听电影学英语-足球尤物 15(在线收听

  [00:26.52]前女朋友 Ex-girlfriend.
  [00:30.04]听着,所有人都别再这么说了 OK, everybody’s got to stop saying that.
  [00:30.40]你就是那个前几天在批萨饼点被他抛弃的女人 You were the one he dumped in the pizza parlor the other day.
  [00:34.08]不,不,不,不,不, 他没甩了我 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. He did not dump me.
  [00:36.40]我们只是最近有点不和而已 We’re just going through a little bit of a rough patch.
  [00:41.48]我听说是他彻底的把你抛弃了 I heard he dumped you. He dumped you big.
  [00:42.56]被当成垃圾一样甩掉了 It was just like a big, huge dumping.
  [00:56.48]你疯了么?! 你有没有问题? Are you crazy?! Are you OK?
  [00:59.56]滚出去! Get out!
  [00:61.56]你选错对象了! You are messing with the wrong man!
  [00:71.88]下去! 从我身上下去! Get off me! Get off of me!
  [01:41.72]- 离她远点儿! - 放开我! - Get off of her! - Let go of me!
  [01:42.00]女士们!女士们,停手! Ladies! Ladies, stop!
  [01:46.36]求你们了! Please!
  [01:50.44]当第一次见面时对对方不满 他们用眼神来表达 When debutantes disagree they say it with their eyes.
  [01:55.44]那个,海斯丁斯. Well, Hastings.
  [01:59.40]为什么我总是在打斗中能看到你? Why is it that I always find you in the middle of a tussle?
  [01:62.48]坏时机? Bad timing?
  [01:66.52]胡说,麦尔肯姆. 他也许只是有些迷失和烦恼 Nonsense, Malcolm. He may be a little lost and confused,
  [01:66.84]我确信他在隐藏些什么 I am convinced he’s hiding something.
  [01:72.84]但是深层次上他只是个美国热血小男孩 but deep down he’s an all-American, red-blooded male.
  [01:74.80]- 就好象你一样 - 妈妈,我会自己选 - Just like yourself. - Mom, I will pick out
  [01:77.76]礼服的 而且我不会穿高跟鞋的 my own dress. And no, I will not wear heels.
  [01:80.24]因为高跟鞋是男人的发明 Because heels are a male invention

  [01:82.28]为了让女人屁股看起来更小而设计的 designed to make a womars butt look smaller.
  [01:86.64]还有那样她们就不能逃跑了 And to make it harder for them to run away.
  [02:35.36]麦尔肯姆,你有没有试过穿着高跟鞋逃跑? Malcolm, have you ever tried to run away in high heels?
  [02:40.44]- 不,先生,我不会... - 可不是那么简单,不是那么简单 - No, sir, I wouldn’t... - Not that easy. Not that easy.
  [02:54.68]别忘了你的吉他,海斯丁斯先生 Don’t forget your guitar, Mr. Hastings.
  [02:57.16]就直接做,闭上眼睛亲他 Just do it. Just close your eyes and kiss him.
  [02:66.68]赛巴斯蒂安. Sebastian.
  [02:73.24]"醒来.我一直在等你睁开双眼 "Wake up. I’ve been waiting for you to open your eyes
  [02:74.92]我好告诉你我想我已准备好了 so I can tell you I think I’m ready.
  [02:76.24]我准备好了自由坠落入未知." I’m ready to free-fall into the unknown."
  [02:81.84]明天比赛的时候见 I’ll see you at the game tomorrow.

  [03:29.88]我想我会很喜欢这学校的 I think I’m gonna like this school.
  [03:38.60]摩妮琪,这是赛巴斯蒂安. Monique, it’s Sebastian.
  [03:39.92]我不知道是否维奥拉告诉你我在伦敦 I don’t know if Vio/a to/d you I’m in London,
  [03:43.28]但是我提前一天回家了 but I’m heading home a day ear/y.
  [03:43.36]听着,我一直在想,我要跟你谈谈 Listen, I’ve been thinking. We rea//y need to ta/k.
  [03:48.64]伦敦? London?
  [03:54.08]嘿,兄弟,丁克雷一直在找你 Hey, brother. Dinklage was looking for you, man.
  [03:58.48]哥们儿?嘿! Dude. Hello!
  [03:62.36]你知道么,这真是疯了 You know, it’s... crazy
  [03:65.76]你能多么误解一个人 how wrong you can be about a person.
  [03:68.40]太混蛋了 It’s crazy.
  [03:72.52]你以为他们是一种人 You think they’re one thing,
  [03:74.16]结果却是完全相反 and then they turn out to be the exact opposite.
  [03:79.44]- 你说什么呢? - 你就打算坐在那里 - What are you talking about? - You’re gonna sit there
  [03:82.44]假装你不知道我在说什么? and act like you don’t know what I’m talking about?
  [03:83.76]假装你不知道我说什么? And act like you don’t know what I’m talking about?
  [04:27.80]好吧, OK.
  [04:29.52]好吧,好 All right. OK.
  [04:33.20]我是想告诉你,杜克,但是... I wanted to tell you, Duke, but...
  [04:37.56]...在这世界上我最爱的就是足球 ...I love soccer more than anything else in the world,
  [04:37.88]...你必须知道... ...you have to know...
  [04:41.12]我可以证明这一点 and I had a point to prove.
  [04:44.12]什么?! 你在跟我说你一直利用我 What?! So you’re telling me that you used me
  [04:45.52]在帮你练习足球 to help you with soccer,
  [04:48.28]然后你转过脸在我背后捅我一刀? and then you turn around and stab me in the back?
  [04:48.88]等一下,什么? 现在我真不知道你在说什么 Wait, what? Now I really don’t know what you’re talking about.
  [04:54.12]- 跟谁?! - 谁?! 奥莉维亚,你说谁! - With who?! - Who?! Olivia, that’s who!
  [04:54.16]别装了,我看见你跟她了 Save it, man. I saw you with her.
  [04:57.12]- 你走出出租车的时候和她接吻了! - 什么出租车?! - You kissed when you got out the cab! - What cab?!
  [04:62.20]- 我们本来可以成为朋友的! - 我们本来就是! - We were supposed to be friends! - We are!
  [04:63.08]- 你根本就不明白! - 奥莉维亚从来就没喜欢过你,知道么?! - You don’t know the meaning! - Olivia never liked you, OK?!
  [04:67.76]她不过是利用你来让我嫉妒 She was just using you to make me jealous.
  [04:70.08]但是维奥拉,她是真的喜欢你 But Viola, she’s crazy about you,
  [04:72.36]自从第一次她和你接吻以后 since the first moment that you kissed her.
  [04:76.64]我打赌那时你计划的一部分, 支开我,你就可以得到奥莉维亚. I bet that’s part of your plan. Distract me so you can move in to Olivia.

  [04:78.92]- 根本就不是这样的! - 你跟你妹妹都离我远点! - That is not what happened! - You and your sister have a good life!
  [04:86.44]"海斯丁斯家的双胞胎 不能长得更象对方了" "The Hastings twins couldn’t be more opposite."
