每日一词【775】summer camp:夏令营(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是summer camp。 Summer camp, 夏令营。"Going to summer camp is a long tradition in the U.S." 送孩子去夏令营是美国一个历史悠久的传统。"Some 8 million children attend summer camps each year," 每年有大约八百万个孩子参加夏令营。

不幸的是,"Summer camps are contending with more than bug bites this year," 夏令营今年面对的不光是蚊虫的叮咬。"More than 50 summer camps have closed early or have canceled because of suspected H1N1 outbreaks," 由于H1N1甲型流感疑似病例的出现,已经有50多个夏令营提前结束或是索性取消。好的,今天我们学习的词是summer camp...
