美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2011-01-027(在线收听

1. Chinese President Hu Jintao will head to the Capitol Hill today. He'll meet with leaders from both Houses before heading to Chicago to talk to business leaders. President Obama and the first lady honored Hu at a state dinner last night.


2. A Los Angeles police officer's bullet-proof vest saved his life. Investigators say officer Jeff Stenroos was shot in the chest when he confronted the man who appeared to be breaking into cars on a city street. The suspect is still at large.


3. The House has voted to repeal the health care reform law. The measure passed for the 245-189 vote, and now heads to the Senate, but there is no word if there'll even be a vote on it.


4. An unexpected landing for a hot air balloon in Australia. The balloon missed its landing site and briefly splashed down in Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne. All 11 passengers were soaking wet but unhurt.
