常春藤生活英语【18】Tie Me Up 领带的起源(在线收听

Finding the perfect gift for dear old dad can be difficult. You don't want to get him anything too old-fashioned, and you don't want to waste your money buying something that's too young or hip. As a result, you end up getting him a tie. When he unwraps the gift, he smiles and adds it to his growing collection of ties. This simple yet elegant gift of a strip of fabric has a history that dates back further than the first Father's Day.
As many great things have come from Asia, the same is true for ties. The first-known ties were found in the grave of Qin Shi Huang in 1974. He had planned to have his army buried along with him, but was finally talked out of it. He decided to replace these soldiers with ones made of terracotta instead. Around each of these statues' necks was a small piece of cloth. This discovery shows not only that ties have been around since 210 BC, but also that some fathers had been trying to get rid of their ugly ties even in ancient times.


Building Your Vocabulary

1.unwrap vt. 解开;打开
The boy can't wait to unwrap his present.

2.elegant a. 高雅的;优美的
Catherine is an elegant lady.

3.bury vt. 埋葬;埋藏
What did the dog bury in the backyard?

Phrases for Learning

1.end up + 现在分词  结果∕最后……
Charles planned to go jogging, but ended up watching TV at home.

2.talk + 人 + out of + 名词∕动名词  劝某人不要……
Lucy talked Dan out of skipping class.

3.replace A with B  用 B 取代 A
I decided to replace my car with a new one.


1.hip a. 新潮的,时髦的

2.tie n. 领带(= necktie)& vt. 系(领带)

3.strip n. 条状物(纸、布料等)

4.fabric n. 布料

5.terracotta n. 赤陶土

Enjoy Box



Tips In Use

This simple yet elegant gift...

1.yet 在本句中作连接词用,表示含惊讶之意的语气上的转折,可译成『却,然而』。
It's only a small restaurant and yet it is always filled with ustomers.

2.yet 亦可作副词。用于否定句时,表『还没』之意;用于疑问句时,则表『已经』。
Bruce hasn't come in yet.

Have you made up your mind yet?
