新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第四册 Unit 10a(在线收听

  |@★    |<1>incorporate    |vt.    |make sth. a part of sth. larger |纳入;使并入
  ||   ||Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan. |你的很多建议已纳入计划中。
  ||   ||The new car design incorporated all the latest safety features. |新的汽车设计包括了所有新的安全配备。
  |@★    |<2>trigger |vt.   |make sth. happen |使发生;引发
  ||   ||The two gunmen triggered a massive search when they fled in a stolen car and opened fire. |这两个枪手驾驶一辆偷来的车逃走并开了枪,引起了一场大范围的搜查。
  ||   ||The trigger for the strike was the closure of yet another factory. |触发这次罢工的是另一家工厂的关闭。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<3>sort through |look for sth. among a lot of similar things, esp. when one arranges these things into an order |从...中查找
  ||   |They sorted through the books and divided them into two lots. |他们整理了书籍,把它们分成两份儿。
  ||   |I have been sorting through these old papers to see what can be thrown away. |我在整理这些旧文件,看看哪些可以扔掉。
  ||<4>aim at|intend or try to achieve sth. |旨在;力争达到
  ||   |When he was in university, he was aiming at a scholarship. |上大学时,他努力想获得一个奖学金。
  ||   |They're aiming at training everybody by the end of the year. |他们力求做到在年底前人人得到培训。
  ||<5>in the act of doing sth. |while doing sth. |正在做某事
  ||   |He turned and, in the act of rising, felt his hat being swept off his head. |他转过身,正要站起时,感到他的帽子从头上被吹走了。
  ||   |He was caught in the act of stealing a car. |他偷汽车时被逮个正着。
  ||<6>take note of  |notice sth. |留意(到);注意(到)
  ||   |The government has taken note of objections. |该政府已经注意到反对意见。
  ||   |But the names mean nothing to me because I only take note of the roles actors take in the play. |可是名字对我来说无所谓,因为我只注意演员们在戏中的角色。
  ||<7>set aside |save or keep money, time, etc. for a particular purpose |拨出;留出
  ||   |Thus if you set aside 500 dollars per month, it would take two years to accumulate the minimum sum needed for your kid. |这样,如果你每月留出500美元,要两年才能攒到你小孩所需要的那笔钱的最低数额。
  ||   |A special period of at least two weeks should be set aside solely for the purpose of carrying out an inspection. |要至少留出来两周的时间专门用于执行检查。
  ||<8>keep at it |continue doing sth. |坚持
  ||   |I keep at it—whatever it is—and don't give up too easily. |不管它是什么,我都会坚持干,不会轻易放弃。
  ||   |We know it's easy to say, but you'll soon start to see and feel the benefits of dieting, providing you keep at it. |虽然我们知道说起来容易,但是只要你坚持,你不久就会看到并体会到节食的益处。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<9>Daniel Goleman | |丹尼尔·戈尔曼(人名)
  ||<10> <em>Emotional Intelligence</em> | |《情感智能》
  ||<11> <em>Time</em> | |《时代周刊》
  ||<12>Karen Boylston | |卡伦·波尔斯顿(人名)
