新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第四册 Unit 6b(在线收听

  |■    |<1>lethal     |a.    |able to kill people or destroy things |致命的;杀伤性的
  ||   ||Plastic bags may be lethal when swallowed in mistake for food by children. |儿童误把塑料袋当食物吞下可能会致命。
  ||   ||His business tactics can be lethal to small companies. |他做生意的策略对小公司可以具有杀伤性。
  |★   |<2>disable  |vt.  |make sb. unable to use their body properly |使丧失能力;使伤残
  ||   ||He is a soldier disabled by leg wounds. |他是位腿部受伤致残的士兵。
  ||   ||He can't work because he was disabled in the war. |他不能工作,因为他过去在战争中致残了。
  |      |<3> <em>knife-resistant</em>      |a.   |not being easily damaged or affected by a knife |防刀划的;防刀割的
  ||   ||This kind of material proves to be knife-resistant. |这种材料证明是防刀划的。
  ||   ||To protect themselves, these men all wore knife-resistant gloves. |这些男子为了保护自己都戴着防刀割的手套。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<4>crop up  |appear or happen suddenly or unexpectedly |突然发生;突然出现
  ||   |If certain criticisms have cropped up consistently, you must decide either to correct these problems or to try something new. |如果某些批评一直在出现,你就必须决定是纠正这些问题,还是尝试一些新的东西。
  ||   |It was true that a major problem had just cropped up which demanded immediate attention. |确实,一个需要引起立即注意的重要问题突然发生了。
  ||<5>up to scratch|good enough for a particular standard |达标;合格;足够好
  ||   |Much work was needed to bring them up to scratch and these young men worked hard to get ready for an opening to the public in June. |要使它们达到标准还要做很多工作。为6月份向公众开放做好准备,这些年轻人干得很努力。
  ||   |The couple told the housing officials that the three-bedroom flat simply was not up to scratch for their needs. |这对夫妇告诉管理住房的官员们这套三居室的套房根本没有达到他们的要求。
  ||<6>be on the wrong end of|suffer the bad effects of sth. |承担...的不利后果
  ||   |Companies that violate this law can find themselves on the wrong end of lawsuits. |违反该法的公司会发现自己必须承担面临法律诉讼的不利后果。
  ||   |Gibson Keddie finds himself on the wrong end of a tongue lashing, but he knows nothing about how it happens. |吉布森·凯迪遭到了痛斥,可是他压根儿不知道这是怎么发生的。
  ||<7>law and order  |a situation in which people obey the law and behave in a peaceful way |法治;治安
  ||   |He has used force every time in the past in an effort to portray himself as defender of both law and order. |过去他每次都使用武力,力图把自己描绘成是法律和秩序的捍卫者。
  ||   |Our policies on law and order and the rights of individuals are designed to protect the people. |我们制定有关法律和秩序以及个人权利的政策是为了保护人民。
  ||<8>throw up |produce sth. new or unexpected |产生;引发
  ||   |The builders threw up some temporary huts for the victims of the earthquake. |建筑工人为地震灾民建造了一些临时棚屋。
  ||   |They hurriedly threw up earthen walls, stretching blankets over the top to shelter these homeless people. |他们匆匆地筑起了土墙,在顶上盖些毯子,给这些无家可归者提供住处。
  ||<9>on duty  |working at a particular moment |值班,当班
  ||   |The policeman was charged with neglect of duty, and smoking in uniform while on duty. |这个警察被指控玩忽职守,在值勤时吸烟。
  ||   |Every hour the assistant on duty had to read the instruments, make a note of the wind speed and direction. |每个小时当班的助理得观察仪器,记录风速和风向。
  ||<10>on sick leave |being away from work for illness |休病假
  ||   |While in England on sick leave, he visited many famous universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. |他在英国休病假时,参观了许多著名大学,如牛津和剑桥。
  ||   |You will be paid while you are on sick leave but obviously there are limits to this. |休病假时你是有工资收入的,但是很明显,这是有限制的。
  ||<11>in favor |in support of sb. or sth. |赞同;支持
  ||   |But there has been no sign from the government that the President is in favor of the proposal. |政府中还没有迹象表明总统会赞同这个计划。
  ||   |I would be in favor of making it illegal to smoke while driving. |我会支持立法禁止驾车时吸烟。
  ||<12>derive from |come from; get or obtain from |来自;源于
  ||   |A large part of his pleasure derived from holidays, when he could put the routines of work behind him. |他很大一部分快乐是从度假中得到的,此时他可以把工作的日常事务抛在脑后。
  ||   |He argues that all their ideas are derived from experience and that they may prove to be very useful. |他认为他们所有的主意都源于经验,而且这些主意可能证明是很有用的。
  ||<13>wash away |remove or carry away by water or by rain |冲掉;冲走
  ||   |A month before harvesting, the plants were washed away by some unusually heavy rains. |收割前一个月,几场罕见的大雨把农作物都给冲走了。
  ||   |Then she washed away some of the dirt and blood that spread across her face. |然后,她用水冲洗掉了自己脸庞上一些污垢和血迹。
  ||<14>lose count of sth.  |used for emphasizing that sth. has happened many times |数不清
  ||   |We've lost count of the times he's bored us with his nonsensical talk. |他这种无聊话,我们不知听了有多少次。
  ||   |I've lost count of the number of late-night movies we've watched. |我已记不清我们看了多少这样的深夜电影。
  ||<15>take up |use a particular amount of time, space, or effort |占用
  ||   |The newly-designed furniture takes up very little space and makes a room look spacious. |这套新设计的家具几乎不占空间,使得房间看起来很宽敞。
  ||   |It isn't a large place, but it takes up a lot of your time to do the cleaning work. |虽然这地方不大,可是做清洁工作得占你很多时间。
  ||<16>there is no point (in) doing sth. |there is no sense (in) doing sth. |做...没有意义
  ||   |There is no point in arguing with him. |和他争辩没有意义。
  ||   |There is no point making all the efforts when we know what the result will be. |我们既然知道结果会是什么样,做这些努力没有意义。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<17>Northumbria| |诺森布里亚郡(位于英格兰的东北部)
  ||<18>John Stevens | |约翰·史蒂文斯(人名)
