学个词Learn a Word 第1118期 let somebody down(在线收听

  今天我们要学的词是let somebody down。 To let somebody down, 有未履行承诺,让某人失望的意思。 "The newly elected Mayor promised he will not let the voters down," 新当选的市长保证说,自己绝对不会让选民失望。 "As a parent, she never lets her kids down," 做为家长,她从来不让自己的孩子失望。 "Former President George W. Bush said some NATO allies let the U.S. down in Afghanistan," 美国前总统布什说,北约有些盟国没有兑现在阿富汗问题上对美国的承诺。好的,今天我们学习的词是let somebody down...
