听电影学英文-蒙娜丽莎的微笑 03(在线收听

  [00:01.93]The person they wanted took a job at Brown, and no one else was available. 他们想要的那人跑到布朗去了,一时有没有合适人选.
  [00:06.04]So here you are. 于是,就让你来了.
  [00:08.97]You can go in now. Good luck. 可以进去了. 祝你好运.
  [00:18.78]Your first class left a lot to be desired, Miss Watson. 你的第一堂课留下很多悬念,沃森小姐.
  [00:21.75]And I’m curious about the subject of your dissertation. 而且我对你的研究课题非常好奇.
  [00:25.59]You suggest, "Picasso will do for the 20th century... 你写到,"毕加索对于20世纪来说...
  [00:30.70]...what Michelangelo did for the Renaissance," unquote. ...相当于米开朗基罗之对于文艺复兴," .
  [00:35.40]In terms of influencing movements. 在表现主义运动时期.
  [00:38.04]So these canvases that they’re turning out these days... 他们使用画布的背面...
  [00:41.41]...with paint dripped and splotched on them... ...让颜料四处滴溅,任意涂抹色彩的作品...
  [00:44.64]...they’re as worthy of our attention as Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel? ...如同米开朗基罗的西斯庭教堂 一样值得我们关注?
  [00:50.15]I’m not comparing them. 我没有将它们相比较.
  [00:52.12]Have you ever seen the Sistine Chapel, Miss Watson? 你见过西斯庭教堂吗,沃森小姐?
  [00:55.92]Actually stood there? 亲自站在实物面前?

  [00:59.56]I’ve never been to Europe. 我从未去过欧洲.
  [01:04.70]I can assure all of you this is the place I want to be more than anything. 但我可以告诉你那个地方在我心目中 有非比寻常的位置.
  [01:09.67]Better discipline next class, Miss Watson. 下堂课请你加强纪律, 沃森小姐.
  [01:19.51]-Hello. -It’s me. -喂. -是我.
  [01:22.25]-Hey! -Collect from Katherine Watson. -嗨! -长话费由凯瑟琳 沃森支付.
  [01:25.12]-Will you accept? -Yeah, sure, of course I will. -你同意接听吗? -是的, 当然,接过来.
  [01:29.32]Hey, is everything okay? 啊, 一切还顺利么?
  [01:32.79]Yeah. 是啊
  [01:35.09]Tough, huh? 很辛苦, 是吗?
  [01:39.80]Well, how are the classes? 你的班怎么样?
  [01:42.93]Snobs, right? 欺生,对吗?
  [01:46.17]-I hate to say I told you so. -You don’t have to. -我不想讲这些了. -不一定非要说的.
  [01:56.81]I can’t really talk right now. 现在不方便说.
  [02:00.15]I’ll write you tonight. 晚上我写在信里.
  [02:06.22]So you got a fella? 有男朋友了?
  [02:09.19]He’s-- He’s there. I’m here. 他, 他在那边. 而我在这儿.
  [02:12.60]Long distance. Torture. I know. Come. Come in and sit down. 相距千里. 苦苦思念. 我能理解. 来. 坐过来.
  [02:21.74]When Lenny left for the South Pacific, it nearly broke my heart. 当兰尼离开我奔赴南太平洋的时候, 也令我痛不欲生.
  [02:26.08]We wrote every day until.... 我们每天都要鸿雁传书直到他牺牲....
  [02:31.48]He was a great man. 他是个了不起的人.
  [02:34.39]-I’m sorry. -lt was a hundred years ago. -太遗憾了. -那发生在一百年之前.
  [02:37.49]I’m babbling. 是我编的.
  [02:41.53]I love Lucy. Even if she is a communist. 我好喜欢露西. 虽说她是共产主义者.

  [02:46.73]The only thing red about Lucy is her hair. 露西只不过是红头发罢了.
  [02:49.77]And even that’s fake. Desi said it. 还是染的. 而德西议论她.
  [02:52.40]Winchell wrote it. 又被温切尔写成书.
  [02:55.11]Amanda Armstrong. I see you survived. 阿曼达 阿姆斯特朗. 我看见你熬过来了.
  [02:58.21]Katherine Watson. Just barely. 凯瑟琳 沃森.  只是勉强通过.
  [03:00.24]Oh, good. You’ve met. Katherine’s taken the third bedroom. 刚好. 你们见面了. 凯瑟琳住在第3间卧室.
  [03:03.55]How about a little dinner before What’s My Line? 在《我的爱好是什么》开始前吃晚餐如何?
  [03:07.59]How about a little drink? 喝一杯如何?
  [03:12.49]Her companion died in May. 她的伙伴五月的时候死了.
  [03:15.86]Companion? 伙伴?
  [03:18.03]You know, companion. 没错, 是伙伴.
  [03:21.53]Josephine Burns. Taught biology here for 30 years. 约瑟芬 彭斯. 教了30年的生物学.
  [03:30.91]You’ll love it here, Katherine. You’ll see. 你会喜欢上这里, 凯瑟琳,绝对的.
  [03:34.21]I already do. I-- Honestly, it’s beautiful. It’s perfect, really. 我承认我已经爱上这里了, 很美. 简直是尽善尽美.
  [03:39.32]Well, don’t fool yourself. They have claws underneath their white gloves. 噢,别给蒙蔽了. 她们的爪子可还藏 在套里没露出来呢.
  [03:45.19]Who? 谁?
  [03:47.46]The alumnae, their offspring, the faculty. You name it. 校董们啊, 她们的女儿啊,教员们啊. 你讲出来.
  [03:52.36]Watch out for yourself. 当心你自己.
  [03:54.33]Too much independence frightens them. 太过独立的个性会令他们不安.
  [03:56.57]-Will you please stop? -Oh, a word of advice. -你不歇一会儿? -噢, 还有一条建议.
  [04:00.50]Don’t let those girls know that they got to you. 别让那些女孩子以为吃透你了.
  [04:06.41]-They didn’t. -Good for you. -她们没有. -干得不错.
  [04:10.95]You almost convinced me. 我几乎相信你了.
  [04:43.55]-What is that? -You tell me. -这是什么? -你来告诉我.
  [04:49.92]Carcass by Soutine. 1 925. 苏蒂恩的《屠宰后的牲畜》. 绘于1925年.
  [04:54.69]-It’s not on the syllabus. -No, it’s not. -教科书上没有. -的确, 上面没有.
  [05:00.20]Is it any good? 有异议吗?
