新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册 unit06 b(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  ||<1>acquaintance|n.|[C] a person that one knows but who is not a close friend |相识的人;熟人
  ||  ||They are only acquaintances. |他们只是泛泛之交。
  ||  ||He heard about the job through an acquaintance. |他通过一个熟人打听到这份工作。
  |@★|<2>addicted |a.|liking to do sth. so much that one does not want to stop |上瘾的;入迷的
  ||  ||He was an addicted traveler. |他是个旅行迷。
  ||  ||I tried to give up smoking several times before I realized I was addicted. |我努力戒了几次烟,才知道自己上瘾了。
  |@|<3>devote      |vt.|give a lot of time, energy, etc. to sth. |致力于;献身于
  ||  ||I don't think we should devote any more time to this question. |我认为不应该在这个问题上再花时间了。
  ||  ||He wanted to devote his energies to writing for films. |他想把所有的精力都用来写电影剧本。
  ||<4>vice-||(used in compounds) next in importance to the rank mentioned |副的
  ||  ||vice-chairman |副主席
  ||  ||the vice-captain of the football team |足球队副队长
  |@|<5>conceive    |vt.|form an idea of; imagine |构想出,设想
  ||  ||I tried to conceive the design of a new type of plane. |我试图构想出一种新型飞机的图样。
  ||  ||I can hardly conceive what it is like here in winter. |我很难想象这里冬天是什么样。
  ||<6> <em>conceivably</em> |ad.    |imaginably; believably |可想象地;可以相信地
  ||  ||The work could conceivably be done within a week. |这份工作一周应该能完成。
  ||  ||Conceivably, interest rates could rise very high indeed. |可以想象,利息率的确可能增加得很高。
  |@|<7>retire|vi.|stop working at one's job, profession, etc., usually because of age |退休
  ||  ||He retired from professional tennis when he was still a young man. |他年轻时就退出了职业网球赛。
  ||  ||He was forced to retire early because of poor health. |他身体不好,只好早早退休。
  |@|<8>spot  |n.|1. [C] a position |职位,地位
  ||  ||He should have been removed from his spot at the top of the rankings. |本来应该把他从高级职位上撤下来的。
  ||  ||He moved up from the second spot to become the manager of the company. |他从公司的副经理升为经理。
  || ||2. [C] a small mark on sth., esp. one that is made by a liquid |污渍,斑痕
  ||  ||There is a spot of milk on the floor. |地板上有奶渍。
  ||  ||It is difficult to clean the spots of ink on the wall. |墙上的墨渍很难清洗。
  ||  ||3. [C] a particular place |地点,场所
  ||  ||This is our favorite holiday spot. |这是我们最喜爱的度假地点。
  ||  ||She agreed to meet him at the same spot the next evening. |她答应第二天晚上在老地方见他。
  |@|<9>afford |vt.|(usu. used with can, could, able to) able to spend, give, do, etc. |有能力做;承担得起
  ||  ||We can't afford a washing machine. |我们买不起洗衣机。
  ||  ||We can't afford to wait any longer or we'll miss the plane. |我们不能再等了,否则就赶不上飞机了。
  ||<10>executive |n.|[C] a person who has an important position in a business |主管;行政领导
  ||  ||a marketing executive |销售主管
  ||  ||She's a senior executive in a computer company. |她在一家计算机公司担任高级行政主管。
  |||a.|concerned with managing and making decisions, esp. within a company |执行的;行政的
  ||  ||an executive committee|执行委员会
  ||  ||Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |首席执行官
  |@|<11>divide     |vt.|separate and give out or share |分配;分享;分用
  ||  ||He divides his time between working and looking after the children. |他把时间分别用在工作和照顾孩子上。
  ||  ||The book is divided into six sections. |这本书分为六个部分。
  |@|<12>admire     |vt.|have a feeling of great respect for sb. or sth. |敬佩;钦佩
  ||  ||I've always admired her for being such a wonderful mother. |她是个了不起的母亲,我一直很钦佩她。
  ||  ||He was much admired for his work on medieval literature. |他因为对中世纪文学的论述而深受仰慕。
  |@|<13>ignore |vt.|take no notice of; refuse to pay attention to |忽视,不理睬
  ||  ||He ignored his doctor's advice about drinking and smoking less. |医生叫他少喝酒,少抽烟,可他就是不听。
  ||  ||It was very stupid of you to ignore your mother's advice. |你不听母亲的劝告,真是愚笨。
  ||<14>survivor   |n.|[C] a person who continues to live after an accident, war, etc. |尚活着的人;幸存者
  ||  ||He is one of the survivors from the earthquake. |他是地震的幸存者之一。
  ||  ||Survivors of the accident were rushed to the nearest hospital. |事故的幸存者被送到最近的医院。
  |@|<15>accurate |a. |exactly correct |准确的,精确的
  ||  ||Her report of what happened was accurate in every detail. |她对所发生的事情的报道,每一个细节都很准确。
  ||  ||I think your assessment of the current economic situation is pretty accurate. |我认为你对当今经济状况的评估是非常准确的。
  ||<16> <em>accurately</em> |ad.   |exactly and correctly |准确地,精确地
  ||  ||Losses were accurately reported in the newspaper. |报纸准确地报道了损失。
  ||  ||It's impossible to predict the weather accurately. |不可能准确地预测天气。
  |@|<17>survive    |vt.|live longer than sb. else |比...活得长
  ||  ||She survived her husband by five years. |丈夫死后,她又活了5年。
  ||  ||She was survived by her husband. |她丈夫比她活得长。
  |||v.|continue to live after an accident, war, etc. |活下来,幸存
  ||  ||More than a hundred people were killed in the crash and only five passengers survived. |坠机事故中100多人死亡,只有五人幸存。
  ||  ||Only 12 of the 140 passengers survived. |140名旅客中只有12位幸免于难。
  ||<18>beloved|a.     |very much loved by sb. |所深爱的
  ||  ||She said her beloved daughter was her pride. |她说她的爱女令她骄傲。
  ||  ||He's always talking about his beloved computer. |他老是谈到他心爱的计算机。
  |@|<19>manufacture|vt.|use machines to make goods in large quantities |(大量)生产,制造
  ||  ||The local factory manufactures high-quality furniture. |这家当地工厂生产高级家具。
  ||  ||He works for a small company manufacturing aluminum products. |他在一家生产铝制品的小公司工作。
  ||<20>neighborhood|n.|[C] (BrE neighbourhood) a particular part of a town and the people who live there |社区;街坊邻居
  ||          ||a quiet neighborhood |一个安静的社区
  ||          ||They live in a very wealthy neighborhood. |他们居住在一个非常富裕的社区。
  |@|<21>odd |a.|1. not regular or fixed |临时的;不固定的
  ||  ||He does odd jobs for me from time to time. |他有时给我干点零活。
  ||  ||We should find a couple of odd hands for the farm. |我们应该为农场雇几个临时工。
  ||||2. strange; unusual |奇怪的,异常的
  ||  ||There was something odd about him. |他有点怪。
  ||  ||It's a bit odd that she didn't phone to say she couldn't come. |她没有打电话说她不能来,这事有点怪。
  ||<22>widow |n.|[C] a woman whose husband has died |寡妇
  ||  ||The widow was left with two children. |这寡妇带着两个孩子。
  ||  ||The widow was robbed last month. |上个月这位寡妇受到抢劫。
  |■|<23>deceased  |n.  |(the ~) sb. who has died |死者,已故者
  ||  ||Many friends of the deceased were present at the funeral. |死者的很多朋友都出席了葬礼。
  ||  ||The deceased left a large sum of money to his children. |死者给他的孩子留下了一大笔钱。
  |@|<24>replace    |vt.|1. take the place of |取代,代替
  ||  ||George has replaced Edward as captain of the team. |乔治接替爱德华当了队长。
  ||  ||Lectures have replaced the old tutorial system. |讲座代替了旧的辅导制度。
  ||        ||2. change sb. or sth. for another |更换,替换
  ||  ||You'll have to replace those old tires with new ones. |你得用新轮胎更换那些旧的。
  ||  ||They replaced the permanent staff with part-timers. |他们用临时工替换了长期工。
  |@|<25>bear       |vt.|(bore, borne) bravely accept or deal with an unpleasant situation; endure |忍受;经受
  ||        ||There's nothing we can do about it, so we'll just have to bear it. |我们对此无能为力,因此只好忍受下去。
  ||        ||I'm not sure how much longer I can bear the pain. |我不知道还能忍受疼痛多久。
  |■|<26>straighten|v.|make or become straight |(使)变直
  ||  ||The road straightens up at the bottom of the hill. |那条路到了山脚就变直了。
  ||  ||Gradually straighten your legs until you are standing upright. |慢慢伸直你的腿,直到你站直。
  |@|<27>finance |n.|1. (~s) the money one has and the way one spends it |资金;财务状况
  ||  ||His finances were in bad condition. |他的经济状况不好。
  ||  ||She refused to answer questions about her personal finances. |她拒绝回答有关个人经济方面的问题。
  ||||2. [U] the management of money |财政;金融
  ||  ||finance minister |财政部长
  ||  ||He is an expert in finance. |他是财务专家。
  |@|<28>stock      |n. |1. [C] a share in the capital of a company |股份;股
  ||  ||stock exchange (= stock market) |证券交易所;股票交易所
  ||  ||the trading of stocks |股票交易
  ||        | |2. [C, U] the supply of things that a shop has for sale |存货,库存
  ||  ||We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are out of stock. |很遗憾,你们定的材料已没有库存了。
  ||  ||The shop has a large stock of Christmas gifts. |那家商店备有大量圣诞礼物。
  |@|<29>option     |n. |1. [C] the right to buy or sell sth. in the future |买卖某物的权利
  ||  ||stock option |优先认股权
  ||  ||Jones has taken an option on shares in the company. |琼斯已获得那家公司的股份的买卖权。
  ||        | |2. [C] a choice one can make in a particular situation |选择
  ||  ||You will have to pay them; you have no option. |你必须付给他们钱,别无选择。
  ||  ||He has two options: he can have the surgery, or he can give up playing football. |他有两种选择:要么做手术,要么放弃踢足球。
  |@|<30>wind       |vt.|(wound, wound) |
  ||        ||1. (up) cause sb. to become nervous and worried |使紧张;使不安
  ||  ||He was too wound up to sleep before the interview. |面试前,他非常紧张,无法入睡。
  ||  ||He was so wound up that almost anything would make him angry. |他神经非常紧张,几乎随便什么事情都会使他发怒。
  ||        ||2. turn a part of a machine around and around to make it work |上满发条
  ||  ||Did you remember to wind the clock? |你记得给钟上发条了吗?
  ||  ||The clock's stopped; you'd better wind it up. |钟停了,你最好上一下发条。
  |■|<31>line-up   |n.|[C] a line of people |一排人
  ||  ||a line-up of children |一排小孩
  ||  ||a line-up of ticket buyers |一队买票的人
  |★|<32>discreet  |a.|careful about what one says or does |谨慎的,慎重的
  ||  ||She was too discreet to mention the argument in front of him. |她处事十分谨慎,不会在他面前说起那次争吵。
  ||  ||He made a discreet protest. |他的抗议措辞谨慎。
  ||<33> <em>discreetly</em>|ad.|doing sth. carefully so that people do not notice it |小心地,谨慎地
  ||  ||He followed the man discreetly into the hotel. |他小心谨慎地跟着那个人进了旅馆。
  ||  ||We approached the house discreetly. |我们小心翼翼地靠近那房子。
  |@|<34>inquiry|n.|[C] (also enquiry) a question sb. asks to get information |询问,打听
  ||  ||We made some inquiries into her movements. |我们打听了她的活动。
  ||  ||I don't know who sent the gift, but I'll make some inquiries. |我不知道谁送的礼物,但我会打听打听。
  ||<35>replacement|n.|1. [C] sb. or sth. that replaces another person or thing  |替换的人或物
  ||  ||She is leaving next month, so we must advertise for a replacement for her. |她下个月离开这里,所以我们必须登广告招聘替换她的人。
  ||  ||It was difficult to find a replacement for Ted. |很难找到谁来替换特德。
  ||||2. [U] the act of replacing |替换,代替
  ||  ||The furniture requires replacement. |家具需要更换。
  ||  ||Our old car is badly in need of replacement. |我们的旧车非常需要更换。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<36>die of    |die because of sth. such as an illness |死于
  ||       |No one could save her and she finally died of the fever. |没人能救她,她最终还是死于发烧。
  ||       |His mother died of cancer when he was 10 years old.|他10岁时母亲死于癌症。
  ||<37>care for  |1. look after |看护,照顾
  ||       |I am glad to see that you are being well cared for. |看到你得到很好的照顾,我很高兴。
  ||       |He thanked the nurses who had cared for him while he was sick. |他感谢在他生病时护理他的护士。
  ||       |2. (used in questions and negatives) like|喜欢
  ||       |I don't really care for tea; I like coffee better. |我并不那么喜欢喝茶,我更喜欢喝咖啡。
  ||       |Would you care for another drink? |想再喝一杯吗?
  ||<38>stay up   |not go to bed |熬夜
  ||       |Please don't stay up for me, I may be back late. |不要熬夜等我,我可能很晚才回来。
  ||       |Kate stayed up all night by his bedside. |凯特在他床边守了一夜。
  ||<39>straighten out |deal with a problem or a confused situation|解决(问题);理清(混乱情况)
  ||            |I hope the misunderstanding will soon be straightened out.|我希望误解很快就能消除。
  ||            |There are several financial problems that need to be straightened out quickly.|有几个财务问题需要很快弄清楚。
  ||<40>and all that   |and so on; and all such things |等等,诸如此类
  ||            |When I was young, I was crazy about judo, karate, kungfu, and all that. |我小时候非常喜欢柔道、空手道、功夫之类的东西。
  ||            |By cereals we mean wheat, oats, barley, and all that. |我们说谷类,指的是小麦、燕麦、大麦之类的东西。
  ||<41>pick out  |recognize sb. or sth. among others |认出
  ||       |Try to pick me out in this old photograph. |试试能不能在这张老照片中认出我。
  ||       |I bet you he can pick her out of a crowd of people. |我敢和你打赌,他能在一群人中认出她来。
  ||<42>ask around|ask in many places or ask a lot of people |到处打听
  ||       |If you want to know about the dean of the school, ask around. |如果你想了解院长,问问其他人吧。
  ||       |I'll ask around to see if I can find you a place to stay. |我会打听打听,看能不能给你找个地方住。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<43>Phil     | |菲尔(人名)
  ||<44>Helen    | |海伦(人名)
