新视野大学英语读写教程词汇第一册 unit03 b(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  ||<1>elderly|a.|old or becoming old |年长的,上年纪的
  ||||He's an elderly gentleman. |他是位年长的绅士。
  ||||He's very active for an elderly man. |就已上了年纪的人来说,他的精力是很充沛的。
  |@|<2>collapse|vi.|1. (of a person) fall down and become ill or unconscious |病倒,昏倒
  ||||He collapsed in the street and was sent to hospital immediately. |他突然昏倒在大街上,立即被送往医院。
  ||||A policeman collapsed from the smoke in the burning house. |一个消防员在着火的房子里被浓烟熏倒了。
  ||||2. (of a building, wall, etc.) fall down suddenly  |倒塌,塌陷
  ||||Many buildings collapsed due to the earthquake. |地震造成了很多楼房倒塌。
  ||||The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. |屋顶被积雪压塌了。
  |||n.|1. [U] the act of falling down suddenly |倒塌;塌陷
  ||||The storm caused the collapse of the building. |暴风雨造成那幢建筑物倒塌。
  ||||The collapse of the bridge is under investigation. |桥的倒塌正在调查之中。
  ||||2. [C, U] a sudden failure in the way sth. works  |突然失败;崩溃
  ||||The economic collapse in the country led to social unrest. |该国的经济崩溃导致了社会动乱。
  ||||He suffered a total collapse of emotional and physical well-being after the accident. |事故之后,他身心都崩溃了。
  ||<3>ambulance|n.|[C] a vehicle equipped to carry sick or injured people to  hospital |救护车
  ||||The number of ambulances at the hospitals of that mountainous area is very small. |那个山区医院的救护车不多。
  ||||An ambulance came in time and sent the injured workers to hospital. |救护车及时赶到,将受伤的工人送往医院。
  ||<4>county|n.|[C] an area that has its own local government in some countries  |县;郡
  ||||He came from a poor county. |他来自一个贫困县。
  ||||He lives in the county of Kent. |他住在肯特郡。
  |@|<5>locate|vt.|1. be in a particular place |设置于;位于
  ||||The new head office building is located in the center of the city. |新的总部大楼位于市中心。
  ||||They decided to locate their factory on land near the railway station. |他们决定把工厂建在靠近铁路的地方。
  ||||2. discover the exact  place of sb. or sth. |确定...的位置
  ||||I'm trying to locate Mr. Smith. Do you know where he is? |我正在寻找史密斯先生。你知道他在哪里吗?
  ||||The technician is still trying to locate the fault. |技师仍在努力找寻故障之所在。
  |@|<6>emergency|n.|[C, U] sudden serious event or situation that must be dealt with immediately |紧急事件,紧急情况
  ||||You should only use this door in an emergency. |这个门只有在紧急情况下才能使用。
  ||||The government has declared a state of emergency. |政府已宣布处于紧急状态。
  ||<7> <em>emergency room</em> |     |a special room in hospitals where doctors try to save people who are in critical condition |(医院)急诊室
  ||||The emergency room is on the ground floor. |急诊室在一楼。
  ||||The young doctor enjoyed the fast pace of working in the emergency room. |那位年轻医生喜欢急诊室快节奏的工作。
  ||<8>marine|n.|[C] a soldier trained to fight on land or sea |海军陆战队员
  ||||His son became a marine last year. |他的儿子去年加入了海军陆战队。
  |||a.|1. of, near, living in the sea |海里的,海生的
  ||||Whales and seals are marine mammals. |鲸鱼和海豹是海洋哺乳动物。
  ||||Many types of marine life that lived a hundred years ago are extinct because of pollution. |许多100年前生存着的海洋生物现在因污染而濒临灭绝。
  ||||2. of ships and their goods and trade at sea |海运的,海事的
  ||||a marine chart |(航)海图
  ||||a marine bureau |海运局
  |@|<9>apparent|a.|1. easy to see or understand; very clear |明显的,显而易见的
  ||||His change is apparent to us all. |他的变化对我们大家来说是显而易见的。
  ||||It was apparent that they all understood. |显然他们都明白了。
  ||||2. seeming; unreal |貌似的;表面上的
  ||||Her apparent lack of care made him even more nervous. |她表面冷漠,这使他越发紧张不安。
  ||||Their wealth is more apparent than real; I don't think they have any money at all. |他们并不象表面显得那样富裕;我根本不相信他们有钱。
  ||<10> <em>apparently</em> |ad.   |according to how sth. looks; seemingly |表面上,看上去像
  ||||He had apparently escaped by buying off a guard. |看上去他像是买通了看守逃跑的。
  ||||Apparently they're going to take a vacation. |他们像是正在准备去度假。
  ||<11>corps|n.|[C] a trained army group with special duties and responsibilities |特殊部队,特种部队
  ||||the medical corps |医疗部队
  |@|<12>vehicle|n.|[C] a thing such as a car, truck, or cart used for carrying goods or passengers |交通工具;车辆
  ||||He was once a driver of heavy goods vehicle. |他以前曾是重型货车司机。
  ||||Will you please listen to the police officer and pull the vehicle over to the side of the road? |你能否听从警官的指挥,把车停在路边?
  ||<13>marsh|n.|[C] an area of soft wet land |沼泽(地带),湿地
  ||||We had to cross the marshes in order to get to our destination. |我们不得不穿过沼泽地带,才能到达目的地。
  ||||I was surprised to find that we are bounded by marshes.  |我很吃惊我们周围都是沼泽地。
  |@|<14>military|a.|of or for the army, navy or air force |军事的,军队的
  ||||Military training is required for every college student. |每一位大学生都要参加军训。
  ||||His son has been called up for military service. |他的儿子被征召去服兵役去了。
  |@|<15>sole |a.|one and only; single |唯一的,仅有的
  ||||He was the sole teacher with college education at the school. |他是该校唯一接受过大学教育的老师。
  ||||I think he came here with the sole intention of causing trouble. |我认为他来这儿的唯一意图就是捣乱。
  |@|<16>enable|vt.|make sb. able to do sth. |使能够;使可以
  ||||My student identity card enables me to travel half-price on trains. |我的学生证使我能够以半价乘火车旅行。
  ||||A dog's ears enable it to hear even the smallest of sounds. |狗的耳朵使它能听到极细微的声音。
  ||<17>lobby|n.|[C] an outer room, entrance hall, or room before main room(s) |门廊,门厅;接待室
  ||||Let's meet at the lobby of the Hilton Hotel. |我们在希尔顿酒店的大厅碰头吧。
  ||||I met her in the lobby of the museum. |我在博物馆的门厅里遇见了她。
  |@|<18>extend|vt.|1. stretch out one's arms or legs |伸开,展开
  ||||He extended his hand to the new worker. |他伸出手同新雇员握手。
  ||||The doctor asked him to extend his legs. |医生让他把腿伸开。
  ||||2. make longer or larger in space or time |使(在空间或时间上)扩大;延长
  ||||Can you extend your visit a few days longer? |你能多停留几天吗?
  ||||They extend the railway to the next city. |他们把铁路延长到下一个城市。
  |||vi.|continue for a particular distance or a certain period of time |延伸;延续
  ||||The hot weather extended into November last year. |去年炎热的天气一直持续到十一月。
  ||||The sea extends as far as the eye can see. |大海一望无际。
  |@|<19>wrap|vt.|1. put one's arms or hands around sth. |搂住;握住
  ||||He wrapped his arms around her waist. |他用双臂搂着她的腰。
  ||||He wrapped his hands around mine. |他握住我的手。
  ||||2. put paper or cloth over sth. to cover it  |包;裹
  ||||She wrapped the gift in paper. |她把礼物用纸包起来。
  ||||The baby was wrapped in a blanket. |婴孩被裹在毯子里。
  ||<20>limp|a.|lacking strength or energy |无力的,没精神的
  ||||He gave me a limp handshake. |他无力地握了握我的手。
  ||||She went limp after morning drills. |早晨操练之后她感到没有精神。
  |||vi.|walk with difficulty because of an injured leg or foot |一瘸一拐地走
  ||||He hurt his foot and limped to the door of the classroom. |他弄伤了脚,一瘸一拐地走到教室门口。
  ||||He was limping slightly and he looked tired. |他有些蹒跚地走着,看起来很疲倦。
  ||<21>squeeze|vt.|press sth. firmly with one's hands |挤;压;捏
  ||||Alice smiled and squeezed his arm slightly. |艾丽斯笑了笑,轻轻捏了一下他的胳膊。
  ||||He squeezed the toothpaste tube and found it empty. |他挤了挤牙膏,发现空了。
  |||v.|get into or fit sth. into a small space |挤进;塞入
  ||||The bus was crowded, but he managed to squeeze in. |汽车很拥挤,但他还是设法挤了上去。
  ||||We can only squeeze one more thing into the bag. |这个包里只能再塞一件东西。
  |@|<22>encouragement|n.     |[U] the quality or act of encouraging |鼓励
  ||||He ran up and down, shouting encouragement to the team. |他跑来跑去,为该队加油呐喊。
  ||||The child could not have achieved as much as she had without the teacher's encouragement. |没有老师的鼓励,孩子的成就不可能这么大。
  ||<23>dim|a.|1. fairly dark, not bright |暗的;朦胧的
  ||||This is a dim hall with no windows. |这是一个没有窗户的幽暗的大厅。
  ||||Don't read by dim light. |别在昏暗的灯光下看书。
  ||||2. (of chances) not good or not likely to happen |(成功的机会等)暗淡的;渺茫的
  ||||His political future is dim. |他的政治前途渺茫。
  ||||The hopes of success start to look dim. |成功的希望开始变得渺茫。
  ||<24> <em>dimly</em>|ad.|in a dim way |模糊地;朦胧地
  ||||I can only dimly see the edges of the building on a dark night. |黑夜中,我只能依稀看见建筑物的轮廓。
  ||||This is a dimly lit room. |这是一个灯光昏暗的房间。
  ||<25>occasional|a.|happening, but not often or regularly |偶尔的,偶然的
  ||||He pays me occasional visits. |他偶尔来看看我。
  ||||I drink an occasional cup of coffee, but usually I drink tea. |我偶尔喝杯咖啡;但通常喝茶。
  ||<26> <em>occasionally</em> |ad.     |sometimes; not often or regularly |偶然地,有时
  ||||He goes to a concert occasionally. |他偶尔去听音乐会。
  ||||On their way to California they occasionally stopped by to take a rest at a small hotel. |在驱车去加州的路上,他们偶尔在小旅店小憩一番。
  ||<27>bang|v.|knock or hit hard with a loud noise |猛击,猛撞
  ||||He banged his fist on the table. |他用拳头击打桌子。
  ||||The door banged close in the wind. |一阵风把门“砰”的一声关上了。
  |||n.|[C] a sudden loud noise; a sharp knock or blow |猛击(声);猛撞(声)
  ||||They heard the bang of a gun. |他们听见砰的一声枪响。
  ||||There was a loud bang on the door. |有很响的撞门声。
  |@|<28>staff|n.|[sing., U] the people who work for an organization |员工,全体工作人员
  ||||The company has a staff of 100. |该公司有100名员工。
  ||||We need more staff in the office. |我们办公室需要更多的工作人员。
  |@ |<29>exchange|vt.|give sth. and receive sth. at the same time |交换;交流
  ||||We exchanged gifts at Christmas. |我们互送圣诞礼物。
  ||||The countries at war exchanged prisoners. |交战的两国互换了战俘。
  ||<30>moan|n.|[C] a long low sound, usually of pain or unhappiness |呻吟
  ||||The woman's tears and moans were pitiful. |那妇女的眼泪和呻吟声让人怜悯。
  ||||There was a moan of pain from the injured man. |受伤的人发出了一声痛苦的呻吟。
  |@|<31>breathe|v.|take air into the lungs and send it out again |呼吸
  ||||He stood by the window and breathed deeply. |他站在窗边作深呼吸。
  ||||We are concerned about the quality of air we breathe. |我们担心呼吸的空气的质量。
  |@|<32>inform|vt.|tell sb. about sth. |通知,告诉,报告
  ||||We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected. |我们很遗憾地告诉你,你的申请被拒绝了。
  ||||He didn't inform me of his holiday plans. |他没有把他的度假计划告诉我。
  |@|<33>sympathy|n.|[U]  the feeling of being sorry for sb. who is in a bad situation |同情,怜悯
  ||||She never expressed any sympathy when I was hurt. |我受伤时,她从来没表示过任何同情。
  ||||Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them a bed for the night. |出于对无家可归的孩子们的怜悯,他让他们留宿过夜。
  |@|<34>interrupt|v.|stop sb. from what they are saying or doing |打扰,打断;插话
  ||||Don't interrupt the speaker now; he will answer questions later. |现在不要打断演讲人的话,过一会儿他将回答问题。
  ||||Sorry to interrupt, but I have to remind you of the time. |对不起,打扰了,但我必须提醒你时间。
  |||vt.|make sth. stop for a period of time |使中断;使暂停
  ||||Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the war. |战争使两国间的贸易中断了。
  ||||A snowstorm interrupted the traffic. |暴风雪阻断了交通。
  ||<35>startle|vt.|give sb. a shock or surprise |使大吃一惊,使吓一跳
  ||||I was startled to hear the news. |听到这个消息我大吃一惊。
  ||||The sudden noise in the bushes startled her horse. |灌木丛中突然发出的怪声使她的马惊跳起来。
  ||<36>exit|v.|leave a place |退出;退场
  ||||We exited the cinema as soon as the film ended. |电影一结束,我们就离开了电影院。
  ||||At the end of the third scene the actress exits. |第三幕结束时,那位女演员退场了。
  |||n.|[C] a way out |出口
  ||||an emergency exit |紧急出口
  ||||How many exits does the cinema have? |这家电影院有多少出口?
  ||<37>personnel|n.|1. [U] the department in an organization that deals with workers, esp. with their hiring and benefits |人事部门
  ||||Please go to Personnel to ask about your holiday pay. |请到人事部门咨询节假日工资的问题。
  ||||The Personnel department is organizing the training of the new staff. |人事部正在组织对新职员的培训。
  ||||2. (pl.) people who work for a company, organization, etc. |全体人员,员工
  ||||Army personnel are not allowed to leave the base. |军事人员不许擅离基地。
  ||||Airline personnel can buy flight tickets at reduced prices. |航空公司职工可以减价购买飞机票。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<38>come to|become conscious again |苏醒,恢复知觉
  |||I came to in the hospital, but I didn't remember what had happened to me. |我在医院里醒了过来,却不记得发生了什么事。
  |||When he came to and raised his head he saw his wife. |当他苏醒过来抬起头时看到了他的妻子。
  ||<39>now and again/then|at times; sometimes |不时地,有时候
  |||We do meet now and again, but not regularly. |我们有时候确实见面,但不是定期会面。
  |||That student has been known to make the strange mistake himself now and then. |大家知道那个学生不时要犯那种奇怪的错误。
  ||<40>call for|demand; ask to see |要求
  |||The attorney called for his next witness. |律师要见下一位证人。
  |||The relatives and friends of the dead man called for police to look into the cause of death. |死者的亲友要求警方调查其死因。
  ||<41>set out|start a journey |出发
  |||The band set out on their worldwide tour. |那个乐队开始了他们的环球旅行。
  |||They set out for London on a one-day trip.| 他们出发去伦敦一日游。
  ||<42>for a while|for a period of time |一会儿,一段时间
  |||She was speaking for a while before she noticed that no one was listening. |她说了一会才注意到没有人在听。
  |||Just wait for a while and then I'll help you. |请稍候,一会儿我来帮你。
  ||<43>pay attention to|watch, listen to, think about sb. or sth. very carefully |注意,关注
  |||If you don't pay attention to the needs of others, others will pay no attention to you. |如果你不关心他人,就没有人关心你。
  |||The boy failed the examination because he had paid no attention to the teacher in class. |那男孩考试没及格,因为他上课不听老师讲课。
  ||<44>hold to|1. hold sth. tightly |握住,抓住
  |||He held to the rope so as not to fall down. |他紧紧抓住绳子以免跌下来。
  |||She held to his arm when walking on the ice. |在冰上行走时她一直抓着他的手臂。
  |||2. keep believing in an idea or a principle |坚信;忠于
  |||He holds to a simple life. |他坚持过着俭朴的生活。
  |||I always hold to what I have said. |我会恪守我的承诺。
  ||<45>with that|after doing that |接着,随即
  |||She threw the book on the table, and with that ran angrily out of the room. |她把书扔到桌子上,生气地走出了房间。
  |||The train reached the terminal, and with that, my trip ended. |列车到达终点站,我的旅行就此结束。
  ||<46>turn out|happen  in a particular way or have a particular result |结果是,证明是
  |||The film turned out to be a great success. |结果这部影片大获成功。
  |||It turned out that his statement was false. |后来证明他这番话是假的。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<47>North Carolina   | |北卡罗来纳州(美国州名)
