英伦广角 2010-09-19 爱的宣言(在线收听

After a year long battle with cancer, C A want ?? his wife for her support, so he used a skilled vidio editor to produce a film for her birthday, well ?? well actually, in the same in the may be with, it is the moving thing. he pursaded a movie star to make a camer appearance , ? she is his fan, he loves you Recheal,as a source, it's ?man, and because Rechal is KV, he want someone from New Zealand. I thought some one from new zealand as a prize, hi Recheal, this is JK , Primer Minister from New Zealand, i wish you have a very happy birday, and tell you C loves you, it was not the guess star response to the , gossip production which makes the film special, it's a husband expressing his love for his wife, while he under goes the chemotherapy, R attention very special slow energy, and not wise the most genium, persenaly beyeond, so R has to put up with that and do look after the boys, and she is working for fulltime as well, it was just lovely, finished had my tears steaming down my face, what u crying? well am I crying? it is just so amazing, and it has the same effects of a hundrends of thousands  of strangers, the video was posted on the line, so the friends and family could see it, and words brade, words from thousand of families,  three thousand a week, So C is using the oppotunity to warn others to take theire health more seriously than it hitted, why take so long to go to see a doctor, and find first of all that something is wrong, and why the cancer rebound, and may be cut it easily, but it depends, so in many lot of ?, take the heart going ganna looking at , any love story has universal thing you know, loss, or possiblity of loss, and stand with the person, you find , that's rough for you, I think its maybe my part of responsdents. it's something someone is gonna to fight sooner or later
