听电影学英语-足球尤物 20(在线收听

  [00:27.56]你这可怜虫!我就在你脑子里 You’re pathetic! I’m in your head.
  [00:43.08]哦也! Yeah!
  [00:46.04]- 那是我女儿! - 也是我的! - That’s my girl! - Mine too!
  [00:61.96]不公平! 不公平r! It’s not fair! It’s not fair!
  [00:64.72]不过是靠运气! That was a lucky shot!
  [00:66.16]我再也不想见到你!你这烂人! I never wanna see you again! You suck!
  [00:75.16]- 你做到了,维! - 我们太棒了! - You did it, Vi! - You were so awesome!
  [00:80.36]- 我为你感到骄傲 - 结束了 - I am so proud of you. - It’s over.
  [00:82.72]你踢进了决胜点,说点什么 You scored the game-winning goal. Say something.
  [00:84.24]妈妈? 爸爸? Mom? Dad?
  [01:28.60]- 真是太好了 - 谢谢,爸爸 - That was really something. - Thanks, Dad.
  [01:32.48]- 你做了这些就为了踢球? - 我告诉过你,对我很重要 - You did all this to play soccer? - I told you, it’s important to me.
  [01:35.56]如果维奥拉在这里假装是你 If Viola was here pretending to be you,
  [01:38.80]- 你又在哪里? - 哦,他在... - where were you? - Oh, he was...
  [01:41.04]我在伦敦演出 I was in London playing my music.
  [01:43.08]- 伦敦? - 对我很重要 - London? - It was important to me.
  [01:45.80]- 你应该提前打电话... - 你怎么可以...? - You should call before you... - How did you...?
  [01:50.24]妈妈,爸爸……嘿! Mom, Dad... Hey!
  [01:51.08]为什么我们不一家去吃晚饭? Why don’t we go to dinner? As a family?
  [01:56.04]- 也许明天? - 我想我可以安排 - Maybe tomorrow? - I suppose I could fit that in.
  [01:60.28]你要不要我的电话号码? Would you like to have my cell phone number?
  [01:61.28]- 让我写给你我的E-MAIL - 好的 - Let me give you my e-mail. - All right.
  [01:64.08]耶! Yay!

  [01:64.36]- 干得好. - 谢谢 - Good job. - Thank you.
  [01:68.96]哦,等!有个人要让你正式见一见 Oh, wait! There is somebody I want you to officially meet.
  [01:70.16]赛巴斯蒂安·海斯丁斯,奥莉维亚·雷诺克斯. Sebastian Hastings, Olivia Lennox.
  [01:77.08]- 真的很高兴见到你 - 我也是 - It’s very nice to meet you. - You too.
  [01:77.92]我听说你喜欢我的歌词 So I heard you like my lyrics.
  [01:83.56]- 尤妮丝? - 托比? - Eunice? - Toby?
  [02:31.20]我有些事情要说 I have something to say.
  [02:32.72]我觉得你.. I think you are...
  [02:37.40]...太迷人了 ...amazing.
  [02:40.48]而且我不因此害羞 And I’m not ashamed of it.
  [02:45.72]我会变魔术 I know tricks.
  [02:49.04]哦, 尤妮丝. Oh, Eunice.
  [02:84.96]嘿,室友 Hey, roomie.
  [03:27.16]这是给你的 This is for you.
  [03:54.84]“斯特拉特福德少年联盟邀请你参加 "The Stratford Junior League invites you
  [03:55.00]第38届社交舞会” to the 38th Annual Debutante Ball."
  [03:61.16]- 他也许会来的,你知道么 - 你当时没看到他的表情 - He still could show, you know. - You didn’t see his face.

  [03:67.64]我找到合适的礼服 I found the perfect dress.
  [03:67.96]谢谢,妈,但是我不觉得我有机会穿 Thanks, Mom, but I don’t think I’m gonna get a chance to wear it.
  [03:73.92]你穿好看的衣服不是为了给男人看 You don’t need a man to wear a beautiful dress.
  [03:78.80]反正也没什么大碍 But it doesn’t hurt.
  [03:81.36]维奥拉·海斯丁斯,能护送你是我今晚的荣幸 Viola Hastings, it would be my honor to escort you tonight.
  [03:84.80]谢谢,鲍尔. 真的感激你 Thanks, Paul. That’s really sweet.
  [04:26.92]毛虫们! 我珍贵的毛虫们 Caterpillars! My precious caterpillars.
  [04:31.72]再过二十分钟你们就会变成蝴蝶 In 20 minutes you’ll all be beautiful butterflies.
  [04:32.28]- 毛虫! - 蝴蝶! - Caterpillars! - Butterflies!
  [04:36.08]你看起来真美 我……只是出来透透气 You look beautiful. I just... I gotta get some air.
  [04:71.04]我没想到你会来 I didn’t think you’d show up.
  [04:77.12]你能来对我来说意义重大 It really means a lot to me that you’re here.
  [04:80.68]- 说点什么 - 我要开洒水机了 - Say
