
Phineas Taylor (P.T.) Barnum knew how to catch people's eye and make money. His unique museums and traveling shows made him famous. Also, he came up with the three-ring circus, which made circuses more exciting and impressive than ever before.
Barnum was born in Connecticut in 1810 and was named after his grandfather. His father ran an inn1, store, and tailor2 shop while his mother cared for the children. His father died when Barnum was 15 and left the family with nothing.
After his father's death, Barnum used his impressive math skills as a shopkeeper. During that time, he learned how to bargain and how to persuade customers. He was also involved in the lottery3, which was creating excitement across the US. At 19, Barnum married Charity Hallett, and they had four daughters together. At 22, Barnum was locked up for publishing his liberal4 beliefs in the newspaper he started. His interest in politics5 continued throughout his life.
When Barnum looked back on his youth, he admitted that he never liked hard work. Instead, he was more interested in trying to make money from having fun.


Building Your Vocabulary

publish vt. 刊登;出版
This company published many good novels.

Phrases for Learning

1. catch + 所有格 + eye  吸引某人的注意
The pretty girl caught Sam's eye right away.
2. come up with...  想出∕提出……
Robbie is so creative that he came up with many interesting ideas.
3. be involved in...  与……有关;参与……
Larry was involved in the protest yesterday.
4. lock + 人 + up  把某人关进监狱
The judge decided to lock the thief up.
5. look back on...  回顾∕回忆起……
Helen looked back on her last relationship with sadness.


1. inn n. 小旅馆
2. tailor n.(为男顾客量体裁衣的)裁缝(本文中作形容词用)
3. lottery n. 摸彩;彩票
4. liberal a. 主张变革的
5. politics n. 政治;政治活动

Enjoy Box





Tips In Use

...Barnum used his impressive math skills as a shopkeeper.
as 在句中作介词用,表『作为(某种身分时)』。例:
As your best friend, I will be there for you no matter what.
as 作介词用,还有下列两种意思:
1. 表『当作』(与 think of, treat, respect 等并用)。例:
Fionna thinks of Johnny Depp as the most handsome man in the world.
2. 表『充当,担任』。例:
This empty room can serve as a guest room sometimes.
