新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第四册 Unit 7b(在线收听

  |▲   |<1>prodigy    |n.    |[C] a young person who has unusual and very noticeable abilities for their age |奇才;天才
  ||   ||However, if a child could pick up the language merely by exposure he would be considered a real prodigy. |然而,如果一名儿童仅仅通过接触就能学会这门语言,他会被视作是一个真正的奇才。
  |    |<2> <em>narrow-minded</em>   |a.  |not willing to accept different ideas or customs |心胸狭窄的
  ||   ||He was criticized for being boring, selfish and narrow-minded. |他的无聊、自私自利、心胸狭窄受到了批评。
  ||   ||I think I'm not too narrow-minded in my outlook, and that I encompass different periods and ideas. |我认为自己的观点不是太偏狭,我涉及到了不同的时期和不同的思想。
  |    |<3> <em>long-term</em>   |a.  |continuing for a long time into the future |长期的
  ||   ||What we need is a long-term solution, not a short-term one. |我们所需要的是一个长期的解决办法,而不是一个短期的解决办法。
  ||   ||A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected. |人们期望有一个新的帮助长期失业人员的培训计划。
  |     |<4> <em>self-motivated</em>      |a.   |motivated by oneself |积极主动的
  ||   ||They were so determined to learn and they were so strongly self-motivated. |他们学习的决心如此之大,他们的自我主动性如此之强。
  ||   ||The children are very self-motivated but they are still very young. |这些孩子们积极性很高,但他们的年纪仍然太小。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<5>spring up |appear or develop quickly and/or suddenly |涌现;突然兴起
  ||   |His success doesn't spring up out of nowhere. |他的成功不是凭空而来的。
  ||   |If the project's a success, similar constructions may spring up elsewhere. |如果这个项目成功的话,类似建筑物也许会在其他的地方涌现。
  ||<6>out of nowhere|happening or appearing suddenly |突然发生;突然出现
  ||   |He was driving too fast on the express highway when a police car appeared out of nowhere and stopped him. |他正在高速公路上超速行驶,这时不知打哪儿冒出一辆警车把他拦住了。
  ||   |The thought swam into her mind out of nowhere. |这想法不知从何处涌入她的脑海。
  ||<7>look into|examine |调查
  ||   |Many such crimes are looked into by special agencies rather than the police. |许多这种犯罪是由专门的机构调查,而不是由警方进行调查的。
  ||   |The union representative is looking into the case to see if the company is responsible. |工会代表正在调查这起案子,看公司是否负有责任。
  ||<8>go out of one's way to do sth.  |make a special effort to do sth. |特地做某事;想尽办法做某事
  ||   |Mary always went out of her way to help me learn Russian before I went to Moscow. |我去莫斯科前,玛丽总是不怕麻烦地帮助我学习俄语。
  ||   |He could have complained to the top about my basic lack of professionalism but instead he went out of his way to try and help me. |他原本可以向上层领导埋怨我缺乏基本的职业技艺,可相反,他千方百计地试图帮助我。
  ||<9>in question |under consideration or discussion |考虑之中的;谈论中的
  ||   |If the restaurant in question adds a service charge, then there would be fewer customers. |要是那家谈论中的餐馆增收服务费,那么顾客就会比较少了。
  ||   |Can you give us more information about the man in question? |关于这个人你能给我们提供更多的情况吗?
  ||<10>step by step |gradually |逐渐地
  ||   |Step by step, they are approaching the crux of the problem. |一步步地,他们正接近问题的关键。
  ||   |The gang of robbers approached with guns, forcing them step by step into the sea. |那帮强盗拿着枪逼近,强迫他们一步一步地走到大海中。
  ||<11>have an advantage over |be better, more effective, and more useful than |比...处于有利地位,比...有优势
  ||   |She realized that she had an advantage over her mother's generation. |她意识到她比自己母亲这代人有优势。
  His recent research finds that older learners have an advantage over the very young in certain aspects of language learning. |他最近的研究发现,在语言学习的有些方面,年龄较大的学习者比年龄非常小的有优势。
  ||<12>be in a position to do sth. |be able to do sth. because you have the ability, money, or power to do it |能够做;有条件做
  ||   |When I have read the whole report I shall be in a better position to comment. |读完整篇报告之后,我才能更好地作出评论。
  ||   |As a mother of five, I feel I am in a position to speak about how to better educate children. |作为一个五个孩子的母亲,我觉得我有资格谈论如何更好地教育孩子。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<13>Einstein | |爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein, 1879-1955,美籍德国理论物理学家)
  ||<14>Pablo Picasso | |帕布罗·毕加索(1881-1973,西班牙画家、雕刻家,立体主义画派主要代表)
  ||<15>Mozart   | |莫扎特(1756-1791,奥地利作曲家,维也纳古典乐派主要代表)
  ||<16>Karl Friedrich Gauss | |卡尔·弗里德里希·高斯(1777-1855,德国数学家)
  ||<17>Holland   | |荷兰(西欧国家)
