听电影学英语-字典情人 10(在线收听

  [00:02.20]If you want a child properly educated, 如果你像一个孩子受到很好的教育
  [00:02.44]you’ve got to send them back home. 最好把他送回家
  [00:04.16]But you can’t be in two places at once. 但你又不能同时在两个地方
  [00:09.92]And I thought it was my duty... 我想我的职责就是
  [00:11.60]to stay with Henry. 很亨利在一起
  [00:12.88]Yes. 是的
  [00:16.80]But they’ve done a terrific job on her. 可是他们在她身上的工作可令人害怕
  [00:16.88]We’re delighted. 我们很快乐
  [00:18.64]She knows all sorts of things. 她知道各种事情
  [00:22.24]And it means she’s turned out very self-sufficient, very capable. 这就意味着她变得的很自信 很能干
  [00:26.12]Exactly the sort of girl one wants to marry out here, 就像那种想嫁到这里的女孩
  [00:29.80]not some flimsy little miss who’s never left England. 而不是那种从没有离开英国的小家碧玉
  [00:33.16]she’s ever so fond of you. 她相当的喜欢你
  [00:33.60]And of course... 当然
  [00:40.24]Well, she’s lovely, like you say. 是的 她很可爱 就像你说的
  [00:42.92]But I’m not sure that I... 但我还不确定我…
  [00:46.80]Love her? 爱她?
  [00:46.80]I don’t think I knew what love was when I was your age. 我想我在你这个年龄时 也不知道爱是什么
  [00:49.40]I don’t suppose you do. 我觉得你也不会知道的
  [00:50.88]Well, what is it like? 那 爱是什么?
  [00:53.64]Well, it’s, um... 啊 就是 …

  [00:59.52]it’s companionship, 爱就是友谊
  [01:01.64]fellow feeling. 同情
  [01:03.00]Now listen, 听着
  [01:04.20]you want these schools for the Iban. 你想这些给依班人的学校
  [01:08.88]Henry’ll help you. I’ll see to that. 亨利会帮你的 我负责这个事
  [01:09.44]So... 那么…
  [01:11.72]what do you say? 你认为怎样?
  [01:15.16]I’m not really sure. This is all rather sudden. 我不大确定  这太突然了
  [01:19.32]Neville’s asked her to marry him. 耐维尔向他求过婚
  [01:23.80]She’ll be gone by the time you get back from your trip 你回来时她就会走了
  [01:25.08]and you won’t see her for two years. 你会两年看不到她
  [01:37.52]I’m sorry about this afternoon. 对不起 今天下午的事
  [01:40.36]I should have stopped her sooner. 我应该阻止她的
  [01:43.76]Selima? 塞丽玛?
  [01:45.12]You had other lovers before me, didn’t you? 你在我之前有过其他情人,是吗?
  [01:47.84]Did you and they have what we have? 你们有没有做我们我们做的事?
  [01:50.60]Yes. 是的
  [01:52.60]They were men like you. 他们是像你一样的男人
  [01:56.96]But... 可是
  [01:58.44]I thought we had something special. 我觉得我们有些东西不一样
  [02:00.24]No, we fuck, that’s all. 不 我们只是性交 仅此而已
  [02:05.52]You’re angry? You’re not telling the truth. 你生气了? 你没讲实话
  [02:07.24]I’m angry, that’s why I’m telling the truth. 我生气了 我才讲实话
  [02:10.72]Half my blood is English. 我有一半的血是英国人的
  [02:12.48]That is more than your king and queen, 比你们的国王和王后还多

  [02:13.68]but for you, that is not good enough. 但对你 这还不够
  [02:16.20]So Iban I’ll be. 所以我还是依班人
  [02:17.24]Rule me if you must, but nothing else. 命令我好了 如果你必须的话 但没有别的了
  [02:25.32]Go ahead. Do your sex. 继续  做你的性事
  [02:30.40]Don’t mind me. 不要在意我
  [02:32.88]"Hands higher. "把手举高
  [02:34.36]That’s it. 就这样
  [02:36.92]Perfect." 很好"
  [03:18.32]"Dear Cecil, "亲爱的赛希尔
  [03:19.60]Everything is going very well. 事情进展很顺利
  [03:21.80]We’ve reached the edge of Yakata country. 我们已到达雅卡塔地区的边界
  [03:23.88]Belansai calls them ’the invisible people.’ 贝莱塞叫他们"隐形人"
  [03:27.04]And even the Iban admit 甚至依班人都承认
  [03:28.80]they can blend into the jungle like no one else. 他们可以隐藏进丛林 就像没有人一样
  [03:33.60]They’re fierce warriors, 他们是凶猛的战士
  [03:34.80]but they live as one big family. 但他们却过着群居的生活
  [03:36.80]Sharing is so much a part of their way of life 分享是他们生活方式的很大一部分
  [03:38.36]that they have no word for ’thank you.’ 他们甚至不用说"谢谢"
  [03:43.44]I look forward to seeing you when I finally come home on leave. 我真想休假时见到你
  [03:45.84]I’ll finish this letter later." 我要结束这封信了"
