn’t been able to sleep worrying about it.  And if Lok can’t sleep then something is really wrong.He slept through a hurricane once!
Harvey:  First of all, thank you for calling, Lian. I appreciate your concern.  I‘m sure we can come to some arrangement.  Can I get back to you?
Lian:  Sure, but we leave on Sunday.
Harvey:  OK.  I’ll call you as soon as I can.
Douglas:  Harvey, Victoria.  You look worried.
道格拉斯:  哈维,维多利亚,你们两个看起来有些焦虑不安呢?
Harvey:  Yes, Douglas, Silver Heaven has just thrown a spanner in the  works! 
哈维:  是呀,道格拉斯。银色天堂公司刚刚给我们出了一个难题。
Douglas:  But we’re on the verge of closing.
道格拉斯:  可是我们双方不是已经快接近达成协议了吗?
Victoria:  Apparently Lok has a problem with the Hale and Hearty colours.   They’re unlucky.
维多利亚:  但是现在洛克对哈尔及哈迪公司使用的颜色不满意,认为它们不吉利。
Douglas:  So that was what that call was about.  Lian phoned me about the colours of our packaging. 
道格拉斯:  噢,这就是他们打那个电话的原因啊。丽安也曾经打电话给我,谈到我们公司包装用的颜色。
Douglas:  I assured her we would never change the colours because they  are recognised nationally.
道格拉斯:  我明确告诉她我们绝不会个更改那些颜色,因为那是国内众所周知代表我们公司的颜色。
Harvey: Oh.
哈维:  是这样啊?
Douglas:  Yes, Oh.  

道格拉斯:  对,是这样。
Harvey:  Well we need to shift into damage control pretty quickly.  They’re leaving on Sunday.
哈维:  那么我们需要即刻处理这个问题了,他们定于星期天离开。
Victoria:  Can I suggest something?
维多利亚:  我能提个建议吗?
在刚才的这段对话中,哈维使用了英语中的一个成语,那就是 “to throw a spanner in the works”, 意思是出难题。至于难题的内容是什么,维多利亚随后做了这样的注释。
Victoria:  Apparently Lok has a problem with the Hale and Hearty colours.    They’re unlucky.
维多利亚:  洛克不喜欢“哈尔及哈迪公司” 使用的颜色。认为它们不吉利。
We’ve just heard that our shipment’s gone missing.
They rang to say delivery has been held up at the dock.
Apparently there’s a problem with the delivery    
We’ve just heard that our shipment’s gone missing. 
They rang to say delivery has been held up at the dock.
Harvey:  Well we need to shift into damage control pretty quickly.  They’re leaving on Sunday.
哈维:  那么我们需要即刻处理这个问题了,他们定于星期天离开。
哈维在句子中使用了一个英语里常用的表示方法,那就是damage control. 这个短语也可以说成 damage management, 直译成中文的意思就是“控制损失”或“减少损失”的意思。
第二十二课:  投诉与危机的处理
Lesson 22:  Complaints and Crises
Lian: Harvey.
丽安:  哈维,你好。
Lok: Hello there.
洛克:  你好吗?
Harvey:  Thanks for letting us come to see you today. 
哈维:  很感谢您今天和我们见面。
Harvey:  We have something to run past you.  I’ll let Victoria fill you in.
哈维:  我们有些事情想要向您转告,我现在就请维多利亚来向您说明吧。
Victoria:  OK. Here are some packaging ideas we’ve come up with.  
维多利亚:  好的,这是我们设想的一些有关包装议题的建议。
Victoria:  They’re a bit rushed but they give you the general idea.
维多利亚:  整个东西做的有些仓促,但是它们达致可以供您参考。
Victoria:  We intend to develop a whole new branch of Hale and Hearty.  A specialty brand:  “Hale and Hearty Presents”…
维多利亚:  我们准备开发哈尔及哈迪公司的一个全新品牌。一个由我们公司特别推出的品牌。
Victoria:  Douglas has given it the go ahead.  We can use your original, distinctive packaging.  
维多利亚:  道格拉斯已经批准了这一计划。我们可以使用你们原有的独特包装。
Victoria:  Our label and logo are in the bottom corner.  Do you see?  But the packet and our heading are in your original colours. 
维多利亚:  我们的商标及公司标志在包装的下角。您看到了吗?但是整个包装及我们的名称都使用你们原来的颜色。
Lok:  Hale and Hearty Presents:  Silver Heaven Tea.  Hmmm.
洛克:  哈尔及哈迪公司特别奉献:银色天堂茶叶。
Harvey:   Well, what do you think?
哈维:  这,,,,您觉得怎么样?
Lok:  Well… I like it!
洛克:  嗯,,,, 我喜欢这个。
Lian: Well done!
丽安:  做得真不错。
Harvey:  That’s fantastic.  
哈维:  这可太好了。
Harvey:  We have something to run past you.  
哈维:  我们有些事情想要向您转告。
Victoria:  OK. Here are some packaging ideas we’ve come up with.  
维多利亚:  好的,这是我们设想的一些有关包装议题的建议。
We think we have the answer to your problem.
How does this sound?
We think we’ve found a solution.
How’s this for an idea?
We have something to run past you.  
Here are some ideas we’ve come up with.   
We think we have the answer to your problem.  
How does this sound? 
We think we’ve found the solution.   
How’s this for an idea?  
Lok:  Well… I like it!
洛克:  嗯,,,, 我喜欢这个。
Lian:  Well done!
丽安:  做得真不错。
Harvey:  That’s fantastic.  
哈维:  这可太好了。
Good idea.   
Yes, I think we can run with that.
Yes, that sounds good.
That’s not exactly what we had in mind.  
I can’t see it working in this context.  
We might need to rethink this.  
Good idea.   
Yes, I think we can run with that. 
Yes, that sounds good. 
That’s not exactly what we had in mind.  
I can’t see it working in this context.  
We might need to rethink this.  
好,现在让我来总结一下我们在这一课中学过的几类主要句子。 我们学习了说明某种状况的句子。它们是:
Apparently there’s a problem with the delivery    
We’ve just heard that our shipment’s gone missing. 
They rang to say delivery has been held up at the dock.
We have something to run past you.  
Here are some ideas we’ve come up with.   
We think we have the answer to your problem.  
How does this sound? 
How does this
How does this
How does this sound?
It’s not exactly
Not exactly 
What we had in mind.
How does this
How does this
How does this sound?
It’s not exactly
Not exactly 
What we had in mind.
