听电影学英语-足球尤物 01(在线收听

  [02:35.88]她射门,她得分!球进了! She shoots, she scores! Goal!
  [02:38.88]- 什么?没错!给我 - 踢得好 - What? That’s right! Give it! - Nice kick.
  [02:39.20]- 踢得妙 - 球给我! - Very nice kick. - Give me the ball!
  [02:41.48]贾斯丁! Justin!
  [02:45.84]- 放下…放我下来! - 好。像这样… - Drop... Put me down! - OK. Down like...
  [02:48.92]- 真是的 - 嘿! - Goodness. - Hey!
  [02:49.60]哦,对不起 Oh, sorry.
  [02:50.00]嗨 Hi.
  [02:56.20]- 真的,你越来越棒了 - 你也是 - OK, you are really getting good. - You too.
  [03:01.36]我是说,刚拍拖的时候 你都不知道怎么接吻 I mean, when we first started going out, you couldn’t kiss at all.
  [03:03.64]- 我那在说踢球 - 真的? - I meant at soccer. - Really?
  [03:07.04]绝对真的。你… Absolutely. You’re...
  [03:09.72]…比我们队里半成的队员还要棒 ...probably already better than half the guys on my team.
  [03:13.68]或许比一半还要多 Probably more than half.
  [03:18.04]你什么意思? 我根本不会接吻? What do you mean, I couldn’t kiss at all?
  [03:21.40]别担心。我已经教会你了 Don’t worry. I’ve taught you well.
  [03:28.68]我知道 I know.
  [03:30.48]好了,认真点,你不觉得 OK, but seriously, don’t you think
  [03:32.36]你在校练习时间越来越长 以为自己在密西根州? you’d get more playing time at a school like Michigan?
  [03:34.96]或许,我会成为黑有鞋根对的一员 (美国知名女足队) Maybe, but it’s always been about being a Tar Heel for me.
  [03:38.80]那我穿卡罗来纳蓝队服 I’m gonna wear that Carolina blue.

  [03:41.20]- 是吗? - 是啊,宝贝! - Yeah. - Yeah, baby!
  [03:42.20]怎么,长曲棍球队在我们球场里做什么? OK, what is the lacrosse team doing on our field?
  [03:46.60]- 学校解散了我们队 - 等等,什么? - The school cut our team. - Wait, what?
  [03:49.28]- 队人人数不够 - 那就能说解散就解散? - Not enough girls signed up. - So they just cut us?
  [03:51.12]他们不能这么做 They can’t do that.
  [03:54.80]不行,绝不能这样结束 OK. This is not over.
  [04:03.28]嘿,姑娘们。我听说了那坏消息 Hi, girls. I heard the bad news.
  [04:04.04]“坏”?根本就是灾难! "Bad"? It’s a disaster.
  [04:07.36]现在大学星探都不会来看我们踢球了 Now college scouts won’t even get to see us play.
  [04:11.04]我知道。如果我能帮忙的话,尽管说 I know. If there’s anything I can do, just say the word.
  [04:13.08]事实上,的确有。 我们想和男队一起训练 Matter of fact, there is. We wanna try out for the boys team.
  [04:19.40]唯独这个不行 Anything besides that.
  [04:22.68]拜托,教练! 你知道我们的实力 Coach, come on! You know that we’re good enough.
  [04:24.08]我不知道 不知道你们有什么实力 I don’t know that that’s a thing that I know.
  [04:27.04]什么? What?
  [04:28.84]就给我们一次机会吧 All we’re asking for is one shot.

  [04:30.32]- 是啊 - 姑娘们, - Yeah. - Girls,
  [04:32.48]我们还有两周就要开学 we have two weeks before school starts.
  [04:36.48]之后就有场对伊利里亚队的比赛 一决胜负,我们一定要赢 Then we open against Illyria. A rivalry game. We have to win.
  [04:40.56]我们可以帮你们获胜 And we can help you win.
  [04:41.24]- 嗨,宝贝 - 嘿 - Hey, baby. - Hey.
  [04:45.24]怎么了,教练? What’s going on, coach?
  [04:48.24]这几位姑娘想考验我们队 The girls here want to try out for the team.
  [04:52.96]- 你说笑吧 - 好了,好了! - You’re not serious. - All right, all right!
  [04:55.16]你们都是出色的球员 You’re all excellent players.
  [04:55.48]- 但女生没男生快 - 是啊 - But girls aren’t as fast as boys. - Right.
  [04:58.52]- 什么? - 也不够强壮,或者敏捷 - What? - Or as strong. Or as athletic.
