AP 2010-11-14(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama is voicing concerns about the Middle East peace process. He's visiting Indonesia now, but says Israelis and Palestinians are making the extra effort to secure a breakthrough.


2. The situation is worsening in Haiti. Doctors say the deadly disease, cholera, has surfaced in the capital. Port-au-Prince is still recovering from the massive earthquake earlier this year, leaving conditions right for cholera to spread.


3. Forty-five hundred people aboard a damaged cruise ship that stalled at sea won't be back on shore until at least tomorrow night. It lost power during an engine room fire yesterday. Everyone on board is fine, but the ship needs to be towed to land.


4. Conservative Muslim leader is trying to defend himself against this handshake. He says he doesn't touch women he's not related to. But the video shows him reaching out toward First Lady Michelle Obama. Still, the minister claims she was the aggressor.
