新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第三册 Unit 3a(在线收听

 New Words    3A
@  leadership n.   1. [U] the quality that a leader should have 领导才能
@      2. [U] the position of being a leader 领导地位;领导权
@  publicity n.   1. [U] the attention that sb. or sth. gets from newspapers, television, etc. 关注
@      2. [U] the business of providing information in order to attract public attention 宣传;推广
@  cultivate vt.   1. develop a particular skill or quality 培养
@      2. make land suitable for growing crops or plants 耕种,耕作
@  comprehensive a.   including many details or aspects of sth. 综合的;全面的
@  controversial a.   causing disagreement 有争议的;引起争论的
@  suspend vt.   1. officially stop sth. for a short time 暂停,中止
@      2. hang sth. up 悬;挂
@  strain n.   [C, U] pressure caused by a difficult situation 负担;压力
@   vt.   1. injure oneself by stretching a muscle too much 扭伤,拉伤
@      2. make a relationship tense 使关系紧张
@  preliminary a.   coming before the main or most important part of sth. 预备的;初步的
@  magnet n.   1. [C] sb. or sth. that attracts many people 有吸引力的人或物
@      2. [C] an object that is able to attract iron and steel objects 磁铁
@  minority n.   1. [C] (usu. pl.) a group of people of a different race, religion, etc. from most other people in that country 少数民族
@      2. [sing.] a small group of people or things within a much larger group 少数;少数派
@  quest n.   [C] a long difficult search 探寻,寻求
@  energetic a.   full of energy; very active 精力充沛的;充满活力的
@  conventional a.   of the traditional or accepted type 传统的;常规的
@  reform vt.   improve sth. by correcting errors, or make a system work more effectively 改革;改进
@   n.   [C, U] a change made in order to improve sth. 改革;改进
@  intelligence n.   [U] the ability to learn, understand, and think about things 智力;理解力
@  controversy n.   [C, U] a serious disagreement 争议,争论
@  curriculum n.   [C] (pl. curriculums or curricula) the subjects that students study at a school or college 课程
@  preparation n.   1. [U] the act or process of preparing sth. 准备,预备
@      2. (~s) arrangements for sth. that is going to happen 准备工作;筹备工作
@  mixture n.   [C] a combination of two or more people or things 混合;混合体
@  admission n.   1. [U] permission to enter or become a member of a school, club, etc. 进入权;准许加入
@      2. [C] a statement in which one admits that sth. is true 承认;供认
@  outlook n.   1. [C] one's general attitude to life and the world 看法,观点,态度
@      2. [C] what is expected to happen in the future 前景,远景
@  workshop n.   1. [C] a meeting where a group of people discuss a subject, esp. by taking part in discussions or activities 研讨会;研习班
@      2. [C] a room or building where things are made or repaired with machines or tools 车间;作坊
@  seminar n.   [C] a meeting at which a group of people discuss a subject 研讨会
@  attendance n.   1. [C, U] the number of people present 出席人数
@      2. [U] the fact of being present 出席;参加
@  utmost n.   [U] the greatest amount or degree possible 极限;最大限度
@   a.   greatest; most possible 最大的,极度的
@  worthwhile a.   worth doing; worth the money, time or effort that is spent 值得(做)的
@  enroll v.   officially arrange to join a school, university, or course or arrange for sb. else to do this (使)登记入学;注册
@  outset n.   [U] the beginning 开端,开始
@  optimistic a.   believing that good things will happen in the future 乐观的
@  fruitful a.   having good results 富有成效的
@  faculty n.   1. [U] (AmE) all the teachers in a university, college, or school 全体教员
@      2. [C] a natural ability to do sth. 能力;天赋
@  campus n.   [C, U] the land and buildings of a college or university (大学)校园
@  jail n.   [C, U] the place where criminals are kept 监狱
@  insult vt.   say or do sth. that is rude and offensive to sb. 侮辱;辱骂
@   n.   [C] a rude or offensive remark or action 侮辱;辱骂
@  curse vt.   say bad things about sb. or sth. 诅咒;咒骂
@   n.   [C] an impolite word or words used to express anger 诅咒;咒骂
Phrases and Expressions 
@  see... as   consider sb. or sth. to be  认为...是
@  be scheduled to do   be arranged to do  被安排,定于
@  over one's protest   in spite of one's protest  不顾某人的抗议
@  put forth   show; bring sth. such as strength into action  使出;发挥
@  complete with   including; supplied with  包括;具有
@  do one's utmost   try as hard as one can  竭尽全力
@  work out   find a way of doing sth.  制订;找到
@  at the outset   at the beginning  开始
@  kind of   slightly; to some extent  有点儿;有几分
Proper Names 
@  Hyde School   海德中学
@  Joseph Gauld  约瑟夫·高尔德 (人名)
@  Bath, Maine   缅因州巴思市
@  Malcolm Gauld   马尔科姆·高尔德(人名)
@  Joe   乔(Joseph的昵称)
@  Hyde Foundation   海德基金会
@  Baltimore   巴尔的摩(美国马里兰州中北部港市)
@  New Haven, Connecticut   康涅狄格州纽黑文市
@  Jimmy DiBattista   吉米·迪巴蒂斯塔(人名)

