新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册 unit07 a(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  ||<1>cautious    |a.|careful to avoid problems or danger |小心的,谨慎的
  ||||I'm very cautious about expressing my opinions in public. |我对公开发表意见持十分谨慎的态度。
  ||||My brother is a very cautious driver. |我弟弟驾车很小心。
  ||<2>scan|vt.|examine sth. carefully but quickly |细看;审视
  ||||He scanned the horizon, but there was no sign of the ship. |他扫视了地平线一眼,可是没有看到船的影子。
  ||||She scanned his face, looking for signs of what he was thinking. |她细细地察看他的脸,想寻找他正在思考什么的迹象。
  |||v.|read sth. quickly |浏览,快读
  ||||I scanned the newspaper while I was waiting for the train. |我在等火车时把报纸匆匆浏览了一下。
  ||||I scanned through the page for her name. |我扫了这页一眼找她的名字。
  |@|<3>unusual     |a.|not usual |不寻常的,不一般的
  ||||It's unusual for Mary to be late. |玛丽迟到是少有的。
  ||||She has a very unusual name. |她有一个很不寻常的名字。
  ||<4>exception |n.|[C, U] sb. or sth. that is not included |例外
  ||||Most of his songs are awful, but this one is an exception. |他的歌大多数很糟糕,但这首例外。
  ||||There's an exception to every rule. |每条规则都有例外。
  |■|<5>portly      |a.|rather fat |肥胖的
  ||||The lawyer was a tall and portly man with a short neck. |这律师个子高高的,胖胖的,脖子很短。
  ||||Do you know the portly gentleman over there? |你认识那边那位胖胖的先生吗?
  |@|<6>shave |v.|remove hair from the face or another part of the body with a razor |剃(胡须);刮(毛发)
  ||||I was shaving when the doorbell rang. |门铃响时我正在剃须。
  ||||I always shave my legs in the bath. |我总是在洗澡时剃去腿上的毛发。
  ||<7> <em>unshaven</em>|a.|not having shaved |未剃须的,未修面的
  ||||He was unshaven and looked pale. |他胡子拉碴,看上去脸色苍白。
  ||||They told the police the man was about 22 years old and had an unshaven look. |他们告诉警察:这男子大约22岁,未修面。
  |★|<8>shrub  |n.|[C] a small bush |灌木(丛)
  ||||She planted some roses and shrubs. |她种了一些玫瑰和一些灌木。
  ||||The small house was hidden by shrubs. |这小屋隐藏在灌木丛中。
  ||<9>parking |n.|[U] the act of parking a car or other vehicle |停车;停放
  ||||I couldn't find a parking space near the shops. |商店旁我找不到停车的地方。
  ||||She is not good at parking. |她停车技术不是很好。
  ||<10>pad        |n.|[C] |垫,衬垫
  ||||Insert the cushion pad into the cover. |把软垫塞入垫套中。
  ||||The dress has pads in the shoulders. |这件衣服有垫肩。
  ||<11>pistol     |n.|[C] a small gun one can use with one hand |手枪
  ||        ||They found a loaded pistol in the room. |他们在房间里发现了一把上了膛的手枪。
  ||||He held an automatic pistol in his right hand. |他右手拿着一把自动手枪。
  |★|<12>contrive  |vi.|succeed in doing sth. in spite of difficulties |设法做到
  ||||She contrived to live well on a very small income. |她设法靠微薄的收入好好生活。
  ||||Somehow she contrived to get tickets for the concert. |不管怎样,她设法弄到了音乐会的票。
  ||<13>toss|vt.|throw sth., esp. sth. light |扔,抛,掷
  ||||She tossed the ball into the air. |她把球抛到了空中。
  ||||He glanced at the letter and then tossed it into the bin. |他扫了一眼信,然后把它扔进了垃圾箱。
  ||<14>bark       |v. |say sth. quickly in a loud  voice |大声嚷,吼叫
  ||||The boss came in, barked some orders, and left again. |头儿走了进来,厉声下达了命令,然后又出去了。
  ||||Don't bark at her. |不要对她大吼大叫。
  |||vi. |(of dogs) make a loud, short sound |(狗)吠,叫
  ||||His dog always barks at anyone who rings the doorbell. |他家的狗对任何按门铃的人都要叫。
  ||||They heard a dog barking outside. |他们听到一条狗在外面汪汪叫。
  |@|<15>instinct |n. |[C, U] a natural tendency of behaving in a particular way |本能,天性
  ||||As winter approaches, birds fly south by instinct.|当冬天来临时,鸟儿出于本能飞往南方。
  ||||Animals have natural instinct for survival. |动物有求生的自然本能。
  ||<16> <em>instinctively</em> |ad.  |without thinking; without having been taught |(出于)本能地,(出于)天性地
  ||||I instinctively raised my arm to protect my face. |我本能地举起手臂保护自己的脸。
  ||||She knew instinctively that he would not forgive her. |她本能地知道他不会原谅她。
  |@|<17>sideways   |ad.|to or toward one side |向一边,从侧面
  ||||I slipped on the ice and fell sideways. |我在冰上一滑,摔倒在一边。
  ||||The fence is leaning sideways. |围栏在向一边倾斜。
  |@|<18>slight     |a. |1. thin and light |瘦小的
  ||||He looked too slight to be a boxer. |他看上去很瘦小,不能当拳击手。
  ||||Like most long-distance runners, she is very slight. |像大多数长跑运动员一样,她很瘦小。
  ||||2. small in degree |少量的;轻微的
  ||||She has a slight cold. |她患了轻度感冒。
  ||||There has been a slight change in your work. |你的工作已有所改进。
  ||<19>enlarge|vt.    |make sth. larger |使扩大;使增大
  ||||Good reading enlarges the mind. |好的阅读增长人的才智。
  ||||She had the photograph enlarged. |她把这张照片放大了。
  |@|<20>polish     |vt.|1. make sth. smooth and shiny by rubbing |擦光,擦亮
  ||||Polish your shoes regularly to protect the leather. |你要经常擦鞋,保护皮革。
  ||||He polished his glasses with a handkerchief. |他用手帕擦了擦眼镜。
  ||        ||2. improve a piece of writing, a speech, etc. |提高,改进
  ||||Your essay is good, you just need to polish it a bit. |你的文章很好,只需要稍加润色。
  ||||The statement was carefully polished and checked before release.|声明在发布前经过了仔细润色和检查。
  ||<21> <em>polished</em> |a.  |1. shiny because of being rubbed |擦亮的,磨光的
  ||||a polished floor |擦得很亮的地板
  ||||She wears polished boots. |她穿着擦得亮亮的皮鞋。
  ||| |2. done with great skill  |完美的;精湛的
  ||||a polished piece of writing |一篇美文
  ||||Their polished performance won thunderous applause. |他们精湛的表演赢得了雷鸣般的掌声。
  |@|<22>attach  |vt. |tie or join sth. to sth. else |系;贴
  ||||I attached a name card to my bag. |我在包上贴了一张名片。
  ||||I attached a photo to my application form. |我在申请表上贴了一张照片。
  ||<23>criminal|a.|1. relating to the part of the legal system that deals with crime |刑事的
  ||||He stood before a judge in criminal court and awaited the verdict. |他在刑事法庭上面对法官站着,等待判决。
  ||||Her parents were against her becoming a criminal lawyer. |她的父母反对她当刑事律师。
  ||||2. relating to crime |犯罪的,犯法的
  ||||Stealing is a criminal act. |偷窃是犯罪行为。
  ||||At 17, he had a criminal record. |17岁他就有了犯罪记录。
  |||n.|[C] sb. who has committed a crime |罪犯
  ||||These crimes were largely committed by professional criminals. |这些刑事案件主要是职业罪犯干的。
  ||||He is one of the most wanted criminals. |他是被通缉的要犯之一。
  ||<24>victim     |n.  |[C] a person who suffers harm or death as a result of sb. else's action, a terrible event, etc. |受害者
  ||||He was a victim of war. |他是战争的受害者。
  ||||Food is being sent to the victims of the earthquake. |正在向遭受地震灾害的灾民们运送食品。
  |@|<25>identify   |vt.|recognize and correctly name sb. or sth. |辨认出,识别
  ||||He was too far away to identify their faces. |他离得太远,辨认不出他们的面孔。
  ||||She was able to identify her attacker. |她能够认出袭击她的人。
  |@|<26>offend     |vi. |break a law |违法,违犯
  ||||His actions offended against the norms of proper behavior. |他的行为违背了得体的行为举止的准则。
  ||||Many of the young men here are likely to offend again. |这儿许多年轻人可能再次违法。
  ||        |vt.|make sb. feel upset or angry |冒犯,触怒
  ||||If you don't go to her party, she will be offended. |如果你不出席她的宴会,她会生气的。
  ||||He was offended at /by her words. |她的话令他很生气。
  ||<27> <em>offender</em> |n. |[C] sb. who does things against the law |犯法的人;犯规的人
  ||||a first offender |初犯
  ||||No smoking here. Offenders will be fined five dollars. |此处禁止抽烟,违者罚款5美元。
  |@|<28>detail     |n. |[C] a small part or piece of information about sth. |细节;详情
  ||||She paid close attention to the details. |她特别注意细节。
  ||||I recalled every detail of the party. |我回忆了宴会的每个细节。
  ||<29>rip        |vt. |remove sth. quickly and violently using one's hands |撕掉,扯掉
  ||||She ripped the phone from his hand. |她把电话从他手中夺了过来。
  ||||He ripped the cover from the book.|他把书的封面撕了下来。
  ||<30>wrist      |n.|[C] the part of one's arm where the hand and forearm join together |腕,腕关节
  ||||I've hurt my wrist. |我的腕关节弄伤了。
  ||||He noticed an expensive watch on every wrist.|他注意到每个人手腕上都带着昂贵的手表。
  ||<31>lawn       |n.|[C, U] an area of grass in a garden or park that is regularly cut |草坪,草地
  ||||I'm going to cut the lawn this afternoon. |我打算今天下午把草坪修剪一下。
  ||||Children are playing on the lawn. |孩子们在草坪上玩耍。
  ||<32>dirt       |n. |[U] dust or soil |灰尘 ;尘土
  ||||Wipe the dirt off your shoes before you come in. |进来前先把你鞋上的尘土擦掉。
  ||||His coat was covered with dirt. |他外衣上都是灰尘。
  ||<33>temple     |n.|[C] either of the flat parts of one's head at the side of the forehead |太阳穴
  ||||The stone hit him on the temple. |石头击中了他的太阳穴。
  ||||She had black hair, graying at the temples. |她一头黑发,鬓角处开始变灰白了。
  ||<34>Lord|n.|[sing.] (in the Christian faith) God or Jesus Christ |上帝,耶稣基督
  ||||Lord, hear our request. |上帝啊,听听我们的祈求吧。
  ||||Lord, bless us! |上帝保佑!
  |@|<35>mercy      |n.|[U] kindness to sb. |慈悲,怜悯,仁慈
  ||||He showed his enemies no mercy. |他对敌人毫不心慈手软。
  ||||The prisoners pleaded for mercy. |这些犯人恳求宽恕。
  ||<36>sin|n.|[C, U] a wicked act, esp. one that breaks a religious law |罪恶;罪孽
  ||||Lying and stealing are both sins. |撒谎和行窃都是罪孽。
  ||||He believes it is a sin to waste food. |他认为浪费粮食是罪恶行为。
  |||vi.  |commit a sin |违反教规,违犯戒律
  ||||You have sinned against the Lord. |你已经得罪了上帝。
  ||||Jonah sinned by not obeying what God told him to do. |约拿因不遵照上帝嘱咐的去做而犯了罪。
  ||<37> <em>sinner</em>|n.|[C] a person who sins |(宗教、道德上的)罪人
  ||||You are a sinner. |你是一个罪人。
  ||||Have mercy on me, though I'm a sinner. |宽恕我吧,尽管我是一个罪人。
  ||<38>footstep|n.|[C] the sound made by walking |脚步(声)
  ||||She heard his footsteps on the stairs. |她听到了他上楼梯的脚步声。
  ||||Walking along the darkened street, he heard footsteps close behind him. |沿着漆黑的街走,他听到身后紧随的脚步声。
  |@|<39>fade|vi.|gradually disappear |逐渐消失
  ||||The laughter faded away. |笑声慢慢地消失了。
  ||||Hopes of a peace settlement faded. |和平解决的希望成为泡影。
  ||<40>span|n.|[C] the amount of time that sth. lasts |一段时间,持续时间
  ||||Children's attention span is shorter than that of adults. |孩子的注意力持续时间比成年人的短。
  ||||The average life span in this country is seventy years. |这个国家人的平均寿命是70岁。
  |@|<41>fry|vt.|cook food in hot oil |油煎,油炒
  ||||Shall I fry the eggs or boil them? |我是煎鸡蛋,还是煮鸡蛋呢?
  ||||Fry the mushrooms in a little butter. |用一点黄油炒蘑菇。
  ||<42> <em>fried</em> |a.|cooked in hot oil |油煎的,油炸的
  ||||fried chicken |炸鸡
  ||||I prefer fried eggs. |我喜欢吃煎蛋。
  ||<43>eternal  |a.|without end; lasting forever |永恒的,永久的
  ||||The company is engaged in the eternal search for goods that will lead the market. |这家公司坚持不懈地致力于寻求一种能主导市场的产品。
  ||||Do you believe in eternal life? |你相信生命会永存吗?
  ||<44> <em>eternity</em> |n.|1. [U] the state of existence after death |来世;永生
  ||||Do you believe in eternity? |你相信有来生吗?
  ||||2. [U] time without end |永恒;永远
  ||||He promised to love her for all eternity. |他发誓永远爱她。
  |@|<45>rob |vt.|steal money or property from a person, bank, etc. |抢劫
  ||||He robbed a bank. |他抢劫了一家银行。
  ||||They robbed me of my watch. |他抢走了我的手表。
  ||<46> <em>robber</em>|n.|[C] a person who steals from a person, place, etc. |抢劫者,盗贼
  ||||The robbers shot a policeman before making their getaway. |抢劫者在逃跑前向一个警察开了火。
  ||||A young cashier was shot dead by bank robbers.|一名年轻的收银员被银行抢劫犯开枪打死了。
  |@|<47>stiff |a.|1. (of alcoholic drink) strong |(酒)浓的,烈性的
  ||||He poured himself a stiff whisky. |他给自己倒了一杯烈性威士忌。
  ||||A stiff drink—that's what I need. |烈性酒,那才是我要的。
  || ||2. very firm; not easily bent or folded |僵硬的,不易弯曲的
  ||||He has walked with a stiff leg since he hurt his knee. |他自从膝关节受伤后走起路来一条腿一直伸不直。
  ||||Sitting still before a computer all day can give you a stiff neck. |成天坐在计算机旁会使你头颈僵硬。
  ||<48>additional|a.|extra |额外的,另外的
  ||||There will be an extra charge for any additional passengers. |任何额外的乘客都需另外付费。
  ||||It will take an additional week to finish the paper. |还得花一星期的时间才能完成这篇论文。
  |★|<49>robbery|n.|[C, U] the crime of stealing |抢劫罪,抢劫(案)
  ||||Robbery is a serious crime. |抢劫是一种严重犯罪。
  ||||He was charged with four robberies. |他被指控犯有四起抢劫罪。
  ||<50>album |n.|[C] a book that one puts photographs, stamps, etc. in |影集;邮集
  ||||They showed me their photo album. |他们给我看了他们的影集。
  ||||She still keeps the stamp album her brother gave her. |她仍然保存着她弟弟给她的邮集。
  ||<51> <em>album-sized</em> |a.     | |影集大小的;邮集大小的
  |@|<52>current|n.|[C] a continuous flowing movement of water, air, etc. |(水、空气等的)流,潮流
  ||||You shouldn't swim in the river. There are dangerous currents. |你不应该在这条河里游泳,这条河的水流很危险。
  ||||Don't swim against the current. |不要逆流而游。
  |||a.|happening or existing now |现时的,当前的
  ||||current prices |时价
  ||||He is the current chairman of the organization. |他是这个组织的现任主席。
  |▲|<53>woe |n.|[U] great sadness |哀愁
  ||||Her face was full of woe. |她满面哀愁。
  ||||He told me a tale of woe about himself. |他告诉了我一个关于他自己的悲惨遭遇。
  |@|<54>foundation|n.|1. [C] the idea, law, or fact on which sth. is based |基础;根据
  ||||The first two years of study provides a solid foundation in studying linguistics. |前两年的学习为学习语言学打下了坚实的基础。
  ||||All theories should be built on a foundation of factual knowledge. |所有的理论都应建立在事实的基础上。
  ||||2. [C] an organization that provides money to research or charity |基金会
  ||||the Environmental Research Foundation |环境研究基金会
  ||||the British Heart Foundation |英国心脏基金会
  ||||3. [U] the act of founding sth. |建立,设立
  ||||the foundation of a new school |创办一所新学校
  ||||That year saw the foundation of a new state. |一个新的国家在那一年建立了。
  |★|<55>discontent |n.|[U] a feeling of being unhappy and not satisfied with sth. |不满;不满足
  ||||Public discontent with the government is growing. |公众对政府的不满在日益增加。
  ||||There is widespread discontent at the quality of education. |人们对教育的质量普遍不满。
  ||<56>presently|ad.|1. now  |现在,目前
  ||||The managers are presently discussing the matter with the workers. |管理人员目前正在与工人讨论这件事。
  ||||Of 200 boats, only 20 are presently operational. |200艘船中目前只有20艘能正常运转。
  ||||2. soon  |不久,一会儿
  ||||Take a seat in the waiting room; the doctor will come presently. |在候诊室坐一会儿,医生马上会过来。
  ||||The room was hot, and presently her eyes grew heavy as she began to feel sleepy. |房间里很热,不一会儿她双眼变得疲乏无神,开始感到困了。
  |@|<57>stick|vt.|(stuck,stuck) |
  ||| |1. push sth., usually a sharp object, into sth. else |插入,刺入
  ||||He stuck his fork into the meat. |他把叉子插入肉中。
  ||||The nurse stuck the needle into my arm. |护士把针插进了我的胳膊。
  ||||2. attach sth. to another using a substance |粘贴,粘住
  ||||He stuck the pages of his homework together and then handed them in to his professor. |他把作业一页页地黏贴在一起,然后交给了老师。
  ||||The artist stuck his pictures to the walls of his home. |这位艺术家把自己的画贴在屋子的墙上。
  ||<58>dam|n.|[C] a wall built across a river to hold back the water and form a lake behind it |堤坝,水坝
  ||||There was a flood when the dam burst. |决堤时造成洪水泛滥。
  ||||They are going to build a dam to store the water. |他们打算建造一个大坝来蓄水。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<59>face to face (with) |1. close to and looking at sb. or sth. |面对面的/地
  || |I'd like to meet him face to face someday; I've heard so much about him. |我已听到了很多关于他的情况,很想有一天能见见他。
  || |Actually, I've never met her face to face. |实际上,我从未与她打过照面。
  || |2. no escape from sth. and having to deal with it |面临着;面对着
  || |What would you do if you were face to face with so many difficulties? |如果你面对这么多困难,你会怎么办?
  || |It was the first time he'd ever come face to face with death. |这是他第一次直面死亡问题。
  ||<60>pull into  |move to one side and stop |(车)停靠,驶向(一旁)
  |||He pulled into the small parking lot. |他把车开进了那个小停车场。
  |||The train pulled into the branch line station. |这列火车缓缓驶进了支线车站。
  ||<61>as if      |in a way that sth. seems to be true |好像
  |||He behaved as if nothing had happened. |他的举止就好像什么都没发生过似的。
  |||It sounds as if she's been really ill. |听起来她好像真是病了。
  ||<62>attach... to...  |fix sth. to sth. else |系在...上,连接到...上
  ||    |There was a message attached to the flowers. |随花一起送来一张便条。
  ||    |He attached a check to the order form. |他在定货单上附了一张支票。
  ||<63>have mercy on sb.  |treat sb. in a kind way |对某人仁慈
  |||Have mercy on me! |可怜可怜我吧!
  |||She appealed to the judge to have mercy on her husband. |她请求法官宽恕她丈夫。
  ||<64>get to one's feet  |stand up |站起来
  |||At the end of the game, the whole crowd got to their feet and cheered wildly. |比赛结束时,整个人群都站起来疯狂地欢呼。
  |||He got to his feet and stood gazing at her. |他站了起来,站在那儿出神地盯着她看。
  ||<65>look through   |search for sth. among a lot of others |浏览;查找
  ||    |I'll look through my notes but I don't think I have a record of his name. |我会浏览一下笔记,但我觉得我没有记下他的名字。
  ||    |He asked me to look through the article for any spelling mistakes. |他叫我把文章检查一下,看有没有什么拼写错误。
  ||<66>out of control |no longer in control  |失去控制
  ||    |The situation was out of control, and fighting broke out. |局势已失去了控制,发生了打斗。
  ||    |The fire was out of control. |大火失去了控制。
  ||<67>eat (away) at  |gradually reduce the amount of or destroy sth. |侵蚀;消耗
  ||    |The sea has been eating away at this shore for centuries. |几百年来海水一直在侵蚀着海岸。
  ||    |His gambling was eating away at his income. |他的赌博正慢慢耗尽他的收入。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<68>KFC   |Kentucky Fried Chicken  |肯德基
  ||<69>Leslie| |莱斯利(人名)
  ||<70>LAPD|the Los Angeles Police Department |洛杉矶警察局
  ||<71>Blake| |布莱克(1757—1827,英国诗人和版画家)
  ||<72>Thames|(the ~) |泰晤士河
