听电影学英语-足球尤物 18(在线收听

  [00:30.96]赛巴斯蒂安! Sebastian!
  [00:32.20]- 维? - 是啊 - Vi? - Yes.
  [00:35.20]上两个星期我一直假装你 I pretended to be you the last two weeks
  [00:35.84]为什么你看起来象我?! Why do you look like me?!
  [00:37.20]为了证明我可以在男子队里踢球 to prove I could play in the boys soccer team.
  [00:40.56]- 是的 - 好吧,好吧,酷 - Yes. - OK. OK, cool.
  [00:43.24]- 不对,等一下,什么?! -我没时间解释! - No, wait! What?! - I don’t have time to explain!
  [00:44.08]为什么你穿着我的队服? Why are you wearing my uniform?
  [00:45.96]我来这里找昨晚上亲我那女孩 I came to find the girl that kissed me last night.
  [00:50.00]- 谁亲了你?什么女孩? - 你看,那个 - Who kissed you? What girl? - Check it out. That one.
  [00:52.40]奥莉维亚? Olivia?
  [00:54.12]她爱上我了,她亲了我还朗诵了我的歌词 She was all over me. She kissed me and recited my own lyrics.
  [00:57.68]维,也许那就是我梦中的女孩 Vi, this may be the girl of my dreams.
  [00:61.68]杜克看到的就是那个 That’s the kiss that Duke saw.
  [00:62.24]是啊,我长鬓角了 Yeah. I’m growing sideburns.
  [00:62.92]等一下,这些是真的? Wait, are those real?
  [00:66.04]不! 藏起来一直到比赛结束 No! Please stay hidden until the end of the game.
  [00:66.92]还有现在把衣服还给我! And give me my uniform back right now!
  [00:79.36]我们现在开始下半场 We start the second half.
  [00:80.12]伊利里亚,零,康沃尔,零. 两颗大零蛋 Illyria, zero, Cornwall, zero. Nothing but a couple of goose eggs.
  [00:83.60]- 教练我准备好了 - 你刚才干什么来着? - Coach, I’m ready to play. - Is that what you call it?
  [01:28.32]我见过穿着裙子的小女孩踢得都比你好 I’ve seen little girls in tutus kick the ball better.
  [01:30.68]我已经改了 I’ve changed.
  [01:31.88]求你了教练,给我一次机会 Come on, coach, give me one more chance.

  [01:36.84]好吧,去 All right. Go.
  [01:37.52]踢球,冲杀! Kick. Kill!
  [01:52.56]耶!那是维奥拉! Yeah! Now that’s Viola!
  [01:70.16]你上半场赢不了我 You couldn’t score on me in the first half.
  [01:72.84]亲爱的,你下半场也赢不了我! 我是忍者!忍者守门员! You ain’t going to score on me this half, baby! I’m ninja! Ninja goalie!
  [01:85.44]加油! Come on, guys!
  [02:68.68]杜克! 杜克! 我这里空了! Duke! Duke! I’m open!
  [02:69.20]传球! 杜克! 嘿,这里 Give me the ball! Duke! Hey, over here!
  [02:75.04]我这里空了! I’m open!
  [02:76.24]杜克! 回来!回来! Duke! Get back! Get back!
  [02:85.36]不! No!
  [03:28.60]好的,就这样干,宝贝儿! Yes, Dan-O, way to go, baby!
  [03:36.00]康沃尔以牙还牙 Cornwall’s right back in it with a goal.
  [03:45.36]- 你有什么问题?! 赛巴斯蒂安那里空着! - 能为了什么丢一球?! - What’s the matter?! Sebastiars open! - Rather lose the goal?!

  [03:51.04]杜克,我知道你生我气 Duke, I know you’re mad at me.
  [03:51.84]闭嘴,你 Shut up, man.
  [03:53.72]别跟我说话,离我远点! Don’t talk to me. Get out of my face!
  [03:56.88]我跟奥莉维亚没事发生! 比赛结束我会向你解释的! Nothing is going on with me and Olivia! When the game is over I’ll explain!
  [03:59.68]现在你不用喜欢我,但是我是你队友?! For right now, you don’t have to like me, but I’m your teammate, OK?!
  [03:64.44]我想要打败他们! 我必须打败他们! I want to beat these guys! I have to beat these guys!
  [03:66.12]不知道有没有打搅你们 我们有场比赛要打 If we’re not disturbing you, we have a soccer game to finish.
  [03:70.32]不回怎么样,你又要拿你的脸来碰我的拳头? Or you’ll hit my fist with your face again?
  [03:70.44]回你的网子里去 Get back in the net, man.
  [03:73.12]你想我这么干么? 来啊! Do you want to see me do it? Let’s go!
  [03:75.68]杜克,别这样,停手 Duke, come on. Stop it.
  [03:78.28]- 别这样! - 杜克,停手 - Come on! - Duke, stop it.
  [03:81.52]赛巴斯蒂安! Sebastian!
  [03:85.32]杜克! 停手! Duke! Stop it!
  [04:28.52]停手! Come on!
  [04:30.20]好! OK!
  [04:33.08]停手! 哦天啊! Stop it! Oh, my God!
  [04:34.08]如果你们想打架, 离开运动场距离 If you want to roughhouse, take it at least 500 yards
  [04:36.68]- 至少500码 - 散开! 散开! - away from the stadium grounds. - Break it up! Break it up!
  [04:41.12]听着,小子们 OK, tough guys.
  [04:43.92]你们要是想拳击?从我的运动场滚出去 You want to box? You get out of my stadium.
  [04:47.52]否则就好好比赛 Otherwise, get on with the game.
  [04:49.28]听着,伊利里亚的犰狳们 Come on, now, Armadillos of Illyria.
  [04:52.36]其他人也是! That goes for the rest of you!
  [04:54.24]去打一场真的比赛! Now get on and play some real football!
  [04:58.84]- 别好象一群女人 - 好的 - Like a bunch of girls. - OK.
  [04:61.60]其他人,让我们象女人一样打场橄榄球 The rest of you, let’s play some real football like a bunch of girls.
  [04:65.56]- 好不好? - 你白痴! - All right? - You suck!
  [04:67.68]那不是橄榄球,是足球,美国是这么叫的 It’s not football, it’s soccer. That’s what we call it in the States.
  [04:69.68]- 赛巴斯蒂安! 你没事吧? - 不, 奥莉维亚,别现在 - Sebastian! Are you OK? - No, Olivia, Not now.
  [04:73.04]你还想告诉我说什么也没发生 Try to tell me again there’s nothing going on.
  [04:77.04]什么都没有! There is nothing going on!
  [04:78.28]- 那昨晚怎么回事? - 我没对你撒谎,杜克. - What about last night? - I didn’t lie to you, Duke.
  [04:82.96]我撒谎了,但不是这个 I did, but not about this.
