英伦广角 2010-10-10 澳大利亚遭遇75年来最严重蝗灾(在线收听

This is what hundreds of farmers across Australia are waiting up to, and it's going to get a lot of worse. A locust invasion which could be the most devastating in decades.
A locust has been around, forever around, you know the biblical play thing in the top we've got here play a biblical proportions.
Who's not raise again time to spread affected areas within side to side. Right now the locusts can't fly, but once they matured they can choose their way across millions of acres, eating the entire crop in a couple of days.
P get them in the next ten days, we can louse them, as the temperature heats up, as start the *, once they are sworm, it's virtually impossible to control on the hardly mobile when they ready cross the *Queens of Victoria and South Australia are all address can hear on new south will crops worth 1.5 billion pounds are under threat. The state government is urging farmers to act quickly.
The locusts would be implying proportions this season, be alert be aware and stop them in their tracks.
A winter of heavy rain after several years of droughts created a perfect conditions for both farmers and the insects. Scope mature find them were land where * rare sheet, the plague locusts can * his grazing land, but neightbours risk of losing million dollar crops.
They are looking at the best crop of handing a long time and they need their crop to get over the financial trouble say if negetives are like that, it's gonna be probably the biggest disaster of headiness are rare really. We just can't imagine one nature disaster is the * are put up with.
Official who've been monitoried near advancing place from the air have been shocked to the rapidly spread.
We need the, we had the probably the main area, but we find far more worse we'be ever been expected.
We are saying survivors are right to arrange an ideal percent a more from the locusts where is in the normal year yet on get 20% or * would survive. So this is a huge challenge for us.
Fifteen planes are on stand by who joined the battle which could never be once. All they can do is to flick heavy casualties before the enemy takes to the air.
