听电影学英语-阿童木(Astro Boy) 06(在线收听

  [00:31.06]This is so cool. I gotta show Dad. 太酷了 我要让爸爸看看
  [00:41.95]How can my approval ratings be this low? 为什么我的投票率这么低?
  [00:44.78]I was very popular in high school. I've cut taxes for a lot of very influential friends. 在高中我很受欢迎 我为很多大人物减免赋税
  [00:49.58]What more do people want? 你们还想要什么?
  [00:51.04]We're tracking an unidentfied object flying over Metro City, sir. 我们追踪到一个不明飞行物
  [00:54.63]The Surface dwellers are firing at us? 地面居民在攻击我们?
  [00:56.63]This is what I've been waiting for! Declare war on them! 等着机会好久了! 向他们宣战!
  [00:59.51]This is going to get me re-elected. 这能让我竞选连任
  [01:01.05]This didn't come from the Surface, sir. 不是来自地面的,长官
  [01:02.84]It's my opponent. He's taken the gloves off. 是我的竞选对手,终于出手了
  [01:05.18]He's playing hardball. 想跟我来硬的
  [01:06.22]It's Blue Core energy, sir! 是蓝核能源,长官!
  [01:07.89]What? Elefun told me the Blue Core was destroyed. 啥?茶水说蓝核已经毁了
  [01:11.31]Get me a location and mobilize all units! I want that thing now! 给我坐标,全体动员! 我要拿下它!
  [01:16.86]ELEFUN: I got here as fast as I could. 我尽快赶来了
  [01:19.32]Where is he? Where's Toby? 他在哪?透比在哪?
  [01:21.24]TENMA: I sent him to his room. Please, just deactivate him and take him away. 呆在房间 请把他关闭带走吧
  [01:24.91]I can't bear to see his face again. 我不忍再看他的脸
  [01:29.29]Come on, Tenma. You can't just throw him away like a piece of junk. 别这样,天马 你不能当他垃圾一样扔掉
  [01:32.21]Dad? 爸爸?
  [01:35.42]What's going on? 发生什么事?
  [01:37.00]Why are you talking about me like this? 为什么这样说我?
  [01:38.59]Toby, there's been a bit of a misunderstanding. 透比,这里有点误会
  [01:41.59]You're not actually an entirely ordinary boy. 你不是原本真正的小孩
  [01:45.84](STUTTERING) I know. 我知道
  [01:47.43]Dad, I can fy. I can drill my way through solid rock It's amazing. 爸爸,我会飞,我还会敲开岩石
  [01:52.43]How did I think this could work? 为什么我会这么天真?
  [01:55.10]What's wrong with me? Why don't you love me anymore? 我做错了什么? 你不再爱我了吗?
  [01:58.40]He's programmed with the memories of your own son, Tenma. 他的程序就是你儿子的记忆,天马
  [02:01.40]- Programmed? - Doesn't that mean anything to you? - 程序? - 难道你真的铁石心肠?
  [02:05.70]But he isn't my son. 但他不是我儿子
  [02:08.62]Dad. 爸爸
  [02:10.95](STUTTERING) I'm not your dad. You're not Toby. 我不是你爸爸 你也不是透比
  [02:14.79]You're a copy of Toby. 你只是透比的复制品
  [02:17.63]Not my son, a robot, 一个机器人,不是我儿子
  [02:22.46]and I don't want you anymore. 我不想再看到你
  [02:26.30]No! No! 不!不!
  [02:29.30]Toby, wait! 透比,等等!
  [02:30.64]I can't see into the future, but I'm sure there's a place for you. 我无法预知未来 但我能肯定会有你的一席之地
  [02:34.81]You just have to find it. 只要你能找到
  [02:36.14]He's my father. This is my home. It's all I know. 他是我爸爸,这是我家 我只知道这些
  [02:40.61]Everyone has their destiny, Toby. 每个人都有他的命运,透比
  [02:43.65]Didn't you hear him? I'm not Toby. 你没听他说?我不是透比
  [02:47.41]Please, Elefun. 行了,茶水
  [03:15.43]It's true. 是真的
  [03:17.94]What? 什么?
  [03:20.86]SOLDIER: Sir, we've located the signal's source, but it's a child. 我们找到信号源,可他是个小孩
  [03:24.73]Readings for the Core are off the chart! 核心数据异常强大
  [03:26.74]Is that Tenma's boy? 天马的孩子?
  [03:28.82]Of course not! Holy cow. Tenma must've lost his mind. 当然不是!天啊 天马已经疯了
  [03:34.12]Bring it in. 带走他
  [03:35.29]This is Stinger One. Set weapons for capture. 这是针刺一号 准备好捕获
  [03:38.00]Oh, no. 不
  [03:41.63]Whoa! He just took off! 哇,他起飞了
  [03:43.63]Commander, engage the subject with intent to capture. 长官,准备抓获目标
  [03:54.68]What do you guys want? 你们想要什么?
  [03:56.14]Command Center, we have it in our sights. 控制中心,目标出现
  [04:19.12]- Huh? - Ta da!
  [04:21.17](GASPS) Oh, my God! 哦,我的天

  [04:22.83]I'm just gonna take these things back. 我还是把这些还回去好了
  [04:25.59]I'm getting married! 我要结婚了
  [04:27.88]Get him! 抓住他!
  [04:33.26]Where'd he go? Huh? 他去哪了?
  [04:36.01]What? 什么?
  [04:53.36]STINGER ONE: We've got him. We're coming home. 抓获他了 正在返航
