新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第四册 Unit 8a(在线收听

  <1> <em>gatepost</em>     |n.    |[C] a post to which a gate is ixed |门柱
  ||   ||Henry hung around for a few minutes, then gave the gatepost a kick and went home. |亨利等了几分钟,然后踢了一脚门柱就回家了。
  ||   ||Sailors returning home stuck a pineapple or two on their gateposts to tell the community they were back and welcomed visitors. |回家的水手在自己家的门柱上插上一两个菠萝,告诉大家他们回来了,欢迎来客。
  |    |<2> <em>riverboat</em>   |n.  |[C] a large passenger boat which travels up and down a river |内河船;内河客轮
  ||   ||With just 31 cabins, this comfortable, first-class riverboat is the ideal size for them. |这个舒适一流的内河客轮只有31个客舱;对他们来说,这个大小非常理想。
  ||   ||This river was only recently made accessible to riverboat traffic by a new series of dams and locks. |这条河建造了一系列新的河堤和水闸,最近才通内河客轮。
  |▲   |<3>prop     |vt.   |support sth. by leaning it against sth., or by putting sth. else under it |支撑
  ||   ||She propped herself against the cold, damp wall with the baby in one hand and a bottle of gin in the other. |她靠在冰冷潮湿的墙上,一手抱着小孩,一手拿着一瓶杜松子酒。
  ||   ||He propped his bike against the wall. |他把自行车靠在墙边。
  |    |<4> <em>knife-blade</em>   |n.  |[C] the lat cutting part of a knife |刀刃
  ||   ||The small knife-blade flashed in the moonlight. |那把小小的刀身在月光下一闪一闪地发亮。
  ||   ||They found there was only a rusty knife-blade in the box. |他们发现箱子里只有一把生锈的小刀刀刃。
  |★   |<5>fragrance      |n.   |[C, U] a pleasant smell |香味,芳香
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<6>up to |until |直到
  ||   |She continued to care for her father up to the time of his death. |她一直照顾父亲直到他去世。
  ||   |The organization had continually opposed any change and had had little understanding of the industrialization process up to that time. |这个组织直到那时仍继续反对任何变革,对工业化进程几乎一无所知。
  ||<7>peer at|look carefully at |仔细看,凝视
  ||   |My study is the perfect place for an author, especially if he doesn't object to being occasionally peered at through the windows by curious visitors. |我的书房对一个作家来说是个完美的地方,特别是如果他不反对偶尔被好奇的来访者透过窗子端详的话。
  ||   |Suddenly I found myself in the hospital being peered at by hundreds of doctors, all making interesting noises and using long medical terms. |忽然间我发现自己在医院里,被成百个医生仔细查看,他们发出有趣的声响,说着长长的医学术语。
  ||<8>in passing|by the way; casually |顺便;附带
  ||   |These points have been mentioned in passing in the previous class, but they are summarized here for the sake of convenience and for added emphasis. |这几点在上堂课已经顺便提过了,但是为了方便和加以强调,这里再归纳一下。
  ||   |He also points out, in passing, various questions of the sort which have cropped up early this year. |他也顺便指出了今年早些时候就突然出现的诸如此类的各种问题。
  ||<9>in that  |for the reason that; because |因为,原因是
  ||   |Your behavior is extremely important in that it conveys your attitude much more effectively and directly than the words you use. |你的行为极为重要,因为它比你的言语更有效、更直接地传达你的态度。
  ||   |The financial crisis is different in that people at the top are being affected as well. |这次金融危机不同之处在于高层人士也受到了影响。
  ||<10>give of sth. |give other people money, time, etc., without expecting anything in return |提供;献出
  ||   |Thanks were also extended to all the club members who gave of their time to ensure that all had fun. |也向那些奉献出自己的时间以确保所有人玩得开心的俱乐部成员致谢。
  ||   |But talent can be developed, trained, and provide a sound basis for you to give of the best inside you. |但是才能可以被挖掘和训练,它为你提供了展现最精彩自我的一个可靠基础。
  ||<11>disapprove of |not approve of sb. or sth. |不赞同;不喜欢
  ||   |Even when other people around us do things we disapprove of, we don't have to laugh at them. |即使周围的人做一些我们不赞同的事情,我们也无须嘲笑他们。
  ||   |People often strongly disapprove of others who behave in unusual ways. |人们经常十分反感那些特立独行的人。
  ||<12>at one's elbow |nearby; close by |在手边;在近旁
  ||   |They set the table for dinner, but before they started, the telephone at their elbow rang. |他们摆好了餐桌,但是还没开始吃,手边的电话就响了。
  ||   |This time he could afford to make no mistake: His teacher was there at his elbow, watching every move. |这一次他可以确保不出错,因为他的老师在旁边关注着他的每一步。
  ||<13>pay the price (for sth.) |do or give sth. in order to get what one wants |(为...)付出代价
  ||   |Williams is now paying the price for his early mistakes. |威廉现在在为他早先的错误付出代价。
  ||   |In retrospect I admit it was an unforgivable thing and I've paid the price for it, emotionally and financially. |回顾往事,我承认这是一件不可宽恕的事,我也为此付出了感情上和经济上的代价。
  ||<14>in the main |in general; on the whole |基本上,大体上
  ||   |In the main, the money raised goes to children's charities. |大多数情况下, 募集的资金送到儿童慈善机构。
  ||   |His friends are lawyers in the main. |他的朋友多是律师。
  ||<15>prop up |prevent sth. from falling down by putting sth. else under or against it |支撑;顶住
  ||   |He lay, propped up by pillows, his face pale and eyes dull. |他躺着,靠着枕头,脸色苍白,两眼无神。
  ||   |She propped herself up on one elbow. |她单肘撑起身子。
  ||<16>in company with |together with |与...一起
  ||   |She arrived in company with the ship's captain. |她与船长一起到达。
  ||   |Early in 1998, in company with the German defense minister, he drafted new proposals. |1998年初,他和德国国防部长共同起草了提案。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<17>Eatonville | |伊顿维尔(美国佛罗里达州奥兰治县小镇)
  ||<18>Orlando | |奥兰多(美国佛罗里达州中部城市)
  ||<19>Zora Neale Hurston  | |佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿 (美国女作家)
  ||<20>Jacksonville | |杰克逊维尔(美国佛罗里达州东北部港口城市)
