听电影学英语-足球尤物 12(在线收听

  [00:31.72]我是说,象个男人一样! 吸进去! 擦点沙子! I mean, suck it up! Be a man! Rub some dirt in it!
  [00:33.52]好吧,我会擦点沙子... OK, I’ll rub some dirt on it.
  [00:37.60]到底发生什么事? So, what happened?
  [00:42.24]我跟你妹妹的前男友打起来了 I got into it with your sister’s ex.
  [00:44.92]等下,真的?为什么 Wait. Really? Why?
  [00:47.44]他看到我跟你妹妹在接吻亭深吻. He saw me and her kind of making out at the kissing booth.
  [00:52.20]等一下,你亲了她? Wait. You kissed her?
  [00:54.68]是啊,兄弟,我希望那没关系 Yeah, man, I’m... I hope that’s OK.
  [00:56.64]那是个慈善活动 It was for charity.
  [00:59.04]哦,不,我是说,兄弟,我是想说 Oh, no, I mean, dude, I mean,
  [00:62.32]你要是想亲她,你就上去亲她! if you want to kiss her, you go right ahead and you kiss her!
  [00:66.08]我是说,别想太多 I mean, knock yourself out.
  [00:68.04]你今天去哪了? 都没看到你 Where were you at today? You just disappeared.
  [00:69.04]碰到神经病前女友,只好跑了 Ran into my psycho ex. Had to bolt.
  [00:69.08]我是说,你就,你就抓住她然后亲她 I mean, you just... you take her and then kiss her
  [00:71.36]把她亲晕过去! and kiss the crap out of her!
  [00:72.84]哦天啊!那不是...? Oh, my God! Is that a...?
  [00:75.08]好吧 OK.
  [00:75.52]什么?是啊 What? Yeah.
  [00:78.68]希望你别介意 我借用你一个... I hope you don’t mind. I kind of borrowed one of your...
  [00:80.04]那么... So...

  [00:83.68]我不知道,我们能不能不说这个? I don’t know. Can we not talk about this?
  [00:83.76]另外你说的对,这东西挺好用的 Yeah. And you’re right, by the way. These things actually work.
  [00:83.80]...你喜欢她? ...do you like her?
  [00:85.24]哦,天啊,你在流血,没事吧? Oh, my God, you’re bleeding. Are you OK?
  [01:28.40]她是你妹妹,这有点怪 She’s your sister. It’s kind of weird.
  [01:28.76]好吧,好吧,不谈 No. Right. Right.
  [01:31.84]只是,你知道,我在想 Just... You know, I was just thinking that,
  [01:35.92]要是你喜欢她... if you liked her then...
  [01:40.84]...也许你应该约她出去. ...maybe you should ask her out.
  [01:42.00]我不知道了,让我不管奥莉维亚? And just, I don’t know, forget about Olivia?
  [01:46.88]我是说, 从一个完全客观的第三方观察者角度 Well, I mean, speaking as a completely objective
  [01:51.12]在完全没有个人兴趣的情况下 third-party outsider with absolutely no personal interest in the matter,
  [01:54.64]我不太确定你和奥莉维亚 I am not sure that you and Olivia
  [01:58.52]真的配得上一对 你明白么?我是说 really mesh well together. You know? I mean...
  [01:61.28]但是你和维奥拉... But you and Viola...
  [01:65.64]...我是说... ...I mean...
  [01:68.84]我不知道了 I don’t know.
  [01:68.96]...会很配 ...be magic.
  [01:69.80]你真心怎么想的? What does your heart tell you?
  [01:74.60]我是说,你最想看哪个光着身子?! I mean, which one would you rather see naked?!

  [01:75.16]为什么你...? 为什么? 你为什么老是这个样子? Why do you...? Why? Why do you always do that?
  [01:78.68]为什么你一说起女孩就总说到身体上? Why do you always talk about girls in such graphic terms?
  [01:83.04]你知道么?你小子有点问题 You know what? You... you have issues.
  [01:86.40]原来你是这么感性? You’re a really sensitive guy, aren’t you?
  [02:30.12]什么?不,不是,只是... What? No. No, it’s just...
  [02:34.48]我不知道,我只是在想 I don’t know. I just think that
  [02:39.16]男女朋友应该不只是身体上的关系 relationships should be more than just the physical stuff.
  [02:41.52]当然那也很重要 Don’t get me wrong, that stuff’s important,
  [02:46.20]但是如果我和谁在一起 but when I’m with someone,
  [02:47.92]我希望能跟她聊点话题 I want to be able to talk about other stuff.
  [02:50.88]比如,我不知道,严肃的话题 Like, I don’t know, serious stuff.
  [02:54.56]一些我跟别的人都不能谈的话题 Stuff I can’t talk about, you know, with anyone else.
  [02:60.24]是啊,比如…… Yeah, like...
  [02:64.32]...什么样的话题? ...what kind of stuff?
  [02:69.60]比如,随便什么 Like, whatever stuff there is.
  [02:71.48]比如……好比现在? Like... this kind of stuff?
  [02:77.16]是啊 Yeah.
  [02:79.20]我现在说的只是让你听听 But what I just told you is for your ears only.
  [02:81.00]如果你敢告诉别人,我踹死你 If you tell anyone, I’ll kick your ass.
  [03:28.84]是是,不会的 Yeah. No.
  [03:31.76]我们是兄弟 I got your back, man.
  [03:35.84]放心吧 It’s cool.
  [04:52.48]你妹妹怎么样最近? How’s your sister?
  [04:56.24]不错,怎么了? Good. Why?
  [04:60.20]我不知道 I don’t know.
  [04:62.88]我只是在想,我应该邀请她 I kind of was thinking I might ask if she wanted
  [04:66.96]来恺撒瑞欧吃晚饭 to grab dinner at Cesario’s tonight.
  [04:69.64]你这么想?真的?我很愿意 You were? Really? I’d love to.
  [04:72.72]什么? What?
  [04:74.24]我很愿意告诉你她的电话号码 I’d love to give her your phone number.
  [04:74.84]海斯丁斯! Hastings!
  [04:80.28]你现在是康沃尔比赛的首发队员 You’re first string for the Cornwall game.
  [04:84.00]- 真的? - 不是 - Really? - No.
  [04:85.96]我刚才在开玩笑,你这白痴 I was joking, you idiot.
