听电影学英语-海上钢琴师 18(在线收听

  [00:52.11]Next 下一个
  [00:57.16]Next 下一个
  [01:09.17]Excuse me 抱歉
  [01:13.01]Excuse me 借过
  [01:15.76]Excuse me 借过
  [01:18.22]Please, miss 对不起  小姐
  [01:22.85]I have to talk to you 我有话想对你说
  [01:25.81]You're meeting your father aren't you? 你要去见你的父亲  对吗
  [01:28.89]Yes 是啊
  [01:30.56]How did you know? 你怎么知道的
  [01:32.31]I think I've met him 我觉得我见过他
  [01:37.69]On this ship 就在这船上
  [01:39.74]quite a few years ago 几年之前
  [01:42.41]I don't know if he took this same ship 我不知道他是不是乘了同一艘船
  [01:45.49]I'm sure of it 我确定

  [01:50.08]He has a musette 他有一支法国的小风笛
  [01:54.79]I think we played together 我们还一起演奏过
  [01:58.09]I don't know if he'd remember, but 我不知道他是否还记得
  [02:01.42]say hello to him 请代我向他问声好
  [02:02.88]I will 我会的
  [02:04.34]But how did you know who I was? It's very strange, no? 但你怎么会知道我是谁  很奇怪  不是吗
  [02:08.97]It's a secret 这是个秘密
  [02:12.35]And secrets should be kept 秘密应当要保密
  [02:15.44]Although I think your father felt differently back then 尽管我认为你父亲回去后会有不同想法
  [02:42.92]Please accept this... 请接受这个
  [02:45.21]small musical token 音乐的小礼物
  [02:46.76]I'm sorry, but I can't hear you 对不起  我听不到
  [02:50.80]I want you to... 我想要你...
  [02:53.47]accept this small token 接受这份小礼物
  [02:57.81]I can't hear you 我听不到你在说什么
  [03:04.98]Good luck 祝你好运
  [03:06.48]Thank you. Good luck to you too 谢谢  也祝你好运
  [03:10.40]Why don't you come and visit us some day? 你为什么不来我们这儿
  [03:12.99]We live on Mott Street. Number 27 我们住在莫特街27号
  [03:16.16]My father has a fish shop 我爸爸有开了家鱼店
  [03:19.75]Maybe 可能会来吧
  [03:26.63]Padoan, okay. Next 好的  帕多安  下一个
  [03:29.80]Next 下一个
  [04:08.17]He never mentioned her to me again And I never asked 他再也没有提起她  我也没再问他
  [04:11.79]At least not for the next twelve crossings 至少是后来的12年里
  [04:14.92]Besides, he was happy just like always 此外  他快乐依旧
  [04:18.26]His popularity was its peak 他的名气到达了顶峰
  [04:21.30]Then, one evening in spring 然后  某个春天的晚上
  [04:23.64]halfway between Genoa and New York right it the middle of the ocean 在途经热那亚到纽约的路上
  [04:28.60]In three days when we get to New York 到达纽约的三天前
  [04:33.11]I'm getting off this ship 我要离开这船
  [04:37.94]Cat got your tongue? 怎么不说话了
  [04:41.40]No,I'm glad 不  我很高兴
  [04:46.12]But all of a sudden? 怎么会这么突然
  [04:51.54]My man... 兄弟啊...
  [04:53.62]That's aces 你终于开窍了
  [04:55.00]I've got to see something down there 我想要看些东西
  [04:56.79]What? 看什么
  [04:58.25]The ocean 大海
