182 俄中关系继续向前发展(在线收听

182 俄中关系继续向前发展

Russia-China Relations Moving Forward
Larry James
16 Jul 2001 06:41 UTC

Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Russian President Vladimir Putin sign a friendship pact Monday in Moscow 1)aimed at setting the course of future relations between the two countries.
President Jiang has described "The Good Neighbor Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation" as an agreement that will lay down a solid basis for long term and 2)stable relations.
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov told China's official Xinhua news agency the pact is a 3)reliable guarantee that will give Russia and China a chance to put the past behind them and 4)concentrate on the future.
The treaty includes promises to respect each other's borders and 5)territorial 6)integrity. It is the first major treaty between Russia and China since the Soviet Union 7)collapsed in 1991. It is also their first official declaration of friendship since a 1969 Chinese-Soviet border war near Manchuria.
Both countries say they are not planning any kind of military or political 8)alliance and that the friendship treaty is not a threat to anyone.
After wrapping up his Russian trip, President Jiang will visit Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and Malta. President Putin will travel to Genoa, Italy for the G-8 summit and a meeting with President Bush. That meeting follows 9)condemnation by Russia and China of the latest U.S. test of its controversial missile defense system. Russia called the test a clear threat to nuclear 10)disarmament and non-proliferation. Monday, China urged the United States to listen to what it called 11)widespread international opposition to the antimissile shield. Russian officials say Mr. Putin and Mr. Jiang will focus on the U.S. missile defense plan during their talks and that Mr. Putin intends to bring up the subject when he meets with Mr. Bush in Italy.

(1) aim[eIm]n.目标, 目的, 瞄准v.对...瞄准, 打算
(2) stable[5steIb(E)l]adj.稳定的
(3) reliable[rI5laIEb(E)l]adj.可靠的, 可信赖的
(4) concentrate on v.集中, 全神贯注于
(5) territorial[terI5tC:rIEl]adj.领土的
(6) integrity[In5te^rItI]n.正直, 诚实, 完整, 完全, 完整性
(7) collapse[kE5lAps]n.倒塌, 崩溃vi.倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解, 失败, 病倒
(8) alliance[E5laIEns]n.联盟, 联合
(9) condemnation n.谴责, 指责, 定罪
(10) disarmament[dIs5B:mEmEnt]n.裁军
(11) widespread[5waIdspred, -5spred]adj.分布广泛的, 普遍的

