英语课程计划-Darwin Day(在线收听

February the 12th is Darwin Day. It is to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin on February 12, 1809 and his life as a scientist. This day also aims to encourage children to get into science. Darwin was one of the world’s greatest scientists and greatly changed the way we look at how we got here. His theory of evolution is one of the most important theories ever. Scientists first came together to recognize and discuss Darwin’s contribution to science in 1909. Today, there are many events on Darwin Day all over the world. These include dinner parties with special recipes for evolutionary soup, recreations of Darwin’s journey in his ship the Beagle, and Darwin festivals.

Darwin was an English naturalist who had a passion for nature. Through his studies, he realized that all species of life evolved over time from common cells billions of years ago. He sailed around the world observing and drawing animals to demonstrate this. He published a book on his findings, “On the Origin of the Species”, which is accepted by most scientists as the theory of evolution. It is still the foundation of biology and provides a logical explanation for the diversity of life on Earth. He described the process of how new species started as ‘natural selection’, or ‘the survival of the fittest’. Darwin is buried in London’s Westminster Abbey, close to another great British scientist Sir Isaac Newton.
