学个词Learn a Word 第1045期 Blur(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是blur。 Blur, 使一件事变得模糊不清。 "The TV station blurred out his face to protect his identity," 电视台将他的脸部处理得模糊不清,以免暴露身份。 "With all the new communication tools, the lines that separate office and home are blurred," 最新通讯手段的存在,让办公室和家之间的界线变模糊了。 "Several medical schools adopted conflict-of-interest policies after scandals have occurred in which the lines between academics and industry blurred," 美国一些医学院制定了利益冲突的政策;因为此前发生了几起由于商业跟学术界线模糊而引起的丑闻。好的,今天我们学习的词是blur...
