AP 2010-11-13(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama is now in Indonesia, a country where the president lived for four years as a child. The president will be in the country for less than 24 hours. He is expected to visit the country's largest mosque while he is there.


2. However, the White House has announced the president will likely have to shorten his trip because of concerns over volcanic ash from Mount Merapi. The volcano has killed more than 150 people. Residents at the base of the volcano continue to flee, afraid it will erupt again.


3. The US government has acknowledged it has known for decades that terrorists could sneak bombs onto planes. Last month's failed mail bomb plot is now prompting officials to rethink air cargo security. The Obama administration has banned freight from Yemen and Somalia in response to the latest threat.


4. Elizabeth Smart has taken the stand in the case of her alleged abductor, telling a Utah jury that she thought she was having a nightmare when a man held a knife to her throat, telling her he would kill her and her family if she didn't leave with him. Smart was just 14 at the time. Brian Mitchell is accused of kidnapping Smart and holding her hostage for nine months.
