新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第二册 Unit 9b(在线收听

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  ||<1>immigrant|n. |[C] sb. who has come into a foreign country in order to live there |移民
  ||||He is an illegal immigrant. |他是一个非法移民。
  ||||A lot of Asian immigrants poured into the country. |许多亚洲移民涌入该国。
  |@ |<2>disabled |a. |lacking one or more of the physical or mental abilities |残疾的
  ||||Although physically disabled, she is mentally strong. |她身残志坚。
  ||||He's quite capable; we never consider him disabled. |他很能干;我们从不认为他有残疾。
  ||<3>supervise |v. |be in charge of an activity or person, and make sure that things are done in the correct way |监督;指导
  ||||Tomorrow he will supervise all the pupils taking the English examination. |明天他将监考参加英语考试的所有学生。
  ||||An office manager may supervise the work of several departments. |办公室主任会监督几个部门的工作。
  ||<4>hearing|n. |[U] the sense for hearing sounds |听力
  ||||His hearing is getting worse. |他的听力越来越糟了。
  ||||The mother didn't realize the child was within hearing range. |母亲没有意识到孩子就在旁边,听得见。
  ||<5>evidently|ad. |obviously, clearly |明显地
  ||||Evidently he was sensitive on the topic of operations. |很明显,他对手术的话题很敏感。
  ||||He was evidently nervous. |显然他很紧张。
  ||<6>ownership|n. |[U] the state of owning sth. |所有权;拥有
  ||||Do you have any proof of ownership of this car? |你有什么可以证明这辆车是你的?
  ||||There was a quarrel about the ownership of the treasure they had found. |他们因为找到的财宝归谁而争执起来。
  |@ |<7>loan|n. |[C] an amount of money borrowed from a bank |贷款
  ||||The government needs a big loan to build more schools. |政府需要一大笔贷款来建更多的学校。
  ||||He spent all his student loan on clothes. |他把自己的上学贷款全用来买衣服了。
  ||<8>software|n. |[U] computer programs |(计算机)软件
  ||||The new software has made my work much more convenient. |这个新软件使我的工作方便了许多。
  ||||I need a piece of software which can improve my reading speed. |我需要一个软件来提高我的阅读速度。
  ||<9>silicon|n. |[U] |硅
  ||||Silicon is a useful element for making electronic devices. |硅是一种用于制造电子元件的有用元素。
  |@ |<10>integrate |vt. |combine two or more things in order to form a single one |使合并;使结合
  ||||He tried to integrate all their activities into one program. |他尽力把所有的活动放到一个项目中去。
  ||||I integrated your suggestion into my plan. |我把你的建议和我的计划结合起来。
  ||<11> <em>integrated</em> |a.   |combining many different groups, ideas, or parts in a way that works well |整体的;融合的
  ||||To hold the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing has developed an integrated public transport system. |为了举办2008年奥运会,北京已经创立了一个整体的公共交通体系。
  ||||I like the movie a lot; it has an integrated plot. |我很喜欢这部电影,整个情节浑然一体。
  ||<12>microcomputer |n.    |[C] a small computer |微型计算机
  ||||The microcomputer is a necessary office supply now. |现在微型计算机是必不可少的办公设备。
  ||||The Microcomputer Lab is for students, faculty and staff. |该微电脑实验室是给学生和教职员工使用的。
  ||<13>Inc.|abbr. | |(公司的)股份有限的
  |@ |<14>gamble|n.  |[sing.] an action or plan that involves a risk but will be beneficial if succeed |赌博
  ||||Opening a restaurant now would be a big gamble. |如今开饭店挺冒险的。
  ||||The operation may not succeed; it's a gamble whether he lives or dies. |手术也许不会成功;生死由天。
  |||v.|risk money or sth. valuable in the hope of winning more |打赌;赌博
  ||||He made a lot of money by gambling at cards. |他打牌赌博赢了很多钱。
  ||||The foolish man gambled away all his money. |那个蠢人赌博输掉了所有的钱。
  |@ |<15>meantime|n. |the same period of time |其间;同时
  ||||The next program starts in five minutes. In the meantime, we listen to some music. |下一个节目五分钟后开始。现在我们先听点音乐。
  ||<16>honorable|a. |(BrE honourable) deserving honor, respect, or admiration |可敬的;高尚的
  ||||More than that, he is an honorable fellow. |而且,他是个值得尊敬的人。
  ||||It is not honorable to steal. |偷窃是不光彩的勾当。
  ||<17> <em>semi-retired</em> |a.     |half retired |半退休的
  ||||This is a club for the retired and semi-retired. |这是一个退休和半退休的人的俱乐部。
  ||||What if I'm semi-retired? I'm living frugally already. |我如果半退休了怎么办呢?我过得已经很节俭了。
  |@|<18>undertake|vt. |(undertook, undertaken)promise or agree to do sth. |承担;许诺
  ||||It was one of the hardest jobs I ever undertook. |这是我做过的最艰难的工作之一。
  ||||We undertook the task of cleaning up the house. |我们承担起打扫屋子的任务。
  ||<19>sponsor |vt.    |support a person, activity, etc. by giving money |赞助;资助
  ||||The tobacco company sponsors several television programs. |烟草公司赞助了几个电视节目。
  ||||The team is sponsored by JVC, so the players wear the letters JVC on their shirts. |这支队伍是由JVC 赞助的,因此运动员都穿着带有JVC 字样的运动服。
  |||n.|[C] a person or organization that sponsors sb. or sth. |赞助者
  ||||A large department store is the sponsor of the annual Christmas parade. |每年圣诞游行的赞助商是一家大型百货公司。
  ||||The sponsor of a radio or TV show is the advertiser who pays for it. |电台或电视节目的赞助商是广告商,由他们来出钱。
  |★|<20>affordable|a.|cheap enough for ordinary people to afford |平价的;廉价的
  ||||It's usually hard for single mothers to find affordable childcare. |单身母亲通常很难找到平价的儿童照管服务。
  ||||The house is rented at an affordable price. |这个房子的租金很便宜。
  |@ |<21>rarely|ad. |not often |很少
  ||||He rarely went anywhere except to his office. |他除了去办公室很少去其他地方。
  ||||Snakes are rarely seen in England. |英国很少看到蛇。
  |@ |<22>scope|n. |[U] the range of things that a subject, activity, book, etc. deals with |范围
  ||||Oil painting does not come within the scope of a course of this kind. |油画不在这一类课程的范围内。
  ||||Economics is beyond the scope of a child's mind. |经济学不在孩子的理解范围内。
  |★|<23>non-profit|a.|(of an organization) using the money it earns to help people instead of making a profit |(组织)非营利性的
  ||||Non-Profit organizations are a crucial part of our society. |非营利性组织是社会的一个重要部分。
  ||||Our foundation is non-profit dedicated to environmental protection. |我们是一个非营利性的机构,致力于环境保护。
  |@ |<24>regarding|prep. |concerning |关于
  ||||Regarding John, I'll write to him at once. |关于约翰,我会马上给他写信。
  ||||He spoke to me regarding his future. |他和我谈了他的将来。
  |# |<25>disability |n. |[C] the state of being disabled |缺陷;残疾
  ||||His disability prevents him from holding a job. |他的残疾使他找不到工作。
  ||||His lack of training was a serious disability. |他缺少训练,这是一个严重缺陷。
  ||<26> <em>islander</em> |n.  |[C] sb.who lives on an island |岛上居民
  ||||The islanders live by fishing. |岛民以捕鱼为生。
  ||||He has worked among the islanders for three years. |他在岛民中工作了三年。
  |@ |<27>present|vt. |show, give, or provide sth. |展示;呈现;提交
  ||||He presented the report to his colleagues at the meeting. |他在会议上向同事递交了报告。
  ||||The artist presented the man in a different light. |艺术家用另外一种方式表现那个人。
  |||a.|existing or happening now, or in a particular time and place |出席的;在场的
  ||||Every member of the class was present. |班上的每个人都在场。
  ||||Carbon is present in many minerals. |碳存在于许多矿物质里。
  ||<28>characterize |vt.  |(BrE characterise) describe the qualities of sb. or sth. in a particular way |描述...的特征
  ||||Your work is characterized as excellent. |你的作品很优秀。
  ||||The novel characterizes the man as a coward. |这本小说把这个人描述为一个胆小鬼。
  ||<29>bulk|n. |(the ~ of sth.) the main or largest part of sth. |大部分;多半
  ||||The bulk of the document is on the economic development of the city. |这份文件主要是关于这座城市的经济发展的。
  ||||The bulk of the residents of this town are workers. |这个城镇大部分的居民是工人。
  ||<30>reference|n. |1. [C, U] the act of mentioning sb. or sth. |提及;谈到
  ||||You should make reference to previous research on the subject in your thesis. |你应该在论文中提及之前关于这方面的研究。
  ||||When asked about the cause of the accident, the man made a passing reference to his carelessness. |当问及事故的原因时,那人对自己的粗心大意只简略谈及。
  ||||2. [C, U] the act of looking at sth. for information |参考;查阅
  ||||Keep this book for future reference. |保留这本书以供参考。
  ||||This article is an important reference. |这篇文章是个重要的参考。
  ||<31>productivity |n.  |[U] the rate at which goods are produced, esp. in relation to the work, time, and money needed to produce them |生产率;生产力
  ||||Productivity and wage increases have not kept in step. |生产率和工资没有同步上升。
  ||||The installation of this machinery has doubled the productivity of the factory. |装配这种机器后,这家工厂的生产率翻了一番。
  |@|<32>quantity|n. |[C, U] an amount of sth. |量;数量
  ||||It's quality not quantity that really counts. |重要的是质量而非数量。
  ||||Luckily I had brought with me in my toilet bag a quantity of cotton wool. |很走运,我在化妆包里带了一些药棉。
  ||<33>applicant |n. |[C] sb. who applies for sth., esp. a job or a place at university |申请人
  ||||How many applicants did you have for the job? |申请这份工作的人有多少?
  ||||The director is seeing the applicants this morning. |主任今早面见申请人。
  ||<34>skilled |a. |having the training and knowledge to do sth. well |有技术的;熟练的
  ||||A skilled worker can perform the task easily. |熟练工可以很轻易地完成任务。
  ||||She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel. |她的法语熟练到可以翻译一本小说。
  ||<35>oblige  |vt. |force sb. to do sth. |强迫;迫使
  ||||He was obliged to sell his car to pay our debts. |他被迫卖了汽车来还欠我们的钱。
  ||||The government obliges the companies to pay recent wages to employees. |政府责令公司支付职工近期的薪水。
  ||<36>equation |n.|1. [C] a statement in mathematics, showing that two quantities are equal |方程式;等式
  ||||In the equation 3x–3=15, x=6. |在方程式3x–3=15中, x=6。
  ||||2. [U] the act of equating two things |等同;相等
  ||||The equation of wealth with happiness is dangerous. |将财富和幸福等同容易让人误入歧途。
  ||<37>simplify|vt. |make sth. simpler or easier to do or understand |简化
  ||||Can you simplify the language a little? It's difficult to understand. |你能把这语言简化一下吗?太难理解了。
  ||||Try to simplify your explanation for the children. |尽量给孩子们解释地简单些。
  ||<38>abnormal |a. |different from what is usual |反常的
  ||||Is the child abnormal in any way? |这孩子是否有些不正常?
  ||||An abnormal amount of snow fell in October. |十月下了这么多雪,真不正常。
  |@ |<39>guarantee|vt.    |make it certain that sth. will happen |确保,保证
  ||||The fridge is guaranteed for three years. |这台冰箱的保修期是三年。
  ||||Nobody can guarantee good weather. |没有人能保证天气好。
  |||n.|[C] a formal promise that sth. will be done |保证
  ||||I give my guarantee that he will be here tomorrow. |我保证他明天会来。
  ||||The video recorder comes with a two-year guarantee. |录像机的保修期是两年。
  |@|<40>relevant |a. |connected with what is happening or being discussed |有关的;相关的
  ||||The film was relevant to what was being discussed in class. |这影片和我们在课堂上所进行的讨论相关。
  ||||I don't think his remark is relevant. |我觉得他的话毫不相干。
  |@|<41>margin |a. |1. [C] an additional amount of sth. such as time, money, or space |富余;余地
  ||||My work keeps me busy all the time, leaving me no margin to date someone. |我的工作整天都很忙,让我根本没有时间去约会。
  ||||There is no margin for error—we have to win. |绝对不能犯错误,我们必须得赢。
  ||||2. [C] the empty space at the side of a page |页边的空白
  ||||She widened the margin of her paper to make it look longer. |她加宽了论文的页边距,让文章看起来长些。
  ||||The margin of the textbook is specially designed for students to write down their notes. |这本教科书的页边空白经过专门设计以供学生做笔记。
  ||<42>abundant|a. |more than enough |大量的;充裕的
  ||||We took an abundant supply of food with us when we went hiking in the mountain. |我们远足登山时带了充裕的食物。
  ||||The coastline is abundant in rare species of plants. |海岸线上有大量的稀有植物。
  ||<43>offense|n. |(BrE offence) |
  ||||1. [U] the feeling of being angry and upset |冒犯;得罪
  ||||No offence is meant. |无冒犯之意。
  ||||His face showed neither surprise nor offence. |他脸上没惊讶之态,也没恼怒之意。
  ||||2 [C] a crime or illegal activity |违法行为;过错
  ||||The police won't arrest him for a first offence. |因是初犯,警察不会逮捕他。
  ||||Driving without a license is an offence. |无照驾驶是犯法之举。
  ||<44>assumption|n. |[C] sth. that one thinks is true though having no proof |假设;假定
  ||||His assumption proved to be wrong. |他的假设证明是错的。
  ||||They rented the old house on the assumption that the landlord would re-paint it. |他们租了那个旧房子,以为房东会重新粉刷。
  ||<45>unemployment |n.  |1. [U] the state of being unemployed |失业
  ||||If the factory is closed many men will face unemployment. |如果工厂关门,许多人会面临失业。
  ||||The government is trying to cure unemployment. |政府尽力解决失业问题。
  ||||2. [U] the number of unemployed people in a particular country or area |失业人数
  ||||Unemployment has increased because trade is bad. |生意不好,失业人数增加。
  |@ |<46>exclude|vt. |not include sb. or sth. |不包括;排除
  ||||The figures exclude cash receipts. |这些数字不包括现金收入。
  ||||The school excludes students who have drug problems. |学校开除了有吸毒问题的学生。
  |@ |<47>deserve|vt. |1. earn sth. by good or bad actions or behavior |应得;应受
  ||||I have omitted many things that deserved a place in the book. |我省略了本该写进书里的许多东西。
  ||||He felt that her praise of him was deserved. |他觉得她对他的赞扬是应得的。
  ||||2. be good enough to be considered |值得
  ||||Your suggestion deserves careful consideration. |你的建议值得我们仔细考虑。
  ||||The child's unusual behavior deserves attention. |这个孩子的异常举动值得引起大家的注意。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<48>prefer... to...|like sb. or sth. more than sb. or sth. else |更喜爱;宁可
  |||I prefer red wine to white if you let me choose. |如果你让我选择,和白葡萄酒相比,我更爱红葡萄酒。
  |||Reserved and studious, he prefers study to amusements of any kind. |他矜持而又勤奋,喜欢读书胜过任何娱乐。
  ||<49>apply for |make a formal request for sth. such as a job, a place in a university, etc. |申请
  |||I have applied for a passport. |我已经申请了护照。
  |||He has applied to the bank for a loan. |他已向银行申请了贷款。
  ||<50>pay off |bring some benefit or good results |获益;得到回报
  |||All the hard work I had done over the summer paid off. |我这个夏天付出的努力都有了回报。
  |||It's obvious that your deal won't pay off. |显而易见,你的生意不会赢利。
  ||<51>in the meantime |during the time when sth. else is happening |与此同时;在此期间
  |||I'll call you when he comes. In the meantime, I must give you something to do. |他来了我会给你打电话。与此同时,我得给你些活干。
  |||In the meantime, revolution had begun in Germany. |与此同时,革命在德国爆发。
  ||<52>with reference to  |used to introduce sth. that one is going to write about |关于
  |||With reference to your letter of yesterday, we cannot accept the offer. |关于你昨天的来信,我们无法接受提议。
  |||I have nothing to say with reference to this question. |关于这个问题,我无话可说。
  ||<53>due to |because of |因为,由于
  |||The fire was due to a faulty wire in a plug. |插座里的电线有问题,引起了火灾。
  |||The accident was due to his careless use of the gun. |事故是由于用枪不小心造成的。
  ||<54>look at |study and consider sth., esp. when making a decision |考虑;思考
  |||I'll look at your suggestion immediately. |我会立即考虑你的建议。
  |||Would you look at this painting and tell me if it's valuable? |请你给鉴定一下这幅画,告诉我它是否有价值?
  ||<55>be obliged to do sth. |make sb.legally or morally bound to do sth. |有责任或义务做某事
  ||   |Cigarette advertisements in magazines carry a health warning because they are obliged to. |杂志上的香烟广告都有一条健康告诫,因为他们有责任这么做。
  ||   |Since we'd invited all the other neighbors to the party, we felt obliged to invite the Browns too. |既然我们已经邀请了其他所有的邻居来参加派对,我们也得邀请布朗一家。
  ||<56>fill up |make sth. full |填满;装满
  |||The seats in the hall were filling up fast. |大厅里的座位很快就被坐满了。
  |||He filled up the time between supper and bed with watching television. |他在饭后和就寝前的这段时间里全在看电视。
  ||<57>take offense (at sth.) |feel angry and upset because of sth. that sb. has done |(对某事)生气;(因某事而)见怪
  ||    |I hope you won't take offense at my frankness. |我希望你不会对我的坦率生气。
  ||    |You're quick-tempered. You do take offense easily. |你脾气太急。你真的很容易生气。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<58>John TC Yeh| |约翰· TC· 叶
  ||<59>Gallaudet University | |(美国)加劳德特大学
  ||<60>Kendall| |(美国)肯德尔(聋人学校 )
  ||<61>Integrated Microcomputer Systems, Inc. (IMS) | |(美国)联合微电脑系统有限公司
  ||<62>Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) | |亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民
