英语课程计划-National Agriculture Day(在线收听

National Agriculture Day is a day to appreciate and celebrate the work of farmers and the agricultural industry. Perhaps few of us stop and think about the vital work that takes place every day by food producers. Without them, there would be no produce in the stores and little food on the table. It takes place on the first day of spring – a busy day in the farming calendar. Communities, cooperatives, companies and universities all make their own campaigns to highlight the importance of agriculture, for food, jobs and exports. It is one of the most important parts of the economy and a key part of our environment. Agriculture is also the oldest industry in the world.

In America, each farmer feeds more than 144 people. This is a huge increase from 25 people in the 1960s. Developments in technology, better pesticides and more efficient farming means farmers grow more crops. Agricultural products fall into different groups, the main ones being foods, fibers and raw materials. In recent years, crops have been used to grow biofuels, which has created a whole new area of agriculture. Recent times have also seen a rise in the farming of drugs, especially for cocaine and heroine. Agriculture is the world’s largest employer. About 35 percent of the world's workers rely on agriculture for their living. Even though it employs a third of the world’s workers, agriculture generates less than five percent of the world’s income.
