听电影学英语-足球尤物 03(在线收听

  [00:04.00]你知道我能行的,鲍尔 You know I can do it, Paul.
  [00:05.88]但声音,习惯,胸部,思想等… Except for the voice, mannerisms, the breasts, the mentality and...
  [00:10.16]无所谓,反正伊利里亚里 没人认识塞巴斯蒂安 It doesn’t matter. Nobody at Illyria has even met Sebastian.
  [00:14.24]- 他们察觉不到的 - 他们知道你是个女的 - They won’t know the difference. - They’ll know he’s a girl.
  [00:17.52]- 哦,拜托,鲍尔 - 是啊,帮帮她,鲍尔 - Oh, come on, Paul. - Yeah, come on, Paul.
  [00:20.92]是啊,帮帮她,鲍尔 Yeah, come on, Paul.
  [00:24.48]好好。我看看再说 OK. OK. I’ll see what I can do.
  [00:28.56]太好了! Yes!
  [01:26.12]你要去哪儿? Where are you going?
  [01:28.12]妈,我说了,我要去老爸那儿呆2周 Mom, I told you! I’m going to Dad’s house for two weeks.
  [01:29.20]不,你没说过。你也不许去 No, you didn’t. And you’re not going.
  [01:31.20]这夏天我跟你都没怎么好好相处 We’ve hardly spent any time together this summer.
  [01:36.04]立即上楼,把东西放回去 Now go upstairs and unpack.
  [01:36.16]好了,老妈,我考虑过你的提议 OK, Mom, I thought about what you said.
  [01:40.16]你知道摩妮琪会在那儿 和塞巴斯蒂安20/7?? And you know Monique is gonna be there 24/7 with Sebastian,
  [01:42.00]所以,我不知道 我在想 so, I don’t know, I was just thinking
  [01:44.92]她或许可以在初次亮相时 给我看那些礼服 that maybe she’d show me the ropes on the whole debutante thing.

  [01:50.20]- 这真是令人激动 - 不是吗?! - This is so exciting! - Isn’t it?!
  [01:53.88]你会玩得很开心的 You’re gonna have so much fun.
  [01:54.68]到时会有个正式舞会 和一个午宴 There’s the formal ball. And the luncheon.
  [01:57.92]还有,哦, 我提过下周的慈善集会? And, oh, did I mention the fundraiser next week?
  [01:59.32]是个嘉年华会! It’s gonna be a carnival!
  [02:02.68]万岁! Look out!
  [02:03.08]你哥哥保证过会去 见到他提醒他一下 Your brother promised to be there, so remind him when you see him.
  [02:34.12]你确定我能做到?! Are you sure I can do this?!
  [02:37.20]哦,没问题,能行的 Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
  [02:43.48]有事吗? What’s up?
  [02:45.16]哦,天哪,他看穿我了! Oh, my God, he knew!
  [02:47.64]- 我要回家! - 放松。他只是打招呼! - I wanna go home! - Relax. He was being friendly!
  [02:49.84]我们不能回去!住嘴! 我费了这么大工夫… We’re not going home! Stop it! I did not spend all this time...
  [02:53.68]- 都是你的错!带我回家! - 我的错?!是你求我的! - It’s your fault! Drive home! - My idea?! You asked me!
  [02:55.76]- 我帮你做头发,化妆! - 倒车!倒车! - I did your hair and makeup! - Reverse!
  [02:57.88]- 我要回家! - 你这是在撒娇! - I want to go! - You’re being a girl!

  [03:01.64]- 我们不回家,不回家 - 拜托!开车! - We’re not going. - Come on! Drive!
  [03:03.64]- 他只是打招呼而已 - 好吧! - He was being friendly. - All right!
  [03:05.64]我们再练习一次 Let’s run through it one more time.
  [03:06.40]嗓音测试 Let me hear the voice.
  [03:10.68]嘿,怎样? 我是塞巴斯蒂安 Hey. What’s up? I’m Sebastian.
  [03:14.28]来走一下 OK. Now show me the strut.
  [03:19.04]好了,吐口水 Now, hawk a loogie.
  [03:22.24]我为你自豪! I’m so proud!
  [03:26.12]- 放开我! - 要记住, - Get off me! - Remember,
  [03:29.36]每个女孩心中都有一颗“雄”心 inside every girl there’s a boy.
  [03:29.80]好像不对 反正你懂我意思 That came out wrong. But you know what I mean.
  [03:35.76]维 Vi.
  [03:40.04]做个好男人 Be a good boy.
  [04:18.08]回头见 See you guys.
  [04:22.64]我能成功 我是个男人 I can do this. I am a dude!
  [04:25.12]一个七尺男儿! 一个铁汉子! I am a hunky dude! I’m a badass hunky dude!
