新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第四册 Unit 5b(在线收听

  |<1>housing    |n.    |1. [U] the job of providing houses for people |住房供给
  | |   | |The school offers graduate courses in housing and public administration. |学校提供住房供给和公共管理方向的研究生课程。
  | |   | |The government feels housing is in need of improvement. |政府认为为居民提供住房的工作有待改善。
  |     |              |      |2. [U] buildings for people to live in |房屋;住宅
  | |   | |There's a shortage of cheap housing in the region. |这个地区廉价房短缺。
  | |   | |The government is taking emergency action to deal with a crisis in housing. |政府正在采取紧急行动处理住房危机。
  |    |<2>furnace   |n.  |[C] a piece of equipment for heating a building |暖气炉;火炉
  | |   | |It's cold in here—should I turn on the furnace?|这儿挺冷的,我可以把暖气炉打开吗?
  | |   | |The hot air is provided by an oil-fired furnace. |热气是由燃油炉供给的。
  |   |<3>thermometer   |n.  |[C] a device used for measuring temperature |温度计;体温表
  | |   | |Last night the thermometer fell below freezing. |昨夜温度计的读数降到冰点以下。
  |    |<4>minus      |a.   |less than zero |零下的;负的
  | |   | |The temperature could fall to minus eight tonight. |今晚温度会降到零下八度。
  | |   | |This is a minus figure |这是一个负数。
  |    |<5>trumpet   |n.   |[C] |小号
  | |   | |I was a trumpet player in the jazz band at school. |在学校时我是爵士乐队的小号手。
  | |   | |He played a tune on his trumpet. |他用小号吹奏了一支乐曲。
  |     |<6>vibrate    |vi.   |shake slightly and quickly |震动;颤动
  | |   | |If I drive my car too fast, the engine starts to vibrate. |要是我开车太快的话,发动机就开始颤抖。
  | |   | |Every sound that we hear is making part of our ears vibrate. |我们听到的每个声音都会使我们耳朵的一部分发生振动。
  |    |<7>organic  |a. |produced without using artificial chemicals, esp.  fertilizers and pesticides |有机的;不使用化肥的
  | |   | |He will only buy organic vegetables. |他只买有机蔬菜。
  | |   | |He claims that many people are discouraged from buying organic foods because of their high price. |他声称因为价高,许多人不愿买有机食品。
  |   |<8> <em>organically</em> |ad. |in a way artiicial chemicals are not used to produce plants and animals for food |有机地
  | |   | |The wine is made from organically-grown grapes. |这酒是用有机肥料培植长成的葡萄制成的。
  | |   | |Organically-grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally-grown crops. |有机肥料培植的农产品在外表上与传统肥料培植的作物差异不是很大。
  |@  |<9>holy   |a.   |related to God and religion and therefore thought to be morally good |神圣的;圣洁的
  | |   | |He reads the Holy Bible every night. |他每晚都读《圣经》。
  | |   | |Jerusalem is a holy place. |耶路撒冷是一个神圣的地方。
  |    |<10>fur    |n.   |1. [C] a piece of clothing made of fur |毛皮大衣;毛皮衣服
  | |   | |a hat made of fur |毛皮帽
  | |   | |Some people think the sale of furs should be banned. |有些人认为应该禁止出售毛皮大衣。
  |     |           |      |2. [U] the soft hair that covers the body of some animals |软毛;毛皮
  | |   | |Cats have fur. |猫身上有毛。
  | |   | |She stroked the rabbit's soft fur. |她轻抚着兔子软软的毛。
  |    |<11>stale    |a.  |1. no longer interesting or exciting |没有新意的;乏味的
  | |   | |She felt their relationship had lost its initial excitement and had become stale and predictable. |她觉得他们的关系失去了起初的兴奋,变得平淡无奇。
  | |   | |He gave a boring speech full of stale jokes. |他的发言很无趣,满是乏味的笑话。
  |     |             |      |2. (of food) no longer fresh and often tasting or smelling unpleasant |(食品)不新鲜的;变味的
  | |   | |Their daily diet consisted of a lump of stale bread, a bowl of rice and some water. |他们每天的日常饮食包括一块陈面包,一碗饭和一些水。
  | |   | |Coffee goes stale within a couple of weeks so it is best to buy it in small quantities. |咖啡会在几个星期内走味,因此最好少量购买。
  |    |<12>depression  |n.   |1. [U] the state of feeling sad and without hope |沮丧,抑郁
  | |   | |I'm only just beginning to get over the deep depression I felt about losing my job. |我刚刚开始摆脱失业带给我的深深沮丧。
  | |   | |She went through a long depression after she failed the examination. |她考试不及格后消沉了很长一段时间。
  |     |                 |      |2. [C] a period in which there is very little business activity and not many jobs |萧条;经济衰退
  | |   | |He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s. |他永远忘不了在20世纪30年代大萧条时期所目睹的艰难困苦。
  | |   | |He was unemployed for many years during the depression of the 1930s. |他在20世纪30年代大萧条时期失业多年。
  |    |<13>tolerate  |vt. |1. allow sb. to do sth. that you don't like or approve |容忍;宽容
  | |   | |tolerate heat/noise/pain |忍耐高温/噪音/疼痛
  | |   | |The ability to tolerate pain varies from person to person. |忍耐疼痛的能力人与人各不相同。
  |     |               |      |2. accept sth. unpleasant |忍受;忍耐
  | |   | |The school cannot tolerate cheating on exams. |学校不容许考试作弊。
  | |   | |I'm afraid I can't tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. |恐怕我不能容忍我的班里有那种行为。
  |    |<14>undergraduate  |n.   |[C] a student who is studying for a irst degree at college or university |本科生
  | |   | |undergraduate courses |本科生课程
  | |   | |Now there are 3, 000 graduate students as well as 15, 000 undergraduates in this university. |现在这所大学有3,000名研究生和1万5千名本科生。
  |    |<15>flexibility|n.  |[U] the ability to change or be changed easily |灵活性
  | |   | |price flexibility 价格弹性
  | |   | |Computers offer a much greater degree of flexibility in the way work is organized. |利用计算机,工作安排可以灵活得多。
  |    |<16> <em>freshman</em>    |n. |[C] (BrE fresher) a student in the irst year of university or high school |(大学或中学)一年级学生
  | |   | |Greg and Jody met in their freshman year at college and married soon after they graduated. |格雷格和乔迪在他们大学一年级时相识,毕业后很快就结婚了。
  | |   | |He was still a freshman in the high school, although he was nearly sixteen. |虽然他将近16岁了,他仍然是高中一年级学生。
  |★  |<17>timid    |a.  |not having courage or conidence |胆小的;缺乏自信心的
  | |   | |Lucy is a rather timid child. |露西是一个相当羞怯的的小孩。
  | |   | |They failed not because they were too timid but because they overreached. |他们失败并不是因为他们胆小,而是因为非分妄为。
  |    |<18>saw    |vt.  |cut sth. with a tool that has a long blade with sharp teeth on one of its edges |锯;锯开
  | |   | |I'll saw the logs up into smaller pieces. |我要将原木锯成小木块。
  | |   | |We'll have to saw that tree down. |我们得把那棵树锯倒。
  |★  |<19>irritate|vt. |make sb. annoyed |使生气;使烦躁
  | |   | |The child's foolish questions irritated his mother a lot. |这孩子提出的那些愚蠢的问题使他母亲很恼火。
  | |   | |It irritated me to learn that she had been promoted. |得知她被提升,我感到恼火。
  |    |<20> <em>irritating</em>   |a.   |making sb. feel annoyed |令人恼火的;使人生气的
  | |   | |The people here are very irritating. |这里的人令人很生气。
  | |   | |It's irritating to see them waste so much time. |看到他们浪费那么多时间,令人生气。
  |@  |<21>abstract  |a.   |existing as an idea in the mind, not related to physical objects |抽象的
  | |   | |Truth and beauty are abstract concepts. |真与美是抽象概念。
  | |   | |This debate is too abstract—let's have some hard facts! |这场辩论太抽象了──举一些有力的事实吧!
  |     |             |n.      |[C] a short summary of a book, essay, etc. |摘要,梗概
  | |   | |He made an abstract of the lecture. |他写了一份讲座的摘要。
  | |   | |He was asked to write an abstract of approximately 200 words. |他被要求写一篇约200字的摘要。
  |★  |<22>residential |a.   |1. requiring a person to live at a particular place |住宿的,寄宿的
  | |   | |The department is responsible for the provision of residential care services. |这部门负责提供住院护理服务。
  | |   | |Training involves a two-year residential course. |培训包括两年住校攻读的课程
  |     |                |      |2. (of an area) consisting of houses rather than factories or ofices |住宅区的
  | |   | |In residential areas, usually you may not drive faster than 30 km/hr. |在住宅区,一般你驾车不能超过每小时30公里。
  | |   | |They live in a good residential district. |他们居住在一个很好的住宅区。
  |    |<23>volcano     |n. |[C] |火山
  | |   | |Volcanoes discharge massive quantities of dust into the stratosphere. |火山喷射出大量的灰尘进入大气平流层。
  | |   | |A nearby volcano erupted violently, sending out a hail of molten rock and boiling mud. |附近的一座火山猛烈爆发,喷出了一阵溶岩和沸腾的泥浆。
  |   |<24>resort   |v.   |(~ to) use sth. to do sth. because one cannot ind any other way |求助于;采取;诉诸
  | |   | |We may have to resort to using untrained staff. |我们也许只能使用未受训练的员工了。
  | |   | |When she didn't answer the telephone I resorted to standing outside her window and calling up to her. |当她不接电话时,我只得站在她的窗外喊她。
  |   |<25>jury     |n.  |[C] a group of people who listen to the facts of a case in a law court and decide whether sb. is guilty or not |陪审团
  | |   | |Several members of the jury wept as they heard how the child was killed. |当听到孩子被杀害的经过时,几名陪审团成员落了泪。
  | |   | |The jury has/have returned a verdict of guilty. |陪审团已作出有罪判定。
  |■ |<26>feud     |vi.    |have an angry and bitter argument with sb. over a long period of time |长期争斗;争吵不休
  | |   | |He has been feuding with his brother for years. |他和他兄弟已多年不和。
  | |   | |The neighboring states are feuding over the rights to the river. |这些相邻的国家正在为这条河的主权争吵。
  |    |<27>computerize  |vt.   |(BrE computerise) use a computer to control an operation, system, etc. |用计算机控制;使计算机化
  | |   | |a scheme to computerize the library service |一项使图书馆服务电脑化的方案
  | |   | |The factory has been fully computerized. |这家工厂已完全计算机化了。
  |@  |<28>nevertheless |ad.   |despite what has just been said or done |不过,仍然
  | |   | |I disagree with everything she said, but she's a very good speaker nevertheless. |她所说的一切我都不敢苟同,不过她是一位很好的演说家。
  | |   | |I am feeling ill, but I shall come with you nevertheless. |我感到不舒服,可我仍会跟你一起去。
  |    |<29>disorder  |n.    |1. [U] a state in which things are not tidy |杂乱;凌乱
  | |   | |The whole office was in a state of disorder — she couldn't find a thing she looked for. |整个办公室乱糟糟的,要找的东西她一样也找不到。
  | |   | |Inside all was disorder: drawers fallen out, shoes and boots scattered. |里面一片狼藉:抽屉都翻了出来,鞋子、靴子扔得到处都是。
  |     |              |      |2. [C, U] an illness  or medical condition |紊乱;失调
  | |   | |a stomach disorder |胃痛
  | |   | |He was suffering from some form of psychiatric disorder. |他患有某种类型的精神错乱。
  |@   |<30>complicate   |vt.    |make sth. more dificult to deal with, do or understand |使复杂化
  | |   | |The rescue operation has been complicated by bad weather. |恶劣的天气使得营救行动难以进行了。
  | |   | |These new rules have complicated the tax system even further. |这些新的规定使得税收制度进一步复杂化了。
  |    |<31>selection    |n.    |[U] the choice of a particular person or things from a group of similar people or things |选择,挑选
  | |   | |the process of jury selection |陪审团(成员)的挑选
  | |   | |Please make your selections and move along. |请作出选择并向前移动。
  |    |<32>exclaim      |v.    |say sth. suddenly and loudly because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc. |呼喊;惊叫
  | |   | |"You can't leave so soon!" she exclaimed. |“你不能这么早离开!”她叫道。
  | |   | |She exclaimed in delight upon hearing the news. |她听到这个消息高兴地欢呼起来。
  |    |<33>chess     |n.    |[U] |国际象棋
  | |   | |They often play chess after work. |他们下班后常下国际象棋。
  | |   | |The aim in chess is to win by attacking the other player's king in such a way that it cannot avoid being taken. |国际象棋的目标是攻击对方的王,使其只得被吃掉。
  |    |<34>mess      |n.    |[U] a dirty or untidy state |杂乱;脏乱
  | |   | |When I got home, the house was in a complete mess. |我到家时,屋里杂乱不堪。
  | |   | |You can make cookies if you promise not to make a mess in the kitchen. |如果你答应不把厨房弄得一塌糊涂,你可以做甜饼干。
  |    |<35> <em>messy</em>     |a.    |dirty and/or untidy |杂乱的;脏乱的
  | |   | |The house was always messy. |这屋子总是乱七八糟的。
  | |   | |The children got really messy playing in the woods. |这些孩子在树林里玩耍,弄得脏兮兮的。
  |    |<36>paw       |v.    |touch with the hands rudely or awkwardly |乱翻;乱动
  | |   | |He pawed through reference books. |他翻找一本本的参考书。
  | |   | |She pawed through her purse for matches. |她在手提包里乱翻一气找火柴。
  |     |              |n.    |[C] the foot of an animal which has claws or nails |爪
  | |   | |The cat lifted its paw and put it on my knee. |猫抬起爪子放在我的膝上。
  | |   | |He removes a thorn from a lion's paw. |他除去了狮子脚掌上的一根刺。
  |    |<37>postage   |n.    |1. [U] an amount of stamps |一定面额的邮票
  | |   | |Your parcel will not be delivered without the proper postage. |邮票面值不够的话,您的包裹就无法邮寄。
  |     |              |      |2. [U] the money that one pays for sending letters and parcels through the post |邮资,邮费
  | |   | |Enclose $20 plus $2 postage. |随信附寄20美元,外加2美元邮资。
  | |   | |What is the postage for an airmail letter? |寄一封航空信的邮资是多少?
  |    |<38>chew     |v.    |use your teeth to bite food into small pieces so that you can swallow it |咀嚼;嚼碎
  | |   | |You should chew your food well before you swallow it. |你应当先细嚼你的食物,然后再咽下去。
  | |   | |He broke off another piece of bread and chewed at it. |他又撕下一块面包嚼了起来。
  |★  |<39>batch    |n.    |[C] an amount of food, medicine, etc. produced at one time |(食品、药品等)一批
  | |   | |a batch of cookies |一炉甜饼干
  | |   | |The cook brought in a fresh batch of homemade cakes. |厨师端上了新做好的一炉饼干。
  |    |<40>chip     |n.    |1. [C] a small piece cut or broken off from glass, stone, wood, etc. |碎屑;碎片
  | |   | |chocolate chips |巧克力碎片
  | |   | |The ground was covered with wood chips. |地上铺满了木屑。
  |     |             |      |2. [C] a microchip |芯片
  | |   | |The silicon chip is said to be the invention that has changed lifestyles in the 20th century. |人们认为硅片是改变了20世纪生活方式的发明。
  | |   | |America and Japan are presently working on chips which will hold a million words. |美国和日本现在正在开发能存百万字的硅片。
  |▲  |<41>cookie   |n.    |[C] a sweet biscuit |曲奇饼干,甜饼干
  | |   | |Store the cookies in an airtight tin. |把甜饼干放在密封的桶里。
  | |   | |The guests, invited and uninvited, helped themselves to cakes and little cookies. |这些客人们,不管是受邀的还是未受邀的,自己动手吃起了蛋糕和甜饼干。
  |    |<42>slap     |vt.   |hit sb. or sth. with the lat part of your hand |用巴掌打;掴;拍
  | |   | |She slapped him across the face. |她抽了他一耳光。
  | |   | |She slapped his face when he put his hand on her knee. |当他将手放在她膝盖上时,她打了他一记耳光。
  |     |             |vi.   |hit against a surface with a sound like a slap |啪啪地撞击;拍击
  S| |   | |mall waves slapped against the jetty. |细浪拍击着防波堤。
  |@  |<43>odds     |n.    |(pl.) the chances that sth. will or will not happen |可能性;概率;机会
  | |   | |If you drive a car all your life, the odds are that you'll have an accident at some point. |如果你一辈子开车,你可能在某个时候出车祸。
  | |   | |There are heavy odds against people succeeding in such a bad economic climate. |人们要在如此糟糕的经济气候下成功,可能性很小。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<44>strike out |start doing sth. new or living by oneself |独立闯新路;独立谋生
  | |   |He decided to leave the company to strike out on his own as a writer. |他决定离开公司,自己去闯一条写作的新路。
  | |   |At the age of 17 she left her home to strike out on her own. |17岁那年,她离开了家去独立闯天下。
  ||<45>get along with|form or have a friendly relationship with |与...相处融洽
  | |   |They just can't get along with each other. |他们就是彼此合不来。
  | |   |He doesn't get along with anybody in the office. |他和办公室任何人都处不来。
  ||<46>give up on|stop hoping that sb. or sth. will change, improve, etc. |对...不再抱希望
  | |   |I give up on you: You'll never be a qualified nurse. |我对你不再抱任何希望,你永远成不了合格的护士。
  | |   |His teachers seem to have given up on him. |他的老师们看来已对他绝望。
  ||<47>cut up  |cut sth. into small pieces |切碎
  | |   |Cut up the carrots and put them into the pot. |把胡萝卜切碎放入锅内。
  | |   |He cut up the meat on his plate. |他把自己盘子里的肉切碎。
  ||<48>spring from |be caused by sth. or start from sth. |由...造成,起源于
  | |   |The idea for the novel sprang from a trip to India. |这部小说的想法源于一次去印度的旅行。
  | |   |All our errors have sprung from carelessness. |我们所有的错误都是由粗心造成的。
  ||<49>tear apart  |cause serious arguments in an organization, group, etc. |使...分裂
  | |   |It was the misunderstanding that tore them apart. |是误解导致了他们的分离。
  | |   |He resigned, depressed at the way that the party was tearing itself apart. |他辞职了,对这个党把自己弄的四分五裂的做法感到沮丧。
  ||<50>in case |if it happens that; lest |以防;以防万一
  | |   |Be quiet in case you wake the baby. |轻点儿,免得弄醒孩子。
  | |   |Keep the window closed in case it rains. |把窗子关好,以防下雨。
  ||<51>head off  |prevent sth. from happening |阻止,防止
  | |   |He headed off efforts to replace him as leader. |他挫败了要取代他的领导地位的企图。
  | |   |They've headed off several crises since they took charge. |自接手以来,他们已避免了好几次危机。
  ||<52>on the basis of |based on |在...基础上;根据
  | |   |She was given the job on the basis of her qualifications. |由于她的资历,她得到了那份工作。
  | |   |It's dangerous to judge on the basis of first impressions. |根据第一印象作判断是很危险的。
  ||<53>fill in  |write what is necessary on sth. such as a paper |填写
  | |   |Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences. |填空完成下面的句子。
  | |   |He was required to fill in a form before the interview. |面试前,他被要求填一张表格。
  ||<54>sum up  |state the main points of sth. in a short and clear form |总结;概括
  | |   |The judge summed up the evidence presented. |法官总结了呈堂证据。
  | |   |I can't sum up his whole philosophy in one sentence. |我无法用一句话来概括他的全部哲学。
  ||<55>against all (the) odds |in spite of the dificulties that would make sth. impossible |尽管困难重重
  | |   |Against all (the) odds, he made a full recovery. |他出乎意料地完全康复了。
  | |   |Against all odds, I finished my work on time. |尽管有极大的困难,我还是按时完成了工作。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<56>Katie Monahan | |卡蒂·莫纳汉(人名)
  ||<57>Sarah Monahan | |萨拉·莫纳汉(人名)
  ||<58>Pennsylvania  | |宾夕法尼亚州(美国州名)
  ||<59>Gettysburg College | |葛底斯堡学院
  ||<60>Julie Noel    | |朱莉·诺埃尔(人名)
  ||<61>Ohio | |俄亥俄州(美国州名)
  ||<62>Harvard   | |哈佛大学(美国)
  ||<63>Alan Sussman  | |艾伦·萨斯曼(人名)
