王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 2A(在线收听

  Caller: A couple of years ago, I forgot _____________________________, and there was about ______________ in it. I went home, put the groceries away, ____________________, went Christmas shopping in another store, totally not even realizing my purse was gone. I went to go pay for the ______ I was going to buy. Then I realized my purse was gone. I ___________ over to the grocery store, there was nothing there, all the carts were, like, __________, there was nothing in the _____________...
  Presenter: And ________________.
  Caller: I am so _____ because y'know, it's Christmas time. Just when I'm about to like, ____ __________ and just start crying, this pick up truck just ____ up and they said, are you Theresa, is this your purse? And I was like, oh my gosh, that's my purse...
  Presenter: And then they said, _____________! Hahaha!
  Caller: I tried to give them something, but they ______, they absolutely _____________. And they just said, enjoy your holiday.
  Presenter: This is just right outside the grocery store?
  Caller: Right outside the grocery store.
  Presenter: No kidding. And they refused a _______.
  Caller: And this was an hour and a half, maybe two hours after I had left it there. And everything was _____________, nothing was ______.
