听电影学英文-蒙娜丽莎的微笑 13(在线收听

  [00:01.97]Most of the faculty turn their heads... 已婚的学生哪怕是缺席一两堂课...
  [00:04.14]...when the married students miss a class or two. ...大多数老师都会大摇其头
  [00:07.21]Then why not get married as freshmen? 你为什么不一年级就结婚?
  [00:09.37]That way you could graduate without actually ever stepping foot on campus. 那样的话你可以不用到学校来上课就能毕业
  [00:15.75]Don’t disregard our traditions just because you’re subversive. 不要因为你是个颠覆分子, 就可以无视我们的传统
  [00:21.52]Don’t disrespect this class just because you’re married. 不要因为你结婚了,就不尊重这堂课
  [00:24.49]Don’t disrespect me just because you’re not. 不要因为你没结婚,就不尊重我
  [00:27.09]Come to class, do the work, or I’ll fail you. 按时上课,做作业,要不然给你不及格
  [00:30.46]If you fail me, there will be consequences. 如果你让我不及格,后果自负
  [00:34.87]-Are you threatening me? -I’m educating you. -你在威胁我? -我在教导你
  [00:39.04]That’s my job. 那是我的工作
  [01:22.48]Miss Watson! 沃森小姐!
  [01:25.28]Miss Watson! 沃森小姐!
  [01:29.82]What’s this? 这是什么?
  [01:31.16]Every year, the ARs nominate a member of the faculty to be our guest. 每年“AR”都要选派一些教师做你们的客人
  [01:35.36]The what? 什么?
  [01:36.90]You’ll see. Come by tonight at 5:00. 你会知道的,晚上5:00来
  [01:43.30]Adam’s Ribs. A very secret society. “亚当的肋骨”,一个秘密团体
  [01:47.17]Wait here. 在这儿等着

  [01:57.18]First, the oath. Please raise both hands. 首先,宣誓,举起双手
  [02:02.15]Do you swear not to repeat what you see, hear or smell tonight? 你发誓不会泄漏今晚看到,听到,闻到的吗?
  [02:05.49]-Smell? -Keep your hands up! -闻到? -手别放下来!
  [02:07.16]Yes, smell. 是的,闻到的
  [02:09.53]I do. 我发誓
  [02:28.98]It’ll only burn for a second. 只会难受一秒钟
  [02:31.48]Go on. 继续
  [02:43.29]And now that you’ve taken the oath, we get to ask you whatever we want. 你已经发过誓了,我们就可以随便问了
  [02:49.20]-Oh, is that how it works? -And you have to answer. -是这样的吗? -你必须回答
  [02:53.97]Who invited her? 谁邀请你的?
  [02:55.27]You’re in time for truth or consequences. 你来得正好,现在是说实话还是接受惩罚游戏
  [02:57.64]I go first. Why aren’t you married? 我先问,你为什么没结婚?
  [03:03.18]Well.... 嗯....
  [03:06.55]That’s poisonous. 那个(香烟)有害
  [03:08.35]I’m not married because... 我没结婚是因为...
  [03:12.52]...I’m not. ...我还没结婚
  [03:14.99]I was engaged to Patrick Watts. 我曾经和派屈克 瓦兹订婚
  [03:19.76]Everybody called him Leo, and I never knew why. 大家都叫他里奥, 我也不知道这称呼的由来
  [03:23.53]He was the first person that I ever danced with... 他是第一个和我跳舞...
  [03:28.67]...or smoked with, got incredibly drunk with and-- ...第一个和我一起抽烟, 一起烂醉如泥的人--

  [03:33.75]Well, a lot of first things. 总之,很多第一
  [03:38.55]We were 1 8 and getting married, Christmas of ’41. 41年我们18岁,圣诞节的时候,我们正准备结婚
  [03:43.52]Then Pearl Harbor happened and everything changed. 珍珠港事件爆发了,一起都改变了
  [03:47.63]Everybody changed. And by June, he was sent overseas. 所有人也都改变了,6月,他被派到了海外
  [03:52.00]-Did he come back? -Yes. -他后来回来了吗? -是的
  [03:54.00]-Was he changed? -They both were. -他变了吗? -他们都变了
  [04:00.07]I’m sorry. 抱歉
  [04:02.37]-Your parents? -Yeah. -你父母吗? -他们...
  [04:06.98]After the war... 战后...
  [04:09.61]...they didn’t know each other anymore, didn’t like each other. ...他们变得互相不了解,再也不喜欢彼此了
  [04:15.99]He left. He got a whole new family. 他离开了,重新建立了家庭
  [04:20.79]Divorce. 离婚
  [04:22.49]What? 什么?
  [04:23.73]Yeah. First on my block. That’s a city block. 是啊,在我那个街区是第一例 那可是一个大行政街区
  [04:30.13]People change. Things happen. It’s the same with me and Leo. 事情变了,人也变了,我和里奥也一样
  [04:34.81]He went off and married someone else. 他和别人结婚了
  [04:37.78]-And I got to go to graduate school. -UCLA, right? -而我继续读了研究生 -加州大学洛杉矶分校,是吗?
  [04:41.45]-Which is in Hollywood? -It’s close. -在好莱坞? -很近
  [04:44.82]Anyway, aren’t you gonna tell everybody about, you know... 你准备告诉大家...
  [04:50.72]-...your big news? -What are you talking about? -..你的好消息吗? -你说什么?
  [04:53.59]-She got engaged over Christmas! -Congratulations! -她圣诞节要订婚了! -祝贺你!
  [04:57.13]I’m sorry to blab. It’s just so romantic. 别怪我大嘴巴,太浪漫了
  [05:00.36]How fantastic! 太美妙了!
