听电影学英语-海上钢琴师 24(在线收听

  [00:29.74]What would you have done in my shoes? 如果你是我要怎么办
  [00:34.41]I don't know 我不知道
  [00:38.83]I wouldn't probably have felt quite useless 不会觉得自己这么没用
  [00:49.63]Sooner or later, all stories end 迟早  所有的故事总会有一个结局的
  [00:52.76]and there's nothing left to add 然后就再也没有可以添加的东西
  [01:00.73]Anyhow, thanks, pops 不管怎样  谢谢了
  [01:23.16]Conn 康
  [01:25.63]There's just one thing I don't get 有一件事我不明白
  [01:29.21]Who hid the broken record inside the piano? 是谁把坏掉的唱片藏在钢琴里的
  [01:32.92]You're looking at him 那人远在天边  近在眼前啊

  [01:36.47]So you weren't so useless after all 那你还不是一点都没用啊
  [01:47.35]Conn 康
  [01:52.94]Here 给
  [01:58.15]Take your trumpet 把你的小号带走吧
  [02:00.66]Well, you'll be needing it 你会需要的
  [02:06.45]Never mind the money 别担心  不要钱
  [02:08.71]A good story's worth more than an old trumpet 一个好故事比这个旧小号值多了
  [02:20.01]Okay, pops 谢谢
